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Posted by Torlove89 on 12.10.2010, 04:09 AM:

  Ghibli tattoos?

Does anyone here have any tattoos based off of ghibki movies? I DO

Posted by colda on 12.10.2010, 12:50 PM:



I don't have any tattoos myself.

Posted by husky51 on 12.11.2010, 09:04 PM:


Totoro face on my right arm and a Kodama on my left... I think there is a pic in the post a pic of yourself' thread, but I can't seem to locate it...

If nothing wlse, I'll repost them...

When my son was tattooing Totoro's name, I was reading a book and didn't notice until it was too late that he had written it upsidedown... sigh.


Posted by Torlove89 on 12.11.2010, 11:20 PM:


Thats so funny! I keep trying to post my picture but I don't know how.

thats me showing it off on youtube

Posted by husky51 on 12.12.2010, 11:47 AM:


take a photo, download to computer, open a Photobucket account and download it there.
then click IMG under your photo and post it in here...

It's what i do...


Posted by miyazki_eternal on 12.13.2010, 04:19 AM:


aww husky those pictures are awesome! haha

ghibli tatoos. never gave it thought. i dont even have tatoo's!! great idea though. how meaningful it would be to have a ghibli character on your skin hehehe

Posted by miyazki_eternal on 12.13.2010, 04:21 AM:


Originally posted by Torlove89
Thats so funny! I keep trying to post my picture but I don't know how.

thats me showing it off on youtube


the lighting was bad though D:

Posted by husky51 on 12.13.2010, 12:15 PM:


Originally posted by miyazki_eternal
aww husky those pictures are awesome! haha

ghibli tatoos. never gave it thought. i dont even have tatoo's!! great idea though. how meaningful it would be to have a ghibli character on your skin hehehe


it is amazing how many times someone in a public place has seen and recognized them... Nice conversation starters... Whenever that happens, I always mention the Tavern...


Posted by tiki on 01.09.2011, 04:04 PM:


i'm thinking of one. I'm so mad on Ghibli and have tattoos already. I like the kodama one there thats cool. I was thinking of that myself

Posted by boycecat on 04.05.2012, 08:29 AM:



This is my first post on here. I have recently had some Ghibli Tattoos done on my arm (i already had one of Jiji)
I am looking to get my whole arm done eventually with Ghibli creatures. I am looking for good pictures to use. I will upload a picture of my tattoos so far when i am home from work.

Posted by Mokiepoet on 04.05.2012, 10:01 AM:

  I was thinking of starting this thread! Glad someone did!!

I only have 4 tattoos. A hand sized 3 leaf clover on my shoulder- my daughters (they were born in March) all signed each leaf and they were tattooed in, a large cherry blossom branch on my right calf, a smiling sun and moon on my back w/ some filigree around them (my 1st 1) and my favorite so far the original Betty Boop and Pudgy straight from the 1939 cartoon titled Musical Mountaineers. I have a large one draw up though and I just haven't had it inked yet. My artistic daughters drew it for me. It will have a large faded oval type outline as if it were in a oval picture frame and incorporate some of favorite things...Black Sabbath song "Faries Wear Boots" if you know the song then you'll know what I'm talking about-the fairy in boots looks like Sofie from Howls Moving Castle and she is dancing with Kermit the frog (Iā™„muppets), there is a weeping willow in the background and a toadstool that looks like the one from the 1980's movie Troll. I can't wait till I actually get it done! My mom does tattoos, my dad is just covered in them. He was her guinea pig, so he has some crappy ones from her early days and some beauties too. LOL The best ones are on his forearms- an eagle w/ the American flag in the background and big scorpion w/ the Earth on it's body-I think it was from Heavy Metal Mag?
Anywhos- I like tattoos...

"We're all born with selfish desires, so we can all relate to those feelings in others. But kindness is something made individually by each it's easy to misunderstand when others are trying to be kind to you." Natsuki

Posted by boycecat on 04.05.2012, 11:24 AM:


I cant seem to post a file with out some sort of photo holding website account.

Posted by husky51 on 04.05.2012, 12:23 PM:


I use photobucket, pretty happy with them...
My oldest son did mine. he used to do it on the side until people would get him to draw up the designs, spending quite a bit of time on them and then change their minds... I'm trying to get him to do a 'Sumomo' from the Chobits anime... Doesn't help that we live in different cities now...


Posted by Mokiepoet on 04.05.2012, 06:14 PM:


yeah, it may seem wierd, but mom does it as a hobby. My brother is covered in them too! He has a Japanese Girl holding a fan, sitting on a round bell thats really pretty, but he got in a bit trouble at work (Army) because her dress is really short and his t-shirt sleeve doesn't come down far enough to cover her up. I think it's very tasteful, but to each thier own.

@Husky, is that a real snake on the floor in your 2nd pic?

"We're all born with selfish desires, so we can all relate to those feelings in others. But kindness is something made individually by each it's easy to misunderstand when others are trying to be kind to you." Natsuki

Posted by husky51 on 04.06.2012, 06:10 AM:


hahaha, in that particular case, no, but I have had them in my house before... thankfully it was only a Gophersnake...

You want to see pics of me with snakes, check out p.80 in the photo thread...


Posted by captain george on 04.10.2012, 08:40 PM:


Do ye get many snakes where you are husky?

Posted by husky51 on 04.11.2012, 02:57 AM:


I killed a rattler about a block from my house and I live near the foothills of a mountain which is a natural habitat for them. Before I picked up the snake from inside my house, I looked very carefully to be sure that it wasn't a rattler. I am quite familar with snakes in general and have caught and eaten them over the years... I only ate the ratlers, the others I generally released after playing with them for awhile, sometimes being bitten in the process.


Posted by husky51 on 04.11.2012, 02:59 AM:


OOps, doubled by mistake...


Posted by captain george on 04.11.2012, 08:05 PM:


Originally posted by husky51
I killed a rattler about a block from my house and I live near the foothills of a mountain which is a natural habitat for them. Before I picked up the snake from inside my house, I looked very carefully to be sure that it wasn't a rattler. I am quite familar with snakes in general and have caught and eaten them over the years... I only ate the ratlers, the others I generally released after playing with them for awhile, sometimes being bitten in the process.

Whoah, i'm lucky if i see a spider every now and then.... You sound like Bear Grylls, eating snakes and playing with them

Posted by on 04.11.2012, 10:23 PM:


I would love to get a Studio Ghibli tattoo. I would get the Studio Ghibli logo on my arm like this:

There's just one problem: I have a low tolerance for pain. I'm just too scared. I would get piercing any day. I have some already. A tattoo would hurt way more, though. Unless you pierce your eyelids or something....

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