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Posted by Lupin on 04.12.2007, 11:03 AM:


spirited away IS my fav film of all time!!! (i got it in 2003 on its release in the UK and hav seen it at least 25-30 times)

however there is one question that i need answering as i dnt understand why it happens.


(spoilers start here)

when Chihiro and her parents enter the big building, at the begining of the film, that runs through to the other world; the big building of which they pass throught is RED - however when they leave through the big building, at the end of the film, back to the human world; the big building is all stone (even though on the otheside it is still red, but faded) and covered in moss and their car is filled with leaves!!!

(spoilers end here)

can anyone explain this!!!!???? (the only explaination i can think of is that she has been in the other world a lot longer than she thought so part of the building would be all old etc. but that still dosent explain why her car is full of leaves)


Posted by Haru on 04.12.2007, 11:18 AM:


(the only explaination i can think of is that she has been in the other world a lot longer than she thought so part of the building would be all old etc. but that still dosent explain why her car is full of leaves)


Your explanation sounds correct to me. I think time must move differently in the spirit world than in the real world, thus what seemed like only a couple of days to Chihiro was really months or years in the real world.

Imagine if a car gets left in a forest/under trees for a month or so, it will have leaves, dust, and other debris on it.


Posted by tamasaburo on 04.12.2007, 11:36 AM:


yeah i agree with the same defination as that i believe that our world is very different to spirit world.


Posted by Lupin on 04.12.2007, 01:45 PM:


yh but how r the leavse meant to get in the car?

Posted by Student Cartoonist on 04.12.2007, 03:54 PM:


I beleave it's a diffirent time frame in the spirt world
what be a few weeks in the spirt world is 3 or 4 years
in real time of the human world.


My inspiration of my work

Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 04.12.2007, 04:21 PM:


He he he..I'd like to find that world and see. This gives me a good idea..*yes, YES*
I think SC is right, too.

Posted by Student Cartoonist on 04.12.2007, 04:29 PM:


I think I'm right about time diffirences of 2 worlds


My inspiration of my work

Posted by Saddletank on 04.12.2007, 06:18 PM:


The car's windows were left open, so the leaves blew in. In woodland it does not take long for leaves and 'dust' to settle. 'Dust' I take to be a misleading word. We think of household dust which may take time to accumulate (but still only a couple of days), but if by 'dust' Chihiro's father means just small debris, bits of leaves, twigs, insects etc this could fall all in one day.

There actually need not have been any time at all passing in the real world - a day or so would be enough. However we just don't know, the movie doesn't tell us and anyway it's not important: by inference we thus learn that what happens inside the spirit world is what's important.

When the family arrived the building was 'wearing' a different exterior so as to entice them in, it was already part of the spirit world. They saw a spirit world exterior. When they left it was wearing it's ordinary real-world exterior.

Notice how the two walks through the tunnel are almost identical - how Chihiro holds her mothers arm, the way she behaves and what she says. This is a symbolic mirror image of entering and leaving the sprit world.

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"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by Marq on 04.12.2007, 06:48 PM:


I agree... that the "...walks through the tunnel are almost identical" and i agree that it could be a time differents between the spirit world and the real world or that the time is equal because the "...spirit world exterior" deceives there eyes!

Its like "Alice in Wonderland", but in that case its a dream!

Posted by Roarkiller on 04.12.2007, 11:27 PM:


I don't agree with that. To me, the fact that they used the (almost)exact same scene for the exiting is to show how, to the family, it seems like nothing had happened; basically, they came in, blank blank blank, they came out.

That was the feeling I had when I was watching that scene. It's like a deja vu feeling, where I felt like I was thrown back into the beginning of the movie, and it was only a while later that the thought of them reusing the scene occurred to me (and to me, it was one of the most powerful scenes in the movie).

After all, you have to remember that the whole family doesn't remember what happened, and what better way to reset their memories than when they first entered the world itself.

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Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by Saddletank on 04.13.2007, 05:29 PM:


Yep, that works for me. Its what I said actually...

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

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