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Posted by Mush on 12.29.2007, 09:27 PM:


Actually, now that you mention it, a friend of mine went to China to study kung-fu with the Shaolin monks.


Posted by Roarkiller on 12.29.2007, 11:13 PM:


That can't be right. From what I know, the temples are still closed to the public. And last I checked, they mainly teach zen philosophy there, not kungfu. The kungfu part is only a small part of their activities, to improve their health and chi flow.

@Orphic: Don't get your empty post.

FYI though, my right own fist is desensitized.

Posted by Orphic Okapi on 12.29.2007, 11:34 PM:


I was answering someone's question by quoting you, that's all.

I like tea!

Posted by Iseult on 05.02.2008, 04:29 AM:


Hmmmm....I'd defiantly say Ninja

Posted by Farren on 05.02.2008, 04:54 AM:


ninja's are sneaky

pigeons funk the impossible

Posted by Necromas on 05.04.2008, 09:16 PM:


Go ninja go ninja go!

Posted by Yay! Kiki on 05.05.2008, 12:07 AM:


Oh gosh. That's hard.

I had to say ninjas... although I dislike both. I am a pirate.. That brings back memories- there was this awesomely hilarious conflict between "pirates" and "ninjas" at my school a few months ago. We fought over a fake ear of corn (I think that it was a candle) And randomly got mad at each other for not being a ninja or a pirate. It was annoying because there were only two pirates that actually put any effort into protecting the corn... and there were ten ninjas! The other pirate would always toss me the corn and leave me at the mercy of about three ninjas. It bugged me. Anyway, that's how crazy I am.

Edit: Pirates are also better than ninjas because ninjas do other people's dirt work and pirates live life as they like!

Posted by Farren on 05.05.2008, 12:33 AM:


samurai are very cool but ninja's are only ninja cool
they sneak a lot
it wouldn't be the warrior way.
it would be the fitz chivlery way
thats awesome

now i prefer ninja's

pigeons funk the impossible

Posted by husky51 on 05.06.2008, 12:13 AM:


Samurai, by all means...
And Toshiro Mifune, to me, in his acting, expresses the best of the Samurai world...
The samurai film to Japan was what the western was to the occidental world...


Posted by Calcifer619 on 06.13.2008, 05:50 AM:


NINJA NINJA NINJA!!!! Samuri Jack is a retard and tom cruise was crap in the last samuri.

I even have a ninja suit and ninjas are funny. Anyone ever heard of askaninja?

Posted by Yay! Kiki on 06.13.2008, 01:16 PM:


Yeah... but they should also ask a pirate...

Posted by Kazegami on 06.13.2008, 02:11 PM:


Wow, this thread is back? o_0

I voted like... ages ago... I'm pretty sure I voted samurai. They have big-ass swords. And Kanda is like a samurai.

Although... having watched Nabari No Ou, I'd probably vote ninja if I had the choice now. 'Cause they generally have, like, awesome powers like disappearing into a cloud of leaves and whizzing around the place impossibly fast and stuff like that. And they have those little sharp things with the four points that they chuck at people, which are pretty awesome.


My Anime List

Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 06.13.2008, 03:09 PM:


Ninjas. Because of Nabari no Ou, my kitty ninjas, the BL Lovin' Ninjas in my "Muffin Prince" fairytale ( XD lol) , and other stuff.

Posted by ChibiToast on 06.17.2008, 04:56 PM:


I think Ninjas are cooler mostly because of the fact that I love Naruto. Ehehehe...


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