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Posted by Jaquelynn on 01.18.2007, 10:50 AM:


I love the anime! I have all the books.


Anyone else like it?


Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 01.18.2007, 10:51 AM:


Hm, never heard of it.

Posted by Jaquelynn on 01.18.2007, 10:52 AM:



Seriously you need to read it.


Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 01.18.2007, 10:54 AM:


Okie dokie. Um, but I have a tiny bit of a problem.
I am reading way too many manga's at the moment
and watching 7 shows in counting and who knows
how many more. Plus, I'm a little short on money. I
spent it all on books. And I need to buy Shutterbox
first. Not to mention get a ton of Furuba mangas.

Posted by Jaquelynn on 01.18.2007, 10:55 AM:


Heh you sound like me. Spend all your money on books and such. ^_^ sweet.


Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 01.18.2007, 11:01 AM:


Uh-huh. Manga and anime and stuff costs so much.
WAAH! The American's get more, and so does the UK.
If you guys saw the prices on the books there so expensive.
No fair..but when I write a book I'll sneak into a book
store and right my name in all them. Haha! If they have them
that is. That'd be so funny. To me any way.
I went into a huge book store and started swearing cause
there were so many books and I couldn't find the one I
wanted. God, so many manga's, so little money!*drool*

Posted by Jaquelynn on 01.18.2007, 11:04 AM:


Gotta love the mangas! ::nod nod::
Hehe.. I collect the series'. I have Les Bijoux and Juvenille Orion already completed. ^_^ I am soooooo happy..
Though I am waiting for the third volume of Hissing to come out.


Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 01.18.2007, 11:07 AM:


Interesting. They sound French.
Do you live in France?
i'm reading Fruits Basket, Magical x Miracle,
and Tsubasa Chronicle right now also trying
to steal my friends entire Tsubasa collection(no fair!
I'm the one who got her interested in it)and her
character guide and her xxxHolic, Black cat, and
Bleach plus FMA comics.

Posted by Jaquelynn on 01.18.2007, 11:10 AM:


No I live in the U.S.A
I have a collection of...
Chocolat, Hissing, Princess Ai, Les Bijoux, Juvenille Orion, Under the Glass Moon, Battle Vixens, Rozen Maiden, Sorcerer Hunters, Black Knight, Her majesty's dog, The Queen's Knight, Kiss for my Prince, Lost boys, Wallflower, Until the Full Moon, And more..
I can't think of them all..
I have sailor moon on VHS XD or at least some of the episodes.


Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 01.18.2007, 11:13 AM:


That's alot!!
I own little anime but my TV station's
put on lots of anime. I should write a thank you
to all them. Haha! They put anime on almost all
of Friday night(my local station)and I need to get
adjusted to CN again since we got it back.
Oh, I live in Canada.

Posted by Jaquelynn on 01.18.2007, 11:15 AM:


Sweet! Canada! I wanted to visit there.
Yea, I don't watch T.V. I read a lot and I write almost as much as I read. I am working on one story already.
Not sure what to call it though. >_<


Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 01.18.2007, 11:20 AM:


I'm writing like nine stories(i dropped a few)
at once, reading several books(big books),
and wanting more books not to mention I
watch TV, only anime, and Ghibli films and play
video games.

Posted by Jaquelynn on 01.18.2007, 11:24 AM:


XD yea.. I usually play on "" it's pretty neat.


Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 01.18.2007, 11:26 AM:


I play my sis's game for her ps2. Man, how come I'm
the only one in my family who masters the game?
Like every game I play, their two easy.

Posted by Jaquelynn on 01.18.2007, 11:30 AM:


I need easy games. I can't stand having to push like five diff buttons at once. >_< I get confused and look at the paddle. Then I lose. XD
But hey. It works I guess.


Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 01.18.2007, 11:33 AM:


Hee. I need a game..a new game..
My mom's thinking of getting us a DDR
and a karaoke version after I played that
at my friends. My sis finally has a DS AND
PS2 and now we can use those.

Posted by Jaquelynn on 01.18.2007, 11:35 AM:


I have a PS2, Xbox, and gameboy color. XD
I am so out dated. heh heh.
Still play the PS2.. I want a DS sooo badly. ::nod nod::


Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 01.18.2007, 11:43 AM:


I found the DS of my sister's dream once:
Languageslays Japanese/English games(her's does though)
Gameogs game(god, my sis wailed on that game. She loves it so.)
She got her wish except her's is pink. I'm not aloud to touch
it unless I have to help her with the japanese. Cool.
I have a game boy(forget)that's silver blue, don't really
play it much, my sis has an old game boy that is red.
Haha! She loves mine more.
My neighbour has an xBox which my sis plays with her.
I have little friends cause every one just enjoys bullying me.

Posted by Jaquelynn on 01.18.2007, 11:45 AM:


Bully back? Thats what I do. ^_^
No one touches my books, and no one disses the Anime in front of me.
Only because I am smarter and can cuss them out in spanish. XD


Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 01.18.2007, 11:47 AM:


I don't bully back. I've had these problems with
people since Kindergarten. Hmph, I have a couple
friends and 2 old ones who look out for me. They
never make fun of me because they know me.
He does not.

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