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Posted by saviour2012 on 01.09.2014, 11:15 AM:

  Will "The Wind Rises" get an oscar nomination

Now most of the animation fans are saying that it will be tough competition between "Frozen" and "The Wind Rises" although the nominations have not been announced.

Do you think "The Wind Rises" will get a nomination. it was nominated for best foreign film in golden globe. So in Oscar it has two suitable departments 1.animation 2.foreign

People are largely praising Frozen even today my newspaper reviewed it and said it within top 3 of Disney.

Is there anyone here who has seen both of the movies. and put a light on the topic.

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its a uniquely Miyazaki film, one only he could make and its uniqueness places it beyond being easily critiqued.[About Porco Rosso]
taken from a quote of Saddletank and Orphic Okapi

Posted by carly28 on 01.09.2014, 05:52 PM:


I have seen neither unfortunatly as the wind rises not yet released in the uk. I have been told frozen is amazing tho.

but I have to as i have read its miyazakis final feature. Does this mean an end to ghibli films or will his son carry it on?

I maybe wrong with the son part if I am sorry lol. Thought I read somewhere he would be?

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Posted by saviour2012 on 01.10.2014, 04:42 AM:


Originally posted by carly28
I have seen neither unfortunatly as the wind rises not yet released in the uk. I have been told frozen is amazing tho.

but I have to as i have read its miyazakis final feature. Does this mean an end to ghibli films or will his son carry it on?

I maybe wrong with the son part if I am sorry lol. Thought I read somewhere he would be?

Studio Ghibli is a major player in Anime world. It probably wont stop after the retirement of miyazaki. Poppy Hill and Borrowers did good business. But it probably wont attract attention very much unless it does something really amazing.

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its a uniquely Miyazaki film, one only he could make and its uniqueness places it beyond being easily critiqued.[About Porco Rosso]
taken from a quote of Saddletank and Orphic Okapi

Posted by Roarkiller on 01.10.2014, 05:25 AM:


Originally posted by saviour2012
But it probably wont attract attention very much unless it does something really amazing.

I agree.

Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke were exceptional because it came at a time when the industry was starting to boom overseas, and indeed were among Miyazaki's best works. Kaze Tachinu, unfortunately, isn't a fantasy work, so if Studio Ghibli wants to win an Oscar (they don't, actually, no ambition at all) they need an original fantasy story on par with Spirited Away at least.

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Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by saviour2012 on 01.10.2014, 11:46 AM:


But that will just mean that animation is only for kids.

I agree with it that real story is a must for winning an oscar.

But i always thought animation to be a medium.

The oscar judges needs to think like it too.

Such a toy story 3 was nominated as best picture, i think the wind rises could be judged like that too.

One thing is for sure. Today a lot of films are within our reach, any language any time as long as it is digitized. And its going to increase only. So a new standard of judging films must be announced. cause Oscar is becoming old to judge all kind of films. And it does not judges all films equally. Thats a shame. There are many films that is exceptionally better than many oscar winners. So either Oscar committee accepts this condition or just fade out as soon as a new international committee rises. This is specially because of the rising films sectors in asia and europe.

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its a uniquely Miyazaki film, one only he could make and its uniqueness places it beyond being easily critiqued.[About Porco Rosso]
taken from a quote of Saddletank and Orphic Okapi

Posted by Theowne on 01.10.2014, 11:51 AM:


Saviour, I don't think that the entire world considers the Oscars to be the end-all judge of filmmaking. It is a Hollywood-centric awards ceremony that caters to that particular film culture. For a variety of reasons, Spirited Away was able to find an place there for a moment in time, but I wouldn't expect it to last. In some ways, the Hollywood appreciation of Miyazaki was almost a fad.

Personally, I'm not all that concerned about how the Oscar committee will view "The Wind Rises".

Posted by leonbloy on 01.10.2014, 12:43 PM:


Just to think that Ponyo didn't even get a nomination - and they included instead "The Princess and the Frog"... Come on.

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Posted by Saddletank on 01.10.2014, 01:16 PM:


Following on what Theowne says I would pay more attention to films that receive acclaim and awards at smaller more critical art festivals such as the annual Venice festival. I have seen some stunning anime that have been praised after being shown there.

I personally pay no attention to what and who gets an Oscar. I'm sure I'm not alone in this.

The American audience is a big market of course and it helps the bank balance of any studio to become popular in America but Americans can be somewhat insular and xenophobic about their own animation industry. I've had the misfortune to come across a few really unpleasant people who are extremely anti-Japanese and anti-anime who think its taking over American TV screens where Disney, Pixar et al should be the only ones to have success.

The Japanese anime industry too, seems sometimes to not especially relish western recognition and distribution. Even now 10 and 15 years after anime broke out and became widely known in the west, you come across films and series that are packed full of inwards-looking Japanese cultural, mythological, spiritual and language/pun references. Its clear that the anime industry aims all its products at the home market. Any success in the west seems incidental to them, a pleasant surprise but nothing more. I find this approach extremely refreshing and long may it continue. I would hate to see an anime series episode full of Simpsons or Pixar references, it would feel awkward and out of place.

The beauty and appeal of much of what anime has to say to me is because of its cultural peculiarity.

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Posted by Koda on 01.14.2014, 05:06 PM:


I have seen Frozen, it was a good film. Though loads of people are saying it's one of the best films ever. I wouldn't go near that statement.

Of course The Wind Rises won't win, The Oscars is mainstream, Studio Ghibli isn't.

I am afraid Disney will always win, it's Mainstream. Studio Ghibli simply don't work hard enough or care too much about getting big outside of Japan.

Disney, is not what it used to be whether people can accept it or not, Walt Disney's company and legacy has lived on but I wouldn't say his passion has.

