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Posted by Saddletank on 06.19.2007, 04:10 PM:


Hard to think of a best episode coz they all merge into one another. I liked the ones with Sakaki in because I found her the most interesting character - so that would be ep9 with all the cat stuff, and the Okinawa trip where she meets the wildcat, and (I think) the last but one when the wildcat is at Chiyo's house and she goes round and plays with it and Chiyo brings in tea and cookies and finds her rolling about on the floor with it in a most un-Sakaki-like way. I thought that was very sweet.

I think I enjoyed the jokes at the beginning of the series when the style was fresh: Osaka's eye-bubbles and the first time we met Kimura-sensei. He's hilarious at first (the swimming pool episode is brilliant) but he soon wears off becuse he's a 1-joke character and a bit of a seedy joke at that. But because the series is poking fun at itself here and at all other school-girl anime I like him.

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by Mononokehime on 07.15.2007, 05:03 PM:


I found InuYasha hilarious but that's because I'm just plain sick though it is really funny, don't know if it's supposed to be so funny though

It's also got a bit of romance but it's not serious stuff it's just cute and it doesn't come up a lot.

Posted by Saddletank on 07.15.2007, 05:30 PM:


I came across something very odd on Veoh the other day "He is My Master"... hm, well, totally odd, totally ecchi and totally perverted but in a funny way. I ended up laughing at it quite a bit, not because it was funny as such but it was just so damn - odd. So perverse it was hilarious. I think I ended up laughing at the bits that weren't supposed to be funny.

But if you're offended by 14 YO girls not wearing much and perverted boys with spy cameras all over their houses then avoid it. But I just found myself almost drawn in against my will out of a sort of twisted sick fascination.

I mean there's nothing actually too wrong with it, except its just totally tasteless.

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by Roarkiller on 07.16.2007, 12:13 AM:


The one with a pair of sisters forced to work as some voyuer-obsessed guy's live-in maids.

Yeah I heard of that one. Unfortunately, this computer is in the living room, and I live with my family, so I need to be careful of what I watch.

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I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by Saddletank on 07.16.2007, 03:33 PM:


Ya that's the one. Its actually not that bad, there's nothing specifically RUDE about it and its all drawn in a fairly unrealistic style (Satoshi Kon it certainly isn't).

I just find it hard to describe and also hard to say why I watched it. Its not especially in bad taste, (well I guess it is, but its presented in such a daft lighthearted way that you probably could watch it in a family room - there's no real nudity to speak of), there's just this funny thing that grips you and compels you to keep watching because you're thinking "where the hell are they gonna go next with this storyline? how far can they push the boundary and not fall flat on their face in a sea of bad taste?" And yet it still remains light and enjoyable.

You could go to Veoh and D/L the whole lot without watching any of it and burn it to CDs to watch someplace else/later.

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by Roarkiller on 07.16.2007, 11:50 PM:


I'm muslim. And asian. Add two and two and you get the idea.

From what I know of the series though, it really is just pure comedy with a splash of, um, "naughtiness" if you will. It's supposed to be in line with Love Hina and the like in terms of comedy/story.

Not exactly on top of my to-watch list, but I don't disagree that it's worth checking out.

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by aDeL on 07.23.2007, 07:41 AM:


the simpson, sponge bob and also crayon sin-chan can make me laugh

Posted by franpgb on 08.10.2007, 04:01 PM:


Ok, after reading this thread I decided to start watching Azumanga Daioh...

It's hilarious - it actually makes me laugh out loud! It's so funny. I'm only on episode 2 at the moment.

Tomo is a complete maniac...haha. It's just funny..

