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Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 09.22.2007, 09:13 PM:


Kei-chan from Beauty Pop. He's so cute.^^ But..*staggers backwards* WTF HE NICKNAMES PEOPLE TOO?! OK, what is with me...Seiji in it kinda reminds me of Haruhi's father in looks..And Emily reminds me of Haruhi's father in disguise including personality. XD And as for that Iori guy...o_O He's as bad, no worser, that Micchi and Haruka put together. Way worse. Although he's in love with a married But it's Emily at least. And I like Kiri's attitude. XD And Ochiai or something, I SWEAR he's Kyoya mixed with Maora-chan from Shinshi Cross. o_O But Kei is so cute, and I like his nicknames for Narumi. XD He reminds me of looks of Yuki from Wallflower and probably a lot of most other anime characters I like in personality.

Posted by harmony-of-mar on 10.05.2007, 06:30 AM:


alviss is the cutest!bow down to alviss and scream like a 5 year old!


Posted by harmony-of-mar on 10.05.2007, 07:29 PM:


hm...train heartnet is pretty cute...


Posted by Ray15 on 10.06.2007, 11:02 PM:


Karin and Anju from Chibi vampire >_< I change my mind too much

Thanks for the Sig #1 Sanfan

Posted by Roarkiller on 10.06.2007, 11:15 PM:


Naw, Tokito Maki's cuter, me thinks.

Anyway, new anime season, and Clannad is in my list. Nagisa isn't as cute as her rendition in the game, but I'm sure digging the way she talks.

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by harmony-of-mar on 10.07.2007, 12:23 AM:


good bakura from yugioh isnt completely revolting...


Posted by Saddletank on 10.12.2007, 08:02 AM:


I have a new favourite: Takako Aoi. Fushida Maho and Tanaka Mai are neck and neck close in second place though.

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by Kazegami on 10.12.2007, 08:42 AM:


Originally posted by harmony-of-mar
good bakura from yugioh isnt completely revolting...

I like evil Bakura better. Good Bakura's kind've pathetic. I mean come on, he fainted 'cause he'd been a few hours without food. Now Kaiba on the other hand... well, I don't think any other Yu-Gi-Oh character even comes close to Kaiba.

Posted by arren18 on 10.14.2007, 08:35 AM:


Originally posted by Saddletank
Tanaka Mai

Yes. It's hard to look at that avatar and not feel happy.


Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 10.14.2007, 09:00 AM:


My sister's obsessing over Roxas from KH2, because he looks like her crush for five years now. o_O Really, Mal, what is so appealing about that guy Ryley..? (Whoa, their names are almost identical. Roxas/Ryley. XD) And she's reading a manga she shouldn't, and she made ME read it out loud..Remember that thread that started with an "L"..>.> Well, this manga was a bout this boy named Sakura who somehow finds an angel who solves all her rpoblems by killing him. (Dokuro) Then Sabato, another angel, comes to kill him because in the future he develops something that makes the world into...O_O WTF IS SHE READING?! And I had to read it out loud because my voice is funny when I read. lol I liked doing Sabato's and Zansu's voices..

Posted by WingedBandit on 10.18.2007, 02:18 AM:


Cutest character for me: Syaoran


Posted by harmony-of-mar on 10.18.2007, 09:52 PM:


he needs to smile more.


Posted by WingedBandit on 10.18.2007, 10:30 PM:


He's cute even when he doesn't smile


Posted by harmony-of-mar on 10.18.2007, 10:52 PM:


yeah,in a pouting,irritable way...


Posted by WingedBandit on 10.19.2007, 12:31 AM:


Aw, but he has the absolute cutest blush ever.


Posted by Kazegami on 10.19.2007, 04:02 AM:


A bit like Seto Kaiba really, he hardly ever smiles.. well.. I guess he smirks a lot but that doesn't really count.. but he's one of the cutest guys ever. Have you seen how many Kaiba fansites there are!?

Posted by WingedBandit on 10.19.2007, 03:40 PM:


They don't need to smile all the time. It just makes it that much better when they actually do smile.


Posted by Kazegami on 10.19.2007, 04:43 PM:


I just realised, that guy, Syaoran, looks exactly like Kaiba when he was a kid. Wierd...

Posted by WingedBandit on 10.19.2007, 06:50 PM:


Really? I've never seen what Kaiba looks like as a kid so I wouldn't know.


Posted by Roarkiller on 10.20.2007, 11:30 AM:


Syaoran smiles quite a bit in Tsubasa Chronicles actually. Then again, the older version of both kids are better looking IMO. And Sakura's new voice is so much better (although Tomoyo's voice in the movie was just as good, if not better).

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

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