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Posted by seathe on 12.26.2005, 06:22 AM:


i was wodering if any 1 has seen metropolis and if it was a good movie becuase i havent seen it yet and i was wounderin if it was good to watch or a wast of money.

Posted by shiawase on 03.15.2006, 02:22 AM:

Three words: Excellent. Excellent. Excellent. Osamu Tezuka is brilliant. He started making manga and anime since he was a child! This was the height of his work. The CG in it is devastating, layer upon layer went into some of these scenes. You grow attached to the characters and the plot really screws around with the characters so choose sides early . I love it, havn't purchased it yet but I will VERY soon. 5 stars.


~Akarui Tsubasa~

I will save myself from the world I created.

Posted by mpw3d on 03.15.2006, 11:13 AM:

i've seen it and its pretty strange lol but i would really go out and buy it though cause it aint really my type of film


Posted by SpiritedSen on 05.14.2006, 11:38 AM:


I must admit the first time I saw it, I wasn't that impressed...but further viewings changed my mind.
It is a truly beautiful looking film, Osamu Tezuka has put his very individual animation style on all the characters, and as it's written by Katsuhiro Otomo, it has an awesome story (I think that this film illustrates how he went from Akira to Steamboy).
The music is wonderful (reminissant of Belleville Rendez-Vous, which may not be anime, but is an awesome animation), and quite how Tezuka has managed to make a futuristic metropolis feel 1920's is beyond me, but it works on every level.
The film is touching and political, and the scene where Tima takes her place in the Zigurrat is pant-wettingly beautiful. Don't waste another second of your life, go and watch this movie immediately!!
Another plus is that this film is jam-packed with robots...and I bloody love robots!! YAY ROBOTS!!


Posted by squall_leonhart on 05.16.2006, 07:57 PM:


metropolis to me was very weird at first it had a very good concept to it i loved it when i actually saw the movie i had some doubts about it before and i might not have watched it if shiawase hadnt showed it to me. i was really surprised by it .

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