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Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 04.02.2007, 08:10 PM:


Cousins(first):Rank from at least 10 to 12.
Some aren't even cousins yet. My cousin is getting married with one of my old supply teachers who already has a little daughter. Then my aunt will probably get married soon and had two days after Christmas, a new baby.
I don't know all my cousins yet..

Posted by Chihiro_spirit on 04.02.2007, 08:40 PM:


oy vey! i have a large extended family, but no way do i have that many first cousins! i only have four.

Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 04.03.2007, 04:37 PM:


Well, I hate five aunts and even more uncles(one is dead). I have a large amount of family members.
I'm interested in one, because she's Jewish. She was in the holocaust, I believe.(it's cool. I researched a bunch on it. It made me cry with one book what happened)Her father turned her family in and they were all killed, except, I'm not sure, but I think she got adopted by our family.

Posted by Chihiro_spirit on 04.03.2007, 07:04 PM:


ohh, that's terrible that something like that happened to someone in your family. the holocaust was such a terrible event. this is the second year i'm learing about it in school. i've read so many books and heard so many stories that have broken my heart that were on it. i swear, i cannot beleive how anyone could act so terribly to another person like that, but the nazis didn't even consider the jews, gypsies, gays, or disabled people as humans! sometime next week, i'm going on a trip to the holocaust museum in DC. i swear it'll freak me out worse than the scariest movies, but i really want to go. this is kinda random and i don't mean to offend any christians out there, but it gets me really mad when i go to a jewlry store and all they have are crosses. not even one star of david!

Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 04.03.2007, 08:54 PM:


Yeah..I like history.^^But I don't have history yet.
I think I can get it in Gr.9.(my school is middle/high school. You don't get to chose where to go either. There's only one school that has those grades in my area)Not sure, but I have a sort of gothic chick friend in Gr.9.(why do all goth people enjoy staring at me? Oh wait..I think I know why. But I'm always so preppy or depressed.)I'll ask her.
There's a long story. My youngest aunt is 28(she's the one who might be getting married, soon. Her brothers were all 13 years older than her), and my oldest is 50.(her son is getting married soon)
I'd like to go to that museum. Shoot..I'm the only one at school who likes reading about stuff like that. I read a book called Hana's Suitcase. My mom told me I'd cry, and, guess what? I bawled like a baby at the end.

Posted by Chihiro_spirit on 04.03.2007, 10:24 PM:


what do you mean you don't have history !?!?! everyone gets history! you mean you don't heve it at all as a subject during the day? that is weeeiiird! ugggg i have a term paper due in 2 weeks! i still have to write it. that never takes to long. it's the note cards that are the worst! have you ever read the devil's arithmatic? or seen the movie escape from sobibore (spelling error)? if you like history enough, especially things like the holocaust, you should come to my school. they really stress that kind of stuff. next week i think we light yartzite candles for the holocaust victims, all 6 million of them. of course we don't have 6 mill candles and we don't know all their names, but we say a prayer for all of them as well as individuals.

Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 04.04.2007, 07:51 AM:


Originally posted by Chihiro_spirit
what do you mean you don't have history !?!?! everyone gets history! you mean you don't heve it at all as a subject during the day? that is weeeiiird! ugggg i have a term paper due in 2 weeks! i still have to write it. that never takes to long. it's the note cards that are the worst! have you ever read the devil's arithmatic? or seen the movie escape from sobibore (spelling error)? if you like history enough, especially things like the holocaust, you should come to my school. they really stress that kind of stuff. next week i think we light yartzite candles for the holocaust victims, all 6 million of them. of course we don't have 6 mill candles and we don't know all their names, but we say a prayer for all of them as well as individuals.

Yeah, I don't get history. It's somewhat in our S.Studies but that's only our countries history.*sigh*
So, all the history I know, I taught myself.

Posted by Chihiro_spirit on 04.04.2007, 09:53 AM:


woah! u only learn your country's history? but you taught yourself everything else? that's amazing! my teacher stuffs all kinds of history into my head. whether it's my country or the world. you should read more about the holocaust though. it's a sad event but it's horrifying to know what they did. also, it's amazing when you find out how they did it and managed to get away with it! sorry, i kinda got carried away. i like history when it's not about my own country's history, but instead about the world. i found egyptian and greek history facinating. the native american tribes are ok too, but i swear that i've leaned about them waaayyy to much!