Posted by Seiji on 08.11.2007, 03:22 AM:


YES, AZUMANGA IS HILARIOUS My favorite character is Osaka by far(there, I'm on topic)

Saddletank, you've come a long way during your short fandom life. I remember when you made a big deal about that one girl in the school swimsuit being portrayed too sexually, and now you're watching shows about forced live-in maid 14 year old sisters being videotaped and not wearing much, and calling the whole mess "light and enjoyable". The old saddletank of about six months ago would have been disgusted at the mere thought of such character portrayal. Lol. You're going down the moe path saddletank. Tread carefully. (as always, just poking fun ya know)

On the otherhand, I'd expect this kind of thing from Roarkiller, who's seen pretty much everything ever and aproaches every bit of it from a scholarly meh...Old news

Posted by Saddletank on 08.11.2007, 03:54 AM:


I was just kinda dragged into watching that series because it was so distasteful a concept yet somehow... strangely compelling too. Trust me, I did feel guilty watching it. It worried me but in the end it wasn't so bad and the thing was 90% humour anyway. Had it dwelled on certain aspects of the story in a certain way I'd've been outta there - also I just don't think it would've been made that way and then marketed away from the H shelves.

Heh, I remember first watching non-Ghibli anime being shocked at the size of the eyes. Now I can watch things like Shuffle! and still think the girls are pretty. What do scientists call that? Acceptance by conditioning?

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by Roarkiller on 08.11.2007, 11:48 AM:


Originally posted by Seiji On the otherhand, I'd expect this kind of thing from Roarkiller, who's seen pretty much everything ever and aproaches every bit of it from a scholarly meh...Old news

I'm a perfectionist and a tough critic, so sue me.

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by Seiji on 08.11.2007, 12:20 PM:


Originally posted by Roarkiller
Originally posted by Seiji On the otherhand, I'd expect this kind of thing from Roarkiller, who's seen pretty much everything ever and aproaches every bit of it from a scholarly meh...Old news

I'm a perfectionist and a tough critic, so sue me.

@ Roar, Lol no, not at all. It wasn't a criticism. You are a very useful resource.

@ Saddles, that is an interesting can of worms you opened saddletank. It might be fun to trace our acceptance by conditioning. It was only a couple of years ago that I despised shoujo art, or cutsy art in general. It would have been really hard for me to watch Azumanga back then (cutsy, not shoujo of course)

Posted by Saddletank on 08.11.2007, 12:36 PM:


This brings me back to Shuffle! I know it was originally an H game and the novels then the anime came from that. I started watching it because #1sanfan did that vectoring project on one of the characters and I thought the artwork was nice so I went for it.

At first I didn't think too much of it, it was fairly average harem stuff but then later in the story it gets a bit more complex and darker and emotional. Problem is, en-route to that point there's more fanservice and ecchi material than I'm comfortable with. There's a good deal of nudity, underwear and quick flashes of things which is getting to the gratuitous level.

The level of uncovered female skin is approaching Elfen Leid proportions.

The problem is of course is that I'm still watching it. I find moments in it quite distasteful yet I think I can see where the plot is going now and it could actually be quite good.

So, where does one draw the line? I feel like my principals are being trampled on, and its me that's doing the trampling.

I don't know if you'd call this conditioning, or what. I suspect you, Roar, could watch Shuffle! without problems (I recall I was cross with Perfect Blue the first time I saw it) but then probably you just don't let fanservice get under your skin the way it does mine.

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by Roarkiller on 08.11.2007, 11:27 PM:


I already watched Shuffle, actually And only the really bad storylines and/or unrealistically sickening voice-acting can turn me off. Graphics never will.

FYI I already watched a fair amount of hentai, so nothing distastes me. Like my friend said, in the end, it's just animation.

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by Saddletank on 08.12.2007, 06:17 AM:


Originally posted by Roarkiller
I already watched Shuffle

In that case "He Is My Master" won't bother you at all, you may even find it amusing (where its meant to be amusing - I found it amusing where I'm not sure it was).

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by Miyrru on 08.12.2007, 06:04 PM:


Originally posted by Saddletank
This brings me back to Shuffle! I know it was originally an H game and the novels then the anime came from that. I started watching it because #1sanfan did that vectoring project on one of the characters and I thought the artwork was nice so I went for it.