I hope this doesn't happen with Studio Ghibli.

I haven't seen the film, I want to but will wait for a film release or Blu Ray re lease. It would be awesome if it did win though.

"A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge

Posted by saviour2012 on 01.16.2014, 01:39 PM:


So "The Wind Rises" gets the Best Animated Feature nomination.

As i think now the fight is between "The wind rises" and "Frozen".

nominee list

"The Croods"
"Despicable Me 2"
"Ernest & Celestine"
"The Wind Rises"

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its a uniquely Miyazaki film, one only he could make and its uniqueness places it beyond being easily critiqued.[About Porco Rosso]
taken from a quote of Saddletank and Orphic Okapi

Posted by Saddletank on 01.16.2014, 02:18 PM:


Originally posted by SpideyIncarnated
I have seen Frozen, it was a good film. Though loads of people are saying it's one of the best films ever. I wouldn't go near that statement.

Of course The Wind Rises won't win, The Oscars is mainstream, Studio Ghibli isn't.

I am afraid Disney will always win, it's Mainstream. Studio Ghibli simply don't work hard enough or care too much about getting big outside of Japan.

Disney, is not what it used to be whether people can accept it or not, Walt Disney's company and legacy has lived on but I wouldn't say his passion has.

I hope this doesn't happen with Studio Ghibli.

I haven't seen the film, I want to but will wait for a film release or Blu Ray re lease. It would be awesome if it did win though.

Spirited Away won an Oscar, beating... mm... Mulan? I think it was?

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"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by leonbloy on 01.16.2014, 02:23 PM:


It won against "Lilo & Stitch" (a good movie IMO). Also

Hernán (Argentina)
My Ghibli guitar covers with tabs -My Ghibli page

Posted by saviour2012 on 01.16.2014, 03:01 PM:


Frozen is an exceptionally tough competitor

i think there is hardly any chance

Frozen is winning everywhere.

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its a uniquely Miyazaki film, one only he could make and its uniqueness places it beyond being easily critiqued.[About Porco Rosso]
taken from a quote of Saddletank and Orphic Okapi

Posted by Orphic Okapi on 01.16.2014, 05:31 PM:


I'd be happy to see either Frozen or The Wind Rises take the Oscar. The Wind Rises is a more sophisticated and artistic film, but Frozen is great for what it is, and the animation is astonishingly good.

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Posted by Koda on 01.16.2014, 06:00 PM:


Originally posted by Saddletank
Originally posted by SpideyIncarnated
I have seen Frozen, it was a good film. Though loads of people are saying it's one of the best films ever. I wouldn't go near that statement.

Of course The Wind Rises won't win, The Oscars is mainstream, Studio Ghibli isn't.

I am afraid Disney will always win, it's Mainstream. Studio Ghibli simply don't work hard enough or care too much about getting big outside of Japan.

Disney, is not what it used to be whether people can accept it or not, Walt Disney's company and legacy has lived on but I wouldn't say his passion has.

I hope this doesn't happen with Studio Ghibli.

I haven't seen the film, I want to but will wait for a film release or Blu Ray re lease. It would be awesome if it did win though.

Spirited Away won an Oscar, beating... mm... Mulan? I think it was?

Yes and that is dubbed as "Studio Ghibli's best". So how would a film inferior to Spirited Away win ?.

Also Lilo & Stich is more well known, so winning isn't everything.

I'd love for us to win. I'm going to say us, because it's cooler. We are fighting Disney !!

"A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge

Posted by arren18 on 01.17.2014, 03:44 AM:


The thing is, the Oscars always has a big influence on movie-goers. Often something will win an Oscar before it even has an international release, but then it means that when it does come out in other countries, people will want to go and see it. It's a shame that the Oscars tend to be so conservative in their selections, because I think they have great potential for drawing attention to cinema that the general public would otherwise have overlooked.

I agree that it's definitely between Frozen and Kaze Tachinu. Since the alternatives are a standard kids' CG movie, an animated sequel, and something else (though maybe Ernest & Celestine is very good, but I've just never heard of it), it will surely be either the Disney film or the artistic foreign one. Probably Disney.


Posted by saviour2012 on 01.17.2014, 04:35 AM:


I cant believe Hayao Miyazaki said this

I think it is such an honor for my retirement movie, ‘The Wind Rises’ to be nominated for the Oscars’ Best Animated Feature Film. Just to be valued overseas is a huge honor for the entire staff who worked in the anime. From the very bottom of my heart, I thank the Academy for the nomination as well as everybody who helped make the film a success.It would be a pleasure for me if many people in America would get to see the movie.

really i am amazed that he is doing advertisement.

Watch everything but only take the good things from it

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its a uniquely Miyazaki film, one only he could make and its uniqueness places it beyond being easily critiqued.[About Porco Rosso]
taken from a quote of Saddletank and Orphic Okapi

Posted by Theowne on 01.17.2014, 10:10 AM:


Just to be clear, that was an official statement in response to the nomination, which is pretty standard practice.

Posted by saviour2012 on 01.17.2014, 11:54 AM:


Originally posted by Theowne
Just to be clear, that was an official statement in response to the nomination, which is pretty standard practice.

i know but still miyazaki rarely even responses to these things, its a indication ghibli's intention to go global(almost in a sense).

Watch everything but only take the good things from it

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its a uniquely Miyazaki film, one only he could make and its uniqueness places it beyond being easily critiqued.[About Porco Rosso]
taken from a quote of Saddletank and Orphic Okapi

Posted by Saddletank on 01.17.2014, 02:22 PM:


Its not an indication of anything, nor as Theowne said, is it advertising. Every single nominated person will have issued a very similar statement. Its just the Hollywood machine at work, patting itself on the back.

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"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

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