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Posted by Tresi on 01.29.2006, 05:49 AM:

Avatar,the last Airbender

What do you think about this show?
What are your favorite characters?
Talk about" Avatar,the last Airbender" here^^

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Posted by shiawase on 03.15.2006, 01:54 AM:

It is kinda childish. That's why they air it on YTV mornings. I think it's a small rip of Naruto. Young hero trains from childhood to save the village/nation. I don't like it very much as you can tell. >


~Akarui Tsubasa~

I will save myself from the world I created.

Posted by I-B4-E THUG on 05.08.2006, 07:27 AM:


lol they had like they whole 1st season in back to back episodes on austar a couple of months ago. i spent 4 hours watching half of the 1st series, & o sh*t did it leave me braindead for the rest of the day lol. ill never watch it again.

Posted by Tresi on 05.08.2006, 05:23 PM:


I only watched two episodes,but I think it´s nice drawn somehow...
Last year the show´d been quite famous...

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Posted by Haku Fan Girl on 05.09.2006, 04:34 PM:


OMG. This show rocks. It disappoints me that they don't replay new episodes every weekend like they used to.


Posted by Tresi on 05.10.2006, 09:31 AM:


Wow,finally someone,who likes this show

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Posted by squall_leonhart on 05.16.2006, 04:17 PM:


i think the show is actually pretty good it's hard to come up with a good show after all the other ones out there. i watched the first few episodes and thought that it could be a very good show it the creator doesn't add any bad plot points.

Squall: "Why do people rely on eachother? In the end, we're all on our own."

Posted by anumalik on 06.05.2006, 10:05 PM:

  ok for younger viewers...

Avatar is not so bad especially for younger viewers, who hope to have powers. The more popular anime such as the ones airing on adult swim can be a bit traumatizing for younglings. Avatar is sort of the bottle, before weaning younglins and putting them on more risque anime. I've seen Avatar a couple of times, and I thought they do a pretty good job. It is also interesting because Avatar in hindi means reincarnation, so with that knowledge I like to see what current cultures and languages develops in the show.

And I agree with you, it is quite disappointing that they don't air new shows.

Avatar has good sense of backgound and art, but it is not a very well developed plot with inctricate situations. But don't get me wrong, I do like seeing it once in a while.


...when I look at him
I can see a boy hidden in the depth of his piercing blue eyes,
a boy who is longing his freedom......

Posted by lindseybermudez on 06.07.2006, 12:15 PM:


i love this show!! i dont care what anyone says, aing is my all time fav. he is so dumb!!

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Posted by SpiritedSen on 06.17.2006, 06:56 PM:


This show encapsulates all I despise about American animation!! It's a poor, weak, watered down piece of 'japanimation' (I think that's the term for shite artists desperately trying to leech off the success of anime!) This sort of drivvel is what kids nowadays think anime is, along with the flipping Teen Titans, that poxy Jackie Chan Adventures, and that awful, boring as hell Samurai Jack! Every second cartoon on Cartoon Network and Nick is some hideous piece of pseudo-Japanese rubbish, made by people who will never possess the talent or imagination needed to make a true piece of great anime!
As far as I'm concerned, all these American cartoon makers are nothing but parasites trying to sponge off of the new wave of interest in anime!

OK, rant over!!


Posted by Phyrra on 06.18.2006, 04:27 PM:


Oh....... I actually thought that this was a great series... I thought it was different from the other American rip-offs ~ except of course the level of animation. The drawings weren't as lively or encompasing as most Japanese animés, but avatars' storyline was good...

And as for teen titens and Jakie Chan adventures ~ I've seen some of both and they don't have anything like the amazingness of real animé.

What was the name of the girl water bender who follows Ang, along with her brother... she was so cute *blushes*

Hey, there are new smilies... ~ hehe, I like that one... sorry, off-topic...


Thanks to mpw3d who made ths amazing sig! The avatar was made by Sarah, from

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