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Posted by loopy lou on 05.21.2007, 04:36 AM:

manga drawing

Hi I'm talking not really about anime but more about manga.
I'm like REALLY into manga drawing. Has anyone heard of Letraset. I've been waiting a few weeks for some letraset pens to arrive. I want to become a manga artist when i'm older and i think this is the best place to start.
I already have quite a few manga stuff including a massive manga book that teaches you to draw practically everything to do with manga. But aparantly the pens are the best and they really help you get really neato pictures. At the moment I just draw portraits of imaganary people in school lessons and just colour them in at home.
But i really need help. What do you think the best company in terms of manga drawing.
Please reply as soon as possible, i need answers and I need them NOW!!

Posted by Kanta on 05.21.2007, 08:53 PM:


You don't need any special tools, but only a pencil and paper.
Look at Miyazai's drawing below. He uses only pencil and water color.
I hear Urasawa (most famous manga writer in Japan now) uses only one pen for 30 years.
You should imitate the manga drawn by your favorite writer .
Miyazaki and Urasawa imitated Tezuka's manga in their childhood and skilled up.

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Posted by Roarkiller on 05.22.2007, 12:05 AM:


I don't see how you can be a manga artist without actually living in Japan, or picking up the Japanese language. Best you can do is to be a locally produced comic artist/writer. It's still as lucrative.

Usually when people mention manga drawing, you think of style and inking. I hear of people recommending copic markers a lot.

On companies, you need to actually come up with your own comics before any companies would look your way.

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I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
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Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by strokes134(noah) on 06.26.2007, 03:18 PM:

i no u louies a im noah!!!

hi louies u no how much i luv manga n u no i own every ghibli film n i jus signed up xxx

Posted by J.L.Jones on 06.26.2007, 03:42 PM:


@Roarkiller - I agree with you there... I'm learning Japanese soon when my father downloads Rosetta Stone for me. I have two comics of my own atm that have multiple sketches finished i just need a site to put them on. I am planning on taking a gap year from university when i attend and taking a year in Japan to look around and see what jobs are available and how far my skills as an artist will go. I wish to be a Character designer for a games company or anime firm (my imagination is wild as i am a novellist too lol in the middle of writing a book) so if all goes well i hope to live there. I hope to God it will....

@loopy lou - I find it doesn't matter what pen or pencil you use and it sure as hell will not make you more talented. I may be fifteen but i have been drawing Manga for four years now and out of all the pens i have used, i have only gotten better with time. All i use is any old pencil i can find, a rubber, a ruler for proportions and my CGI program that helps me colour lol! I have literally fifteen manga books in the house that i have bought over the years and my friends love the comics (they help me with the storyline) you shall find that drawing comes naturally with or without speciality pencils and pens.


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