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Posted by Nausicaa_Cat on 10.08.2006, 09:01 AM:

Best non-main charachter in ghibli

In loads of the films they'res great lil side people. Like the scarecrow-prince in Howl and Teto in Nausicaa but the best i think has to be (Soz this is more than one) The group of my pirates in Laputa because they're just so funny, though it is a tad weird the way they're all in love with Sheeta when they look like they're 40 and she looks like shes 12..... hmm pervy pirates.... Makes me lov em even more!

Posted by I-B4-E THUG on 10.08.2006, 09:05 AM:


Jiji, cuz hes funny

Posted by Loscil on 10.08.2006, 10:46 AM:


i really like the chu and Sho totoros.. so cute!!
Also, Teto, Moro, Curtis, jigen and Goemon (although they are Pre-Ghibli!!)

Posted by Miyrru on 10.08.2006, 11:19 AM:


would picolo in Porco be a side character or more of a main character? im leaning towards minor but thats just me.


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The truth had to be seen. Anything else was a story, entertaining but more embroidered fib then crude, shapeless fact. ~Dave Eggers

Posted by Loscil on 10.08.2006, 11:21 AM:


i would say hes minor - definitely!!
The main characters are porco, Gina and maybe Curtis.. (maybe)

Posted by Konan on 10.08.2006, 02:56 PM:


Originally posted by JRR
The main characters are porco, Gina and maybe Curtis.. (maybe)

Fio, too....(well, she's my favorite ).

“Miyazaki is the greatest living animator… His frames are brilliantly, sunnily ‘lit’, with exhilarating shifting perspectives and cinematic movement, and a drawing style that is as detailed and dense as Brueghel.” — Philip Lopate, Film Comment
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Posted by Miyrru on 10.08.2006, 03:03 PM:


yeahi agree fio is great, picolo is really funny, great film altogether, but i think fio may count more of a main character than a minor character.


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The truth had to be seen. Anything else was a story, entertaining but more embroidered fib then crude, shapeless fact. ~Dave Eggers

Posted by Saddletank on 10.08.2006, 03:15 PM:


Fio is quite a "main" minor character if you get my meaning, but one of the stronger ones. Gina too is a very interesting character - you could write a whole book about Gina.

A couple of minor Mononoke characters:

Toki is an interesting character, a very strong willed woman, resourceful yet loving.

Jiko Bou has me puzzled. Clever, wily and able to decieve, he's patently an 'evil' character all through the story but at the end he seems to finally understand what he has done wrong and gives up the head of the god to Ashitaka. I think even this out and out bad guy learns something from his experience. I love his bartering scene at the beginning with the rice and the gold nugget.

From Whisper of the Heart I really like Sugimura the typical boy who doesn't talk 'girl code' and misses the cues about who is in love with who. His emotions really go through the wringer but he gets his girl in the end, bless 'im.

Mr Nishi is wonderful but is too "main" a character really as he working behind the scenes to bring the two young people together.

But my favourite is Kaonashi from Spirited Away. I just love the way he's like an innocent child, lonely at first then just copying others or doing whatever seems to make others happy without thinking of the consequences. I'd like to know more about his backstory.

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by Freyarule on 10.08.2006, 03:49 PM:


I love Jiji and Calcifer, and Piccolo makes me laugh XD Teto is awesome and...well...I love them all!!!!!


1st sig made my mpw3d! Yayness!

2nd sig made by Snakebite! Whootness!

3rd sig made by #1sanfan! Squeeness!

4th and 5th sig and text below made by moi

Posted by Miyrru on 10.08.2006, 04:02 PM:


cant believe i forgot about calcifer, he was right cool, adn teto was awesome indeed, sorry for spamming,


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The truth had to be seen. Anything else was a story, entertaining but more embroidered fib then crude, shapeless fact. ~Dave Eggers

Posted by Saddletank on 10.08.2006, 04:35 PM:


#1sanfan, you changed your avatar. Now I've got to work out who you are all over again

Piccolo - yes, a very funny guy - he has some of the best lines in the film. I love the scene where they are test running the new engine and the whole shed is flying apart and Piccolo says "Well, wait until you see it running at full power!"

Also the whole thing with counting the money and he even takes Porco's last roll of banknotes (his food and vino fund), very dry.

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by Miyrru on 10.08.2006, 04:37 PM:


oops, sorry, werll, im the guy wth 6 sigs, that kinda roate around, trust me you'll figure it out, i do get where your coming from, i tend to think people look like there avatar, kinda wierd butim sure most of you out there tjhink the same thing.


Click for Gallery^^
The truth had to be seen. Anything else was a story, entertaining but more embroidered fib then crude, shapeless fact. ~Dave Eggers

Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 10.08.2006, 05:29 PM:


Picolo(how do you spell it?) is real funny!
I like Natori in The Cat Returns! He's so funny!
And, #1sanfan, I like your avatar!

Posted by Miyrru on 10.08.2006, 05:31 PM:


thanks, its pretty cool, its from stellvia, im not srue if youve seen it, if oyu have is it any good? i did a sig of it to.


Click for Gallery^^
The truth had to be seen. Anything else was a story, entertaining but more embroidered fib then crude, shapeless fact. ~Dave Eggers

Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 10.08.2006, 05:31 PM:


I don't look like my avatar, but if I had a Shizuku one
I would look just like her.

Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 10.08.2006, 05:34 PM:


Hmm, no, looks cool though. I watch any anime I
find, there's one anime I wanna watch called
Read or Die, sounds my type just by the title.

Posted by Pendragon on 10.08.2006, 10:50 PM:


I love Calcifer and No Face


Howl avatar made by ushitora Thanks!

Posted by Little Tanuki on 10.09.2006, 02:15 AM:


Teto, Jigen Daisuke (Does he count as Ghibli character?), Calcifer, and Kanta. Oh, and Sono's husband from Kiki because even though he never says a word, he is still such a well formed character. And the robot from Laputa.

Asobou ja nai ka?

Itsudemo dareka ga
Kitto soba ni iru
Omoi dashite wo kure
Suteki na sono na no

Posted by Loscil on 10.09.2006, 03:33 AM:


Snafan, I think that too!!
I always think people look their avatr.. (that would mean that I look like a baby ohmu.. )

Posted by furs on 10.09.2006, 04:50 AM:


Originally posted by Saddletank
Fio is quite a "main" minor character if you get my meaning, but one of the stronger ones. Gina too is a very interesting character - you could write a whole book about Gina.

Not that there are rules, but Fio and Gina seems counted as one of the main characters, not counted as non-main. If they're counted, it's like saying - same goes to San (as Ashitaka clearly have the lead role).

Anyway, Here's my answer:


I don't think I have to explain, as everyone will agree with me - Nekobus is like one of the coolest supporting character around. Besides, you lots already mentioned the rest of the nice ones.

"Take root in the ground, live in harmony with the wind, plant your seeds in the Winter, and rejoice with the birds in the coming of Spring."
- Hayao Miyazaki (Sheeta from the film - Laputa: Caste In The Sky / Tenkû no shiro Rapyuta )

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