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Posted by ={HSA}= MORO on 10.22.2007, 10:56 PM:

  Dragon Ball Z: the movie

not a big fan of DBZ, well i was 5-6 years ago, when everyone was, but i just heard of a live action movie that was being filmed in Montreal and due to be done filming next July.

sounded pretty interesting since the series has been 'dead' for quite some time (at least around here)

also, the movie has a $100 million + budget and its rumored that "George Lucas' CGI company ILM has signed a contract to do the special effects."


Posted by Farren on 10.24.2007, 06:28 PM:


sounds pretty cool

pigeons funk the impossible

Posted by WingedBandit on 10.25.2007, 03:12 AM:


I heard about this, but I can't find a lot of information on it. I want to know more! I want to know the actors.


Posted by ={HSA}= MORO on 10.25.2007, 10:28 PM:


yeah, me too.
i wonder why 'they' are making a movie on this so far after the shows golden ages, but hey, itll be interesting none the less.


Posted by Farren on 10.25.2007, 11:28 PM:


you got that right

pigeons funk the impossible

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