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Posted by Lupin on 04.10.2007, 10:13 AM:

favourite ghibli film?

i know this probably isnt a new post but id like to know

what is your favourite studio ghibli filmgive reasons)

if u cant say your fav (like me) put a few!

for me it has to be spirited away!!! this is because it was the first one i saw, it reduces me to tears and Chihiro is just like me (except im a boy tehe) also i watched it when i was ten!!!

Posted by BehindTheMask on 04.10.2007, 08:22 PM:


It is too difficult to choose a single favorite Ghibli film! Princess Mononoke was the first one I saw, so I will always love that one. The music, scenery, and story are fantastic. Castle in the Sky and Spirited Away are also good. Again, good scenery and music. I really like how the idea of Laputa is taken from Gulliver's Travels, which is a very entertaining novel. Kiki's Delivery Service is also high on my list. It puts me in a mood to clean and help out with chores and such. Weird, I know. I like the music in Howl's Moving Castle. I always pop in The Cat Returns when I am in a good mood, and Whisper of the Heart inspires me to write.

Overall, though, I want to say that Princess Mononoke, Castle in the Sky, Spirited Away, and Kiki's Delivery Service are some of my very favorites. But I love all Ghibli films. There can be no absolute, number one favorite.

"Like one who, on a lonely road,
Doth walk in fear and dread,
And, having once turned round, walks on,
And turns no more his head;
Because he knows a frightful fiend
Doth close behind him tread."

- Frankenstein

Posted by Lupin on 04.11.2007, 04:49 AM:


i agree

Posted by shal_nice on 04.16.2007, 02:12 AM:


hi everyone, nice to find this ghibli community.
i just join the forum few minutes ago and i've already felt wanna post something..haha

the first film i watched was the cat returns, it was good and i subsequently fallen in love with the ending music by ayano tsuji..kaze ni naru (after that i became tsuji's fan too = )

but i like tonari no totoro best....coz the film setting took place in a fantastic village (remind me of my childhood village )..haha

i think that film hit me so much that i plan to marry an archaelogist...ermm so far. LOL.

Posted by tamasaburo on 04.16.2007, 08:16 AM:


sounds great welcome tothe site shal nice hope you enjoy your time here i do there are so many nice people that i can talk to.


Posted by arren18 on 04.16.2007, 01:29 PM:


Well, the first I saw was Spirited Away, so I still like it, and then I saw Princess Mononoke and Grave Of The Fireflies which I thought were brilliant. More recently, I saw Whisper Of The Heart which beats all of the others I've seen.


Posted by OnYourMark on 04.17.2007, 12:09 AM:


I'd say Princess Mononoke. The story, art, and music are all great.

"Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!" -Patrick Henry, March 23, 1775.

Posted by meiko on 04.19.2007, 07:19 AM:


Hello everybody,

after seeing all of the ghibli films, it's kind of hard to tell someone about my favourite movie.

But if I'm forced, then I'd say: Totoro !!!

Really don't know why. It is neither the first ghibli picture I saw, nor the most dramatically picture. This special movie just touches my heart like almost no other picture in the world. Perhaps it's because it is appealing to the child in me?

As I sayd before, I really don't know. But we don't need to find an explanation in every single thought, do we?

Posted by arren18 on 04.19.2007, 12:02 PM:


"Really don't know why" you say. There's no reason not to like Totoro. It's one of my favourites as well, because it's so innocent. It's almost better when you're not a child, because you can relate to it rather than just thinking it's cute. Which is absolutely is.


Posted by Miyaka on 04.22.2007, 10:34 AM:


I have three favorit Ghibli Films, Just cannot make up my mind.

Howls moving Castle is great with the story, music and art.

Spirited away is also great for the same reasons.

I just saw Whisper of the heart and love it too, it is so me all the way! and gee I even sang that same song and changed the words to fit with the group of us that sang it at a talent show. Sadly I didn't meet a boy that liked me back, but he did change my lifes dreams.

Posted by Theowne on 04.22.2007, 05:46 PM:


My two favorites are Princess Mononoke and Whisper of the Heart. "Mononoke" is large, spirited, legendary with such powerful storytelling, characters, music, and with such an intimate sense of morality. On the other hand, Whisper is personal, friendly, and warm. Two opposites, my favourite of the bunch.

But really, I like all of them pretty much equally.

Posted by Ray15 on 04.22.2007, 05:51 PM:


My two favorites are Princess Mononoke and spirited away

Thanks for the Sig #1 Sanfan

Posted by Chihiro_spirit on 04.22.2007, 07:02 PM:


my favorites are princess mononoke for story, art and music
kiki's delivery scervice for characters, story and music, and art.
my neighbor totoro for characters, art, and innocence!
and porco rosso for characters, story, music and humor!!
i like all the others too!!!! but these are the first ones that came to mind. oh, and like shal_nice said about the cat returns, i love the ending theme and i like anne hathaway in the english version. i haven't gotten around to seeing whisper of the heart of grave of the fireflies yet, though, but i hope to soon!!

Posted by Tsuko on 04.29.2007, 03:27 PM:

Favourite Ghibli

My all-time favourite Ghibli is without any doubt Mimi Wo Sumaseba(Whisper of the Heart).
The soundtrack is nice, especially Country Road. It's just a sweet story about life. The Japanese voices are great. Background and characters are done wonderfully. Nothing bad to say about it, only good.

Posted by Moroko on 04.29.2007, 05:28 PM:


I loved Whisper of the Heart, too.
(I had their Japanese version of Country Road
stuck in my head for days.)
But my favorite will always be Spirited Away.
The development of Chihiro's charater is so
real and beautiful. Plus, the story is so bizzar
you can't help but wish it could happen to you.


Once you accept that all the matter in the universe can be compressed to the size of a push pin, it isn't hard to wear stripes with plad.
Albert Einstine

A distraction

Posted by meiko on 06.06.2007, 10:52 AM:


oh, a late reply to this topic. how could i ever forget "grave of the fireflies"?

the first time i saw it, it was indescribably. i burst into tears and could find no sleep all the night. since then, this movie just don't let me go and will stay with my heart for a long, long time. forever?

i've seen almost all ghibli pictures with my 7 year old son - except "grave of the fireflies". i don't know if or how he could handle this.

has anyone experiences about seeing "fireflies" with younger children?

thanks to all of you!

love - meiko.

Posted by Omis on 06.07.2007, 06:42 AM:


Mine would have to be Only Yesterday. I only saw it a yea ago but I can say for certain my DVD player has been doing over time with that film!

The intro music is just beautiful. I really need to get round to buying a Ghibli soundtrack album or something. The animation of the characters expressions is another reason for it being my fave.

Rainy days! ...Cloudy days, or sunny days...which do you like?

Posted by jools on 06.07.2007, 06:57 AM:


I can't choose an immediate favourite but I do adore Nausicca and Laputa, the music is beautiful and the storylines themselves are too amazing for words.

Posted by Saddletank on 06.07.2007, 07:06 AM:


Whisper (of course)

closely followed by Only Yesterday and (surprisingly) Ocean Waves.

I'm just a sucker for love stories.

After those top three a few others swap about in the next position but currently Castle in the Sky and Porco Rosso come next, probably in that order.

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by Cherry on 06.17.2007, 09:44 PM:


i will go fer the guy who made this thread >.>



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