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Posted by harmony-of-mar on 09.11.2007, 01:19 AM:

do you love MAR?

MAR is a good as anime!im an alviss ya tink mar is good?and have you seen the end?we dont air the end in australia yet... i love alviss!


Posted by arren18 on 09.11.2007, 12:33 PM:


It doesn't mean anything to me... what does MAR stand for?


Posted by Orphic Okapi on 09.11.2007, 10:58 PM:


Goooood question . . .

I like tea!

Posted by tariss-of-mar on 09.11.2007, 11:10 PM:


It stands for Marchen Awakens Romance...
It was shown on Cartoon Network some time ago... They cancelled it though...
Have a look in Wikipedia. Cheers!

-Nanashi Fangirl-
¨Sorry about the meal, how I made it uncool... Floorwise...¨ Neil, The Young Ones.
I´m a supporter and user of Ubuntu (Linux)
Open source rules!

Posted by fenkashi on 09.11.2007, 11:12 PM:


I think it stands for Marchen Awake/Awakens (? can't quite remember) Romance.

You know, I tried watching that once and I couldn't get into it. If I remember correctly, it's about this boy who gets transported or something to another dimension where he's strong (as apposed to his usual weak self) and then some sort of fantasy/adventure story ensues.

Maybe it'd be nice if you gave a summary, harmony-of-mar, since you've actually seen it.


Posted by harmony-of-mar on 09.11.2007, 11:15 PM:


tamara!is that you?it must be cos i came up with the nick name tariss!! ps i love alviss!hes hotter then wizard howl!(howl looks and acts alot like nanashi...)


Posted by tariss-of-mar on 09.11.2007, 11:19 PM:


Hey! It's you! Yeah, I am Tamara...
Yeah, to Fenkashi; it is about a boy who gets transported to another world by a magical gate. The world is called Mar- Heaven in the Japanese version...
I am kinda short on time though, so I can't delve into too much of the deeper info on the show... Heh, I am a Nanashi Fangirl (To anyone who hates him, I'll send a ridiculously cute puppy to chew your legs off!) Grrrr. Hehe.

-Nanashi Fangirl-
¨Sorry about the meal, how I made it uncool... Floorwise...¨ Neil, The Young Ones.
I´m a supporter and user of Ubuntu (Linux)
Open source rules!

Posted by harmony-of-mar on 09.11.2007, 11:24 PM:

why are we posting,tamara?your sitting right next to me....oh,btw if we r caught by mrs allison,were dead meat pie...alviss is acharacter from mar.wen he was 10 phantom cursed him to become a living corpse when hes 16.hes 16 now so hes gotta kill phantom quick.hes also nanashis best friend(sorta)and when nanashi tries to hook al up with a girl al blasts him with his 13 totem plol!so cool....


Posted by tariss-of-mar on 09.11.2007, 11:25 PM:


Oi! Quit drooling all over the keyboard!!!!
Phantom is the evil character in the series (Among many others...). He is the military leader of the 'Chess Pieces' or if my memory serves me correctly, the Japanese term os 'Chess no Koma' or sumthing...

-Nanashi Fangirl-
¨Sorry about the meal, how I made it uncool... Floorwise...¨ Neil, The Young Ones.
I´m a supporter and user of Ubuntu (Linux)
Open source rules!

Posted by harmony-of-mar on 09.11.2007, 11:27 PM:

  spoiler warning!!

this is coming from the girl who draws nanashi instead of doing her school work...but im the same about alviss so yeah...argh!back off belle!hes mine!ps is it true snow dies and wakes up koyuki?


Posted by tariss-of-mar on 09.11.2007, 11:28 PM:

  spoiler warning!

Yeah... True... Or sumthing along those lines... I', a little hazy on the details.... Whohoo Nanashi!

-Nanashi Fangirl-
¨Sorry about the meal, how I made it uncool... Floorwise...¨ Neil, The Young Ones.
I´m a supporter and user of Ubuntu (Linux)
Open source rules!

Posted by harmony-of-mar on 09.11.2007, 11:30 PM:


who does ginta really love?snow,koyuki or ...(shudders)..dorothy?by the way,go to youtube,type in MAR black totally awsome clip!oh dear,lunch is over(its only midday in aus)mrs allison says shutdown...


Posted by tariss-of-mar on 09.11.2007, 11:31 PM:


Dammit. I think he should love snow, but I don't know... Spoiler warning, The last episode kinda makes me doubt it a little... Time to go! Bye! Cya all later!

-Nanashi Fangirl-
¨Sorry about the meal, how I made it uncool... Floorwise...¨ Neil, The Young Ones.
I´m a supporter and user of Ubuntu (Linux)
Open source rules!

Posted by tariss-of-mar on 09.12.2007, 11:11 PM:


I'm back! Yay me!

-Nanashi Fangirl-
¨Sorry about the meal, how I made it uncool... Floorwise...¨ Neil, The Young Ones.
I´m a supporter and user of Ubuntu (Linux)
Open source rules!

Posted by harmony-of-mar on 09.12.2007, 11:15 PM: it true in mar the queen diana can veiw gintas world using the eyes of gintas mum?and if so....... HOW THE BLOODY HELL IS THAT POSSIBLE?!


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