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Posted by fenkashi on 05.11.2008, 07:13 PM:


Ooh pretty. Love the red that comes through in her hair. Is she from something particular?

Ooh Kagaya of the first of my favourite digital artists. ^_^ His works are so serene.

And this one too, since I couldn't decided between the two xD

Posted by Saddletank on 05.11.2008, 07:38 PM:


I don't think that red-eyed girl is from anything in particular, it was a happy random find on MiniTokyo. You know what I like most in that pic (apart from her eyes and blush)? The chain link fence. Its made up of hundreds and hundreds of out of depth-of-field mirror-lens donuts. Must have taken hours and hours.

I like the scene in that first one. I want to throw my clothes off and wade out into the water between those old temple stones... very serene. But sometimes digital art can be just too perfect, to sharp, too much detail, too colourful. The second one doesn't work for me at all, you'd never get a view like that IRL, water refraction or reflection - or both - would kill it.

BTW thanks for the upclose OhGreat face, she's beautiful. I'd love a copy of the full size original whole image if you wouldn't mind e-mailing it to me.

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by fenkashi on 05.11.2008, 07:51 PM:


Yeah, really nice picture. I dunno, she looked familiar...especially that hair tie of hers'. Ah well, I never remember this stuff.

Sure, I'll send the ohgreat thing to you.

Yeah, I see your point about digital art but the reason I love Kagaya is cause of stuff like this...

And that's a girl in there xP You just can't see her face ^_^

Posted by Maho_Fushida on 05.12.2008, 08:54 AM:


Ooh, so beautiful! What colours! *right clicks, saves image*


Posted by Roarkiller on 05.12.2008, 09:33 AM:


You know what?

I need to buy a bigger monitor.

Personally though, that Air Gear pic is too crude for me, too gaudy, too flat. Kinda hard to appreciate it.

Fen's last pic (sunset) is the kind that really draws me, though. I'll even forgive the non-proportion of that moon. 'Course, the picture Saddle posted, damn nice too. If I met a girl like that and she said hi to me... I think I'll drop and die happy that very moment

So, on to that girl... and what a surprise, EVERYONE noticed the ring. Damn.

From my point of view, it looks a lot like a friendship ring or a mood ring, the kind that's in fashion right now, rather than something a boyfriend would give. But the fact that it's on her table instead of her ring shows that she's a VERY free-spirited person. I mean, if you buy a ring/someone gives you a ring, you'd usually wear it, but she isn't. That's the kind of impressions she gives me.

The vase her flowers are in look 3D, so she has good taste. Can also mean she's the romantic type who loves surprises. The magazine, phone and glasses gives the impression of being hip, outgoing and trendy, your typical girl, while the decals on the PSP suggest individualism. Yet her undyed hair, simple lanyard tagged to the PSP and old-fashioned earphones suggests a simple nature.

Past that, I'd also like to touch on the artist himself. Note: HIM. It's not a she.

The sakura trees outside and black stockings suggest as much, and the artist definitely has a soft spot for high school girls. The existence of Pikachu and Sonic in the background suggest a possible Otaku nature. So does that long-haired figuine on her windowsill, which I HIGHLY suspect to be a certain digital idol from a music composer program (still searching for the name of said program).

Okay, I think I've ranted enough... gotta snap out of Otaku-mode for a while...

@Saddle: That girl in the psycho picture... is it Lain?

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by fenkashi on 05.12.2008, 09:42 AM:


@ Roar: Yes...that idol would be Hatsune Miku...I'm pretty sure.

She's from the vocaloid thing isn't she?

And yeah, the artist is a guy for sure.


Posted by Maho_Fushida on 05.12.2008, 09:45 AM:


You could set your screen res higher

That girl with the PSP is the nicest picture on here! And the most interesting. I thought the vase was very mother-ish, even granny-ish its old-fashioned, something from the 1950s or 1960s so I'd say the artist isn't a young person. This young lady definitely has her mother still alive with her, maybe a live in granny too.

I wouldn't put much store in the black thigh socks, its just school uniform. A female artist could have painted them. Less likely than a guy I agree but still possible.

For a teen girl she's very tidy! My room was never like that! The neatly lined up row of ring boxes on the windowsill hint at being obsessively tidy.

That yellowy book is interesting. It could be something boring like a set of math or log tables or it could be something like a diary or journal.


Posted by fenkashi on 05.12.2008, 09:48 AM:


Oh it could have been possible but Kurojishi is a guy xP or so he says...

The books were quite intriguing, I wondered what they were about. ^^


Posted by Roarkiller on 05.12.2008, 09:52 AM:


@Fen: VOCALOID! Yeah, that's the one. Thanks for the reminder. Too bad it requires purchase, I would so LOVE to have a go at it.

@Maho: O yea forgot about that. It's an organiser for sure. Somehow I don't think diaries go atop your novels.

Maho brings up a good point though, that vase looks quite old-fashioned, now that you mentioned it. On the tidyness, I did mention that she has the impression of being simplistic. Simple people are usually tidy.

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by arren18 on 05.13.2008, 12:34 PM:


I had a look through my favourites on deviantART, and thought I'd post a few. They're not as interesting as the ones fen posted, but they are nice pictures.

I'll post more at another point.


Posted by Kazegami on 05.13.2008, 03:07 PM:


Wow arren, I went through your favourites a few days back intending to post a couple of your faves here, and those first two you picked are the two that I thought were the best to post. Cool. I really like that one of the dancing girl. ^_^


My Anime List

Posted by Nausicaa_Cat on 05.13.2008, 03:08 PM:


I like the top one because of the really lovely colours :3 and I like the one with the noodles, because is just too cool.

Posted by arren18 on 05.13.2008, 03:11 PM:


Yeah, I think the noodle one is great too. And I'm not surprised that you chose the same ones, Kaz. I picked these ones in particular because I thought people would be most likely to appreciate them.


Posted by fenkashi on 05.13.2008, 03:36 PM:


@ Arren: hehe, I was gonna post that first picture too xD

Instead... glows xD

Posted by arren18 on 05.13.2008, 03:56 PM:


Ooooh, pretty. Very glowy indeed, and the colours are really nice.


Posted by Farren on 05.13.2008, 11:12 PM:


girls are like pepper if you get them in your eye you can't see.
rofl...keels over ...................................still not moving..

pigeons funk the impossible

Posted by Kazegami on 05.15.2008, 03:03 PM:


Thought she looked an interesting sort of girl:


My Anime List

Posted by Saddletank on 05.15.2008, 03:48 PM:


Ah, so cute! Her eyes are beautiful. That's an interesting drawing style. She has almost-but-not-quite anime eyes, while the nose and mouth are certainly NOT anime/manga style. A very nice portrait nonetheless.

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by arren18 on 05.15.2008, 03:59 PM:


I've seen nose and mouth drawn like that in anime/manga pictures before... Anyway, it's very nice. I particularly like the effect of the shading.


Posted by Orphic Okapi on 05.15.2008, 04:40 PM:


The color of that butterfly is absolutely gorgeous. The whole picture is lovely, but for some reason, the color of the butterfly really stood out to me. I really like the style of the whole picture.

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