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Posted by mpw3d on 08.05.2006, 02:58 PM:


i'e just baught a Seriel Experiment Lain DVD and its soooo wierd... has anyone else seen it???

its proper weird art but theres only 13 episodes.

can anyone tell me what they think to it... and whats it's about??


Posted by Roarkiller on 08.05.2006, 10:19 PM:


It's among one of my top 3 most confusing anime, with FLCL and Paranoia Agent.

The one I got has horrible subs (it's an official local release, sadly, not bootleg), but it's a good show. It's very dark and goth, so it appeals to me.

On why it's confusing, well, you have to watch it to get it. Many things happen that you won't understand at first glance, and you really have to think about it to understand it.

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I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by nanafan on 08.06.2006, 02:12 PM:


i saw one episode of it...i was totally confused..that chick lain is so depressed too.. fooly cooly is great!


Posted by Seiji on 08.09.2006, 10:22 PM:


I love Serial Experiments Lain, and yeah, it is really confusing. So, there are a couple things that you could do. You could keep watching it until you draw your own conclusions, or you could go read other people's impressions and interpretations online.

Actually I suggest a bit of both. Anime boards has some really interesting Lain threads, and also a website that will show up if you google "thought experiments Lain". A lot of what I read on them I would have never discovered on my own, while at the same time, a lot of what I have interpreted has never been discussed.

It is a really cool series once you begin to understand it. But it is also very much an individual experience. So, you should go read a little to get a push in the right direction, and then you should watch it again.

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