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Posted by micg huz on 05.09.2006, 05:36 PM:

my totoros

supposed to be working but have spent the day drawing totoros for you guys.
what do you think. im inexperienced - perhaps with the right tutalige i could be the next great of ghibl, lol, lol, lol.

I hope you can see them iv never uploaded any images before - i used image shack which mpw3d pointed me to in order to upload the beuatifull signature he made that you see below.

hope you enjoy them (if their visible!!!!)

peace.[IMG]" border=0>
[/IMG] [IMG]" border=0>
[/IMG] [IMG]" border=0>

laputa is a
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Posted by micg huz on 05.09.2006, 05:44 PM:


oops i did one twice

[IMG]" border=0>[/IMG]

i like him best.

laputa is a
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Posted by Roarkiller on 05.09.2006, 09:22 PM:


For a moment there I thought Mei was a bug. It's the eyes.

Not bad, although that last one has a curvature problem down the left side. You right-handed, I suppose?

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by Ravus on 05.09.2006, 11:18 PM:


hey they are arnt bad

Posted by UO on 05.10.2006, 01:52 AM:

i wonder how a fully-grown totoro can balance itself on a tree branch

Posted by Haru on 05.10.2006, 02:04 AM:


They're all very good. You really seem to put your own touch on Totoro (as opposed to just copying an image). Great use of shading too.


Posted by Roarkiller on 05.10.2006, 02:49 AM:


Originally posted by UO
i wonder how a fully-grown totoro can balance itself on a tree branch

The same way it balances itself on a top, of course.

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by shiawase on 05.10.2006, 03:13 AM:


Wow, I certainly enjoyed the film and sure do enjoy your artwork too.


~Akarui Tsubasa~

I will save myself from the world I created.

Posted by Tresi on 05.11.2006, 02:19 PM:


I really like them.

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Signature made by mpw3d

Posted by micg huz on 05.12.2006, 06:52 AM:


hee hee glad you guys like them. yeh to roarkiller right handed i am - and symmatery is definatly a problam. i tried drawing stuff from nausica yesterday - man that was too hard, but il keep trying.

laputa is a
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Posted by SpiritedSen on 05.13.2006, 08:35 PM:


Cool pics dude! I like to think of myself as a pretty good copyist, and I've always found that characters that are animals are sooo much easier to draw than people! I bet you could do a mean No Face!! Robots are pretty easy, you could do the awesome ones in Laputa, they are so cool 8]. ROBOTS RULE!!


Posted by micg huz on 05.14.2006, 02:07 PM:


yep yep i found that too - animals (and beasts) are much much easier to draw. though iv been trying people allot the last couple of days (id never really drawn before about a week ago - exams = procrasination!) im trying to copy cowboy beebop comics and mangizing my house mates.
good suggestions to - il try a no face and i love the robots in laputa.

laputa is a
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Posted by SpiritedSen on 05.14.2006, 07:07 PM:


If you could learn how to manga-ize real people, that'd be sooo sweet...I mean, you could properly charge people to draw their portraits in anime stylee...I'd shell out for that deffo!


Posted by Phyrra on 05.15.2006, 01:42 PM:


They're fantasic! Just out of interest, how long did it take for you to do each one on average?

My favourite is the last one on your first post. In particular I like how you've captured the moment, like a Haiku in picture form. The texture's realistic too; I can almost reach out and feel the soft, fluffy fur...

Congratulations! They're super!


Thanks to mpw3d who made ths amazing sig! The avatar was made by Sarah, from

Posted by SpiritedSen on 05.21.2006, 09:52 AM:


Phyrra's right, that last drawing really does look fluffy (how on earth did u do it?) You must have a really good eye, I can never draw textures! That last one reminded me a bit of this pic...I guess that's quite a compliment micg!!

[IMG]" border=0>[/IMG]


Posted by mpw3d on 05.21.2006, 10:20 AM:

Ooooooooooooh ur really good at drawing nice totoros wish i couls draw him (but then again never really tried lol). ur much better at doodlin them me


Posted by micg huz on 05.21.2006, 10:33 AM:


well he wasnt to hard to be honest - the only chalenge is the proportions and the symatry.
im getting better at drawing people though, and when i get the copy of nausicaa manga i ordered il try and make a homage peice to that and if im not way embaresed of it il post it up - itle be awhile though - six to eight friggin' weeks i have to wait for postage.
and to be honest i just copied as best i could the texture of the original - cool pic too sen .

laputa is a
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Posted by anumalik on 06.05.2006, 11:15 PM:

  you are an artist!

You did a really fine job in your art, very nice, not out of proportion but has character in it. Very good, keep up the good work because you have talent.


...when I look at him
I can see a boy hidden in the depth of his piercing blue eyes,
a boy who is longing his freedom......

Posted by lindseybermudez on 06.07.2006, 11:55 AM:


wow your drawings are amazing!! totoro brings back such good memories!!

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