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Posted by arren18 on 02.26.2007, 02:21 PM:


In my opinion, the best pokemon-related fun I ever had was playing non-stop Pokemon Stadium on the N64. Classic.


Posted by kk-on-keys on 03.01.2007, 03:20 PM:


I love Pokemon Mystery Dungeon on the DS.

I'm quite emotionally involved...

Posted by totorogirl on 03.03.2007, 08:38 AM:


Least to say that I did watch Pokemon w/my kids - and to this day I still find Pokemon cards and Yugiyoh cards all over the place.

They still show them here in Cartoon Network.

Posted by Roarkiller on 03.07.2007, 02:50 AM:


Originally posted by tamasaburo
i think magikarp was great my friend was well devastated when it killed his charizard cos of the elements ny fav had to be phyduck he was well funny and also snorlax i cant wait for the new ones to come out to play them the ones for the gamecube was good as well.

Either the charizard is REALLY crappy or that magikarp was given a strong TM/HM water attack, and was at a high level, because it is official that magikarp has one of THE WORST stats ever, if not the worst.

@Thug: And what's wrong with pkmn, may I ask?

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by Jaquelynn on 03.08.2007, 04:17 PM:


To tell the truth I lost interest in the show quite sometime ago. Though adding more pokemon seems to be an interesting aspect of it. Seeing as how now you have more and more creatures to duel with.


Posted by Raymus on 03.08.2007, 11:32 PM:


Woah. I used to be all over that pokemon stuff. I was born when the invasion started. i joined. the show was the bomb back then i had the cards and everything
nowadays they just dragged it out. the pokemon rap was the best!!


Posted by Georgia on 03.09.2007, 03:52 AM:


Lol, yeah. I wonder if i still know the words?

My Pokemon bring all the nerds to the yard,
And theyre like;
You wonna trade cards?,
Damn right i wonna trade cards,
I trade you,
But not my Charizard
Thanks to studentcartoonist for the drawings!

Posted by arren18 on 03.09.2007, 12:20 PM:


It was okay... the original theme tune was better though.


Posted by Roarkiller on 03.10.2007, 01:32 AM:


Forgot this was an anime forum.

Anime sux. Period. That much I agree. Though personally, the 2nd theme variation used for Pkmn 2000 movie was the best.

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by totorogirl on 03.10.2007, 08:34 PM:


Originally posted by Raymus
Woah. I used to be all over that pokemon stuff. I was born when the invasion started. i joined. the show was the bomb back then i had the cards and everything
nowadays they just dragged it out. the pokemon rap was the best!!

I just now got rid of my son's Pokemon bed sheet he he he. He was quite attached to it. I do have some of those stuffed animals left - anyone want them? he he he. Thanks for reminding me of the Pokemon rap - now its going thru my head.

Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 03.11.2007, 08:03 PM:


Great, beaware him, totorogirl! He's my enemy..
Ash's voice in the dub now make him sound weird..
Weird how my K.K idea never got this one, but mostly
I still own some double cards my cousin bought. She
has plushes for it and a pikachu painted on here wall.
I should paint totoro and mei there..then she'd worship
her cousin forever and ever.^^I'm going to paint a Cat
Bus on my wall and see if there's a cute pokemon to put
in it.^^That's gonna be great!
Not to mention Nyaa and Misha's rabbits..

Posted by The Violin Maker on 03.18.2007, 12:48 AM:


The first season of Pokemon was good. It all went downhill from there. Also, Team Rocket got really friggin' annoying.

-infinite is the soul

Posted by totorogirl on 03.21.2007, 09:41 PM:


Team Rocket's voice was really annoying, especially when they have to go thru the Team Rocket speech.

Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 03.23.2007, 12:27 PM:


I'd kill the English version for the names of..AH!!
I HATE YOU!! Because it's my nick name(Jessie)and my old
boyfriend in elementry(James), people gave us that name.
My friend started calling me that when she learned. I hate people..

Posted by Georgia on 03.28.2007, 02:41 AM:


oh i loved team rocket! ESPECIALLY the speech!

My Pokemon bring all the nerds to the yard,
And theyre like;
You wonna trade cards?,
Damn right i wonna trade cards,
I trade you,
But not my Charizard
Thanks to studentcartoonist for the drawings!

Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 03.28.2007, 04:02 PM:


But lets kill the English for their names..*clenched fist*
He he..*twitch*They'll pay deeply!!

Posted by arren18 on 03.29.2007, 12:01 PM:


Originally posted by foreignfilmfreak
But lets kill the English for their names..*

It's times like these I'm very proud to be Scottish.


Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 03.29.2007, 05:18 PM:


Originally posted by arren18
Originally posted by foreignfilmfreak
But lets kill the English for their names..*

It's times like these I'm very proud to be Scottish.

Just those two names. I really hate that nickname..
It's worse than my cross dressing thing..

Posted by Raymus on 03.30.2007, 05:41 PM:


tsk tsk tsk FFF spammer... Well I still have a binder full of cards and own like all the movies. I watched the origional Pokerap.. it owns.

yay Pokemon


Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 03.30.2007, 07:27 PM:


Originally posted by Raymus
tsk tsk tsk FFF spammer... Well I still have a binder full of cards and own like all the movies. I watched the origional Pokerap.. it owns.

yay Pokemon

I'm going to KILL YOU.
I don't spam, usually..(I guess, only on this one)
I own the cards. My cuz has got pikachu on her wall.
I challenge pikachu against cat bus..

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