At first I didn't think too much of it, it was fairly average harem stuff but then later in the story it gets a bit more complex and darker and emotional. Problem is, en-route to that point there's more fanservice and ecchi material than I'm comfortable with. There's a good deal of nudity, underwear and quick flashes of things which is getting to the gratuitous level.

The level of uncovered female skin is approaching Elfen Leid proportions.

The problem is of course is that I'm still watching it. I find moments in it quite distasteful yet I think I can see where the plot is going now and it could actually be quite good.

So, where does one draw the line? I feel like my principals are being trampled on, and its me that's doing the trampling.

I don't know if you'd call this conditioning, or what. I suspect you, Roar, could watch Shuffle! without problems (I recall I was cross with Perfect Blue the first time I saw it) but then probably you just don't let fanservice get under your skin the way it does mine.

ah the magic of vectoring. i did like the style it was fairly standard, but i liked Mayumi for the 2 coloured eyes, and even people like Nerine with the elongated ears. it was interesting, and it was one of the eariler series i watched, even though i havent finished it or are still watching it, it was a good diveresion. but i didnt like the ecchi, made me feel guilty watching it, so i just filed it in the back of the series ive seen.

i would say that acceptance by conditioning, is very much so the case with most things. look at sports, i cant stand soccer(football) but i havent been around it often and never really played it or watched it. but people in europe who get the world cups, and can see premire league games, are right into it. it is where you are at a certian time that can determine your likes and dislikes.


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The truth had to be seen. Anything else was a story, entertaining but more embroidered fib then crude, shapeless fact. ~Dave Eggers

Posted by Saddletank on 08.12.2007, 06:59 PM:


Well, soccer is a good example. I hate it, simply can't stand it. Over here in the UK its no longer a sport but a huge money making business, an industry. I never was a big fan of soccer once I hit my teens and no amount of watching it would condition me into liking it.

Anime however which I generally like, I can watch most things briefly (my daughter has recently become a huge Naruto fan but it's not for me, even though I can sit and watch the occasional episode with her). However most stuff needs to fit my general 'envelope' of interest. Fantasy/fantastic things don't appeal at all although I'm generally more comfortable with most genres of anime than I was a year back.

As to Shuffle! - don't bother. I finished it tonight and it wasn't really worth the effort, unless, like the writer you are a fan of blue and white striped girls knickers (of which you see a tediously large amount) don't waste your time. It turns out as a pretty dull predicatble harem anime right to the end.

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by Miyrru on 08.12.2007, 07:08 PM:


yeah i didnt really plan on continuing, i might seek out a few more mayumi pics for tracing, but other than that, im done with the series.

i agree that conditioning isnt a law, but it does happen more often than not, keeping with the sports analogy, my dad was a big Red Wings(hockey) and Vikings(american football) fan, guess who my two favourite teams of those sports were for the first 13 years of my life? i switched off the wings, but im still a vikings fan. mostly cause i was raised so to speak as a fan of them. i could switch teams, but then i am treading on unholy grounds, and can be known as a wagonjumper, so im keeping my team.

on a side note, im doing a Therru trace as my new project.


Click for Gallery^^
The truth had to be seen. Anything else was a story, entertaining but more embroidered fib then crude, shapeless fact. ~Dave Eggers

Posted by Saddletank on 08.12.2007, 07:36 PM:


Actually in the last episode there is a really cute super deformed chibi-fied Mayumi that looks lovely. I'll try and grab a screeny for you.

Ah, yeah, parental influence. That's a biggie and maybe different to what we're discussing.

I'd like to see how you get on with Therru (ah, so to speak).

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by Miyrru on 08.12.2007, 07:43 PM:


it might be, but i guess if i use the Ishmael term of Mother Culture in that the people around you determine your lieks and dislikes, that is probably more for what i am going for, it is different than parental influence.


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The truth had to be seen. Anything else was a story, entertaining but more embroidered fib then crude, shapeless fact. ~Dave Eggers

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