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Posted by Lonewolf on 03.17.2004, 02:52 PM:

Cowboy Bebop

Hey, lots of poeple have recommended me to buy some Cowboy Bebop, but none of them have ever explianed it to me. Could somebody please tell me a little bit?

Look at me i have got a signature i can spell my own name weeeee!!!!! no i don't smoke crack, no matter what those sophmore bastards think... i'm serious, ya know? oh, the signature. right. My real name is.......

McEllen Charles Darlantan (McCD for short) what's yours?

Posted by Siobhan on 03.18.2004, 09:49 PM:


Somebody tell me too! I saw the pre-view and woo! it looks sweet! I just wanna know the content and why it's rated R, what are the characters like, is the plot original..all that junk..fill us in!---Sio<><

I'm not a schizophrenic and neither am I!

Posted by Ameria on 06.03.2004, 01:16 PM:


Cowboy Bebop is rated R? Maybe the movie, but I wouldn't think the show... Actually, I guess it could be. Blood, guns, nudity(not very much, actually, but one of the main characters has large boobs), action and mature themes. I don't really know that I'm the person to reveiw Cowboy Bebop, but I would reccomend it. It's easy to find reveiiws online(especially for an Anime as popular as Cowboy Bebop)

Posted by squall_leonhart on 05.16.2006, 07:52 PM:


actually cowboy bebop is a very good series to get your hands on ive seen all the eps and the movies and i loved the concept of it although they need to make more i hate it when something ends and there is still so many possibilities for a new well the story is quite easy to follow most eps pretty much stand alone with the exception of the overall story surrounding the main char spike spiegal. it has a lot to do with his past. it's pretty much a bounty hunting crew that try to get the reward for taking sown universely known bandits (yes there is space travel) and well lots of the eps are very serious except the ones that centre around ed, the computer genius, she has some pretty crazy adventures. anyways im rambling so i really do recomend watching this show.

Squall: "Why do people rely on eachother? In the end, we're all on our own."

Posted by micg huz on 05.17.2006, 07:22 AM:


well iv not seeen the show but i imagine that the premise is very similar to the manga comics. basicaly you follow a team of intergalacic bounty hunters around the solar system as they follow up leads and search for whomever has the highest bounty on there heads. you have the main guy spike speigal (whos really fun and easy to draw satisfactarily if anyone likes that) who is our cheeky, cool, kung fue hero who like bruce lee and ciggeretts. youv got the captain and chef of their ship, jet black - hes an ex cop turned bounty hunter (he got fed up with the assholes in the department), then youve got faye valentutine - the residant fem fatal, shes supposed to fancy spike (though i havnt picked up on that too much from the mangas) and she gets into some funny scrapes, then youv got their lil' computar hacking - seemingly adopted kid edd - who is very cute and funny and her dog ein - who doesnt do much. basically they run around trying to get bounty and have all sorts of misadventures but always end up hungry.
they love love love money but are all decent enough guys too, likable but greedy heros in a semi lawless capitalist society of the future.
thats a simple outline - butt like i say i havnt seen the sereis or the movie so i cant spoil any of that for you. but recomend the comic for its cool pics and fun light hearted adventures - if your into that.

laputa is a
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Posted by shiawase on 05.17.2006, 11:52 AM:


Originally posted by micg huz
basically they run around trying to get bounty and have all sorts of misadventures but always end up hungry.

They absolutely love cup Ramen, but in the movie they get fed up with eating out of styrofoam all the time and end up chasing the biggest bounty in the universe. Literally!


~Akarui Tsubasa~

I will save myself from the world I created.

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