Posted by Roarkiller on 04.04.2007, 11:29 AM:


History in my country is only compulsory for two years, and that's the first two years of secondary school.

I never cared for history. Most doesn't make sense nor does it help me in any way.

And stuff like the holocaust or the Japanese invasion or D-day or someother stuff sometimes makes people racist. You see that often when Jews face Germans, or Japanese face Koreans, like that.

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 04.04.2007, 03:09 PM:


Originally posted by Chihiro_spirit
woah! u only learn your country's history? but you taught yourself everything else? that's amazing! my teacher stuffs all kinds of history into my head. whether it's my country or the world. you should read more about the holocaust though. it's a sad event but it's horrifying to know what they did. also, it's amazing when you find out how they did it and managed to get away with it! sorry, i kinda got carried away. i like history when it's not about my own country's history, but instead about the world. i found egyptian and greek history facinating. the native american tribes are ok too, but i swear that i've leaned about them waaayyy to much!

Ugh, same here.
I knew all about that. I clearly read too much. My cuz will often just call me up and ask me questions and I'll answer them all.
Roarkiller-Knew all that.^^
I usually like history for my stories. I can't make my stories based in our time and age. Or even world...
And I needed to know more on this stuff for one because it's all about this person who hates being immortal.
Not that I know much about being immortal, and it has nothing to do with religious people and stuff.

Posted by Chihiro_spirit on 04.04.2007, 06:46 PM:


wel yeah, i guess some bits in history are pretty touchy subjects. history isn't my favorite subject but i do like learning about some points. do you get a lot in another subject to make up for history? hmmm... i just realized how far we've strayed from the subject of scrapped princess right now i'm watching kiki for the millionth time this week. i rented it from netflix so i'll have to send it back soon. maybe i should draw jiji as a fat, round pancake. yeah! after the movie, i'll get right to it!

Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 04.05.2007, 07:27 AM:


Sweet, I figured out I can sell my drawings.
My entire family supports me to finish what I've started. Although my mom doesn't always agree.
Cousins and grand parents:How's your writing coming along?
Me:I'm busy with school right now. I got some stories going.
Aunt & Grandma:She should go teach English in Japan.(question:why does my mom make such a thing about me learning Japanese?)
Mom:No, she can't do that.
Sister & cousin:Your drawings?
They expect too much of me. Darn, I'm not even in high school! I just wanted to get my career early.
My friend and me are the only people at school that we know of that's seen Kiki. She thinks it's just adorable.
My poor VHS is almost worn out, so I'm lucky I finally got a DVD.
And I believe I can just order in Scrapped Princess.^^

Posted by Chihiro_spirit on 04.05.2007, 10:31 AM:


i really wanna get the english version of scrapped princess to see what it sounds like! but i don't have the money right now, so i'll have to wait for my b-day!

Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 04.05.2007, 03:12 PM:


I spent almost all my b-day money on books.
He he, he he he.^^

Posted by Seiji on 04.05.2007, 05:55 PM:


FFF, have you posted any of your drawings? I don't remember seeing them if you have.

As far as scrapped princess, I watch the first few episodes, and I didn't like it that much. No big deal. Just not my thing I guess.

Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 04.05.2007, 07:29 PM:


*sweat drop*
No. Ask Ray about my drawings.
My friend likes the SP book!^^

Posted by Chihiro_spirit on 04.05.2007, 09:18 PM:


but you know what, i started to read the beginning of the scrapped princess manga book no. 1 and i didn't like it. it went waaayyy off from the regular story path. i got frustrated and never finished it! but i like the novel versions! i read the first one and i can't wait for the next one!

Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 04.06.2007, 02:17 PM:


I think the next one came out recently.
Sweet. My friends, I wonder if they like my book habits..
Meh, I'll become a librarian.
I'm still yet to finish the first one.

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