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Posted by Lonannuniel on 03.20.2007, 09:10 AM:

I don't get it!!

I don't get why people think Anime/Manga looks weird. ok, It might look slightly diffrent but I think they look REALLY cool. Don't you?-I also think chibi characters are cute

I like Howl's Moving Castle!!!

I think this pic is cool too!

YA! strength in women!!

Poor teddy...

Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 03.20.2007, 08:30 PM:


Well, Ghibli films are quite normal to my friends now. They don't mind that animation.
That's what I'm wondering; People always compliment how good I am at drawing when it's in anime/manga form but dis anime. It's freaky..But, with me around, they change their opinion about it and watch it. I think the guys would Spirited Away, Grave, and Pom Poko and Porco for Ghibli films and girls really like Whisper(oh god, I've started it again).
I try giving them anime that would fit them and they like it and forget who it's made by. They may also hate it because of people at school who like it.
Well, Chibi Horigoshi-sensei will bring it to taking over.(wait, my plan B is already in ha ha ha!)I really need to draw a little manga/comic for Chibi Horigoshi-sensei. Must remember not to tell anybody who Horigoshi-sensei is based on..

Posted by Chihiro_spirit on 03.30.2007, 06:50 PM:


i know, i wish ppl would understand that you don't have to be weird or gothic or anything to watch anime or draw manga. whenever i draw my freinds always say "oh that's good, but why is her nose so pointy and why are the eyes so big?" so far i've gotten a few ppl to watch ghibli other than my family. they said it's good but they could be lying just for my sake.

Posted by Saddletank on 03.30.2007, 07:24 PM:


Originally posted by Lonannuniel
I don't get why people think Anime/Manga looks weird. ok, It might look slightly diffrent but I think they look REALLY cool. Don't you?-I also think chibi characters are cute

It does look odd when you first see it, its the eyes mainly. I was watching an episode of Kare Kano last night (in which the lead girl and absolutely HUGE eyes) and my wife caught a few minutes of it and said how wierd she looked, like she was on drugs or something.

And you know? After even just a few months of serious anime viewing I just didn't notice the eyes size at all.

So yes, to us we don't see the wierdness, newcomers to it do.

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Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 03.30.2007, 07:28 PM:


They'll watch, but only if I threaten to use rope..
The eyes look weird? I always thought they looked normal.(I have a reason, which is how I learned to draw eyes.)

Posted by Roarkiller on 03.30.2007, 11:35 PM:


Well, let's just put it this way.

You guys probably haven't watched older anime then. Eyes then were like at least 50% larger.

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I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
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Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 03.31.2007, 08:06 AM:


Originally posted by Roarkiller
Well, let's just put it this way.

You guys probably haven't watched older anime then. Eyes then were like at least 50% larger.

I have. Not to mention my own eyes for mine.(it just seems impossible to put me in chibi form, because in normal size I make myself with small eyes[what's that sort of show..When you loose the childish looking eyes?], but in chibi, my eyes are always shut tight. And the men's eyes are easy.^^So's the little kids, just I can't make myself without small eyes.)
I've only seen a few old anime. But I guess they might not seem so old to some people. He he..
I'm just used to it, I guess. I never thought they were weird. Even when I had no idea I was watching Japanese shows.(I only learned around this time last year! It doesn't seem that way, does it?)
Yeah, I think I know too much. And it's only been a year..
My dad keeps joking around about sending me to Japan.

Posted by Chihiro_spirit on 03.31.2007, 10:04 AM:


i've been into this for two years....
maybe 3, i forget!
At first everyone made fun of my drawings! so since 6th grade i have never brought them into school. but now my friends don't make fun of me anymore. they just say it's weird.
is that worse or better than being laughed at?
Any way. i was soo obsessed for a while. buying all the manga books and anime movies. now i'm into fantasy. but i've still got a fondness for some of the things from before. my dad wanted to send me to japan for college. i told him that i wouldn't survive on the food because i love rice, but i can't eat fish. i want to visit japan someday though. i've only ever been to one country besides my own. blah, blah blah, i talk too much.

Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 03.31.2007, 10:21 AM:


Originally posted by Chihiro_spirit
i've been into this for two years....
maybe 3, i forget!
At first everyone made fun of my drawings! so since 6th grade i have never brought them into school. but now my friends don't make fun of me anymore. they just say it's weird.
is that worse or better than being laughed at?
Any way. i was soo obsessed for a while. buying all the manga books and anime movies. now i'm into fantasy. but i've still got a fondness for some of the things from before. my dad wanted to send me to japan for college. i told him that i wouldn't survive on the food because i love rice, but i can't eat fish. i want to visit japan someday though. i've only ever been to one country besides my own. blah, blah blah, i talk too much.

Well, this is awkward..But you sound like me!
No one dares make fun of mine. I need to be criticized!
I wonder why? Hm..

Posted by Chihiro_spirit on 03.31.2007, 10:53 AM:


you sound like me! i think? well you sound closer to me than anyone else i know! that is soosoo weird! but i guess it's simple to find someone who's like you on this kind of forum!

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