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Posted by Yay! Kiki on 07.26.2008, 01:35 AM:

  Ah, cliche, cliche!

Has anyone noticed that the majority of animes out there have similar characteristics?

Like lead girl parts almost always are either someone that is exceptionally clumsy, or dreamy. And then again, they could be both.

With this part, there's usually someone to counteract them, or think that they're dumb . . .

Has anyone else noticed any cliches? I'm not really annoyed by them at all - I sorta just noticed them, rather.

Oh yes! And a lot of animes start with love songs, even though in the actual anime nobody falls in love.

Posted by Roarkiller on 07.26.2008, 02:37 AM:


At least 70% of songs from anywhere are love songs

And yes, it not just a common trait, it's a common theme. Popularity of any one theme will result in copycats in every other anime. It's just like back in the eighties when mecha anime ruled the screens, and magical girls rule the nineties.

I guess romance comedy rule the new milennium's first decade.

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by Miyrru on 07.26.2008, 09:49 AM:


I agree, from the stuff that I have seen, and most of it being as new as possible, its a majority of love triangles and comedies and love triangle comedies. Its a little ridiculous, but still. Even with the copy cats some do the job better than the others. Originality really has taken a hit, thats why when some amazing series like a Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni and Ni Kai comes along, it is so good because of the originality and that it isnt a romantic comedy. It has some humour at good spots which is good to break up the pace, but it doesnt fall into a mold which is nice.


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The truth had to be seen. Anything else was a story, entertaining but more embroidered fib then crude, shapeless fact. ~Dave Eggers

Posted by Maho_Fushida on 07.27.2008, 03:16 AM:


We could have some fun with this and 'write' or at least think up a really cliched anime storyline, using all the common themes and ideas.


Posted by Yay! Kiki on 07.27.2008, 03:34 AM:


Oh gosh, you're right, that could be fun!

Posted by Saddletank on 07.27.2008, 03:38 AM:


Har har...

One idea at a time maybe?

I'll start.

* * * * * * * * * *

The setting is modern day Tokyo. The rest of Japan is borning, ne? It could be a cutsey rural seaside town in Hokkaido but no, this is Tokyo.

Posted by Farren on 07.27.2008, 03:59 AM:


and the main character is a ditsy female highschool student who on her way to..or from school meets a tall dashing guy
who captivates her entirely..

pigeons funk the impossible

Posted by Yay! Kiki on 07.27.2008, 04:44 AM:


She finds out that he is in fact transferring to her school that / the next day . . .

Posted by arren18 on 07.27.2008, 04:45 AM:


Then that morning as he is introduced to the class, she blushes and pointedly looks out the window...


Posted by fenkashi on 07.27.2008, 05:07 AM:


The teacher, upon looking around the room finds the only empty seat is next to the girl and prompts the boy to go sit there.


Posted by Roarkiller on 07.27.2008, 05:55 AM:


And turns out that he is a forgotten childhood friend (can't get any more cliched than that).

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by Yay! Kiki on 07.27.2008, 01:03 PM:


The boy had been mysteriously taken away when he was younger . . .

Posted by Orphic Okapi on 07.27.2008, 05:22 PM:


To be trained in the art of piloting giant robots.

(Okay, maybe I shouldn't be in on this.)

I like tea!

Posted by Farren on 07.27.2008, 09:05 PM:


he tells her why he had to leave and about him having to help fight a secret corparation (while piloting a giant robot) who want dominance over the world, and she asks if he can show her the robot.
he does...

pigeons funk the impossible

Posted by Yay! Kiki on 07.28.2008, 12:51 AM:


When he does, she stands in classic intimidated anime girl pose, and at first is afraid of the robot. . . and then the boy climbs in to pilot it . . . (oh yay, this is fun! )

Posted by Farren on 07.28.2008, 08:24 PM:


she gasps at the robot as it shoots through the air flipping round and soaring through the sky

pigeons funk the impossible

Posted by husky51 on 07.29.2008, 12:32 AM:


Later, after he lands, she asks if she could try it herself. He replies that she can, but only with the training that the secret corporation can give. She joins up with her mindreading pet ferret and they and the boy become a great, evil fighting duo...


Posted by Yay! Kiki on 07.29.2008, 01:39 AM:


(And neither of them ever stop to wonder why they did this all so spur-of-the-monent-ly.)

Until the guy that wants to take over the world intervenes, sending out monster after monster, all working for him . . .

Posted by Saddletank on 07.29.2008, 02:09 PM:


And none of the teachers at their school seem to bother to contact their parents about why they are skipping so many classes... because of course, they don't have parents - despite being only 14/15 they of course both live alone... why they do so is never mentioned nor explained.

Posted by fenkashi on 07.29.2008, 02:15 PM:


The two enter yet another battle which seems impossible to win yet they do win and are left at death's doorstep when this lone air ship that seems to be the only force fighting against the bad guy and finds and takes them in.


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