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Posted by Loscil on 03.06.2008, 06:41 PM:


Finished. All of it. One day. Brilliant.

I saw it non-chronoligical and really liked it that way because the main storyline "melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Eps 1-6" are in order, but just inter-spiced with chronologically later episodes that have less of a narrative meaning but serve to lighten things up.
I liked all the characters.

However I'm not sure if when I eventually see it again, if I will watch it chronologically that time. It would seem like one labelled the episodes into two styles and instead of viewing them more or less alternatively, as i did now, one views allof one type first and then all of the next... it would be weird.
Although... the actualy last episode is a really nice one and would make a nice last ep. Though...not as nice as the "real" last episode actually. That was very nice.

I was a little confused as Saddles, when he gives both orders, labels "00" as an episode making the total 15, which is wrong. One episode is called "00", the one with their culture festival movie, but it's actually episode 11 or so. I was always thinking I missed an epsiode.

Anyways. I really liked it a lot. I now wish I was fluent inJapanese so that I could read the books and play the 2 games that are out.

Posted by Saddletank on 03.06.2008, 07:41 PM:


Ha, ha, I'm pleased you enjoyed it. Yes, watching it the second time, out of sequence again I picked up on things I'd missed before or which I did see but which I didn't fully get.

Spoiler!, highlight to read.

In the baseball game Haruhi is dressing up poor Mikuru in the cheerleader outfit and she gathers her hair up into a ponytail, then glances at Kyon, gives him a strange look and drops the ponytail again. Second time round you understand exactly why she does that, and what it means. It's one of those details that only works so nicely if you see it out of sequence.

The same is true of the scene in the cave on the island when they are wringing out their soaking clothes. At the beginning of the story Kyon makes the point that Haruhi is quite at ease stripping off in front of boys "she seems to view them on the same level as potatoes" is the line, its a classic.

But in the cave we see her take off her shirt out of sight of Kyon then reach to undo her bra. She pauses, thinks about something then leaves it on...

Why? Why is she acting differently to before? Its great how those little touches come alive even more second time of viewing.

And its also lovely to watch, the art style, the colours it all works a treat. Kyon is fantastic too. He is voiced by the same person who did Myanma in Honey & Clover IIRC but sounds a lot different here.

I got to use the spoiler tag first! Woot!

Hm, yes, I don't know what I was thinking when I put the 00 episode number in there as well as 01. My bad.

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by Loscil on 03.06.2008, 07:59 PM:


My favourite episode, in terms of which I just laughed at most, might actually be 00.
I loved all the film mistakes and the cheap effects in there. It was absolutely brilliant, as was the really confused narrator.
And it will probably be funnier when I watch it the second time, as I will not spend half the time thinking "Is this the series (thoughI don't mind)", but know its just a fake movie.
I really loved that ep.

Posted by T.C. on 03.07.2008, 12:37 AM:


Yeah that episode was funny but made me hesitant about the rest of the series coz i ddint want to get into something i was going to be irritated with, having no idea what was going on and desperately trying to cling to a plot.. but by the second/thrid episode everything has already fallen into place pretty well and while it isnt chronological it is well established and gives the rest of the randomness some kind of base for you to understand it from to just the right degree.
on another note, my sentences are far to long...

Posted by Loscil on 03.07.2008, 08:55 PM:


I'm bored so I'm planning to watch some more anime.
Something light and feel-good like Haruhi or AzuDai.
I was planning to watch Ouran HSHC again, as I found it really funny and charming, but I thought that someone might come up with something new and possibly even BETTER for me to watch.
Anyways. I#m open to suggesstions, if not I'll restart OHSHC tomorrow.
Ok, I've done that now. Couldn't find the english sub anywhere so I'm wtching it in spanish...

Posted by husky51 on 03.29.2008, 01:29 PM:


hahaha, was up late last night working my way through the series... now I've just finished 'Romote Island...1' and looking for the rest. I know where it is, just have to go back there. I am viewing an English version as I don't think that I could keep up with the subtitles for Haruhi alone. Man, she talks fast when her fuse is lit!

I'm enjoying the film (s) and sympathizing with Kyon, poor guy....

EDIT: finished the lawns AND the films... now what??? lol


Posted by Roarkiller on 03.30.2008, 11:37 AM:


Baka-Tsuki translated the novels. I suggest that.

The novels are quite different from the anime or the manga (which is adapted from the anime anyway, meh). It's much deeper, covers more ground, better explanations, more suspense and more involvement (though in some parts, less funny, on the flipside).

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by Iseult on 05.02.2008, 06:31 AM:


Lol, I saw a few eps of this on Youtube a while ago and watching it made me think 'WTF?" Lol but that might have been because I didn't see the first episode to fill me in
But overall, very funny

Posted by harmony-of-mar on 05.02.2008, 06:52 AM:


i didnt like it, mikeru turned me off it, shes too annoying and fanservicy.


Posted by Saddletank on 05.02.2008, 07:15 AM:


She's no more fanservicy than many other anime females. In fact she's 'annoying' for a reason, she's supposed to be a bit doppy, its a plot-thing. And the 'fanservice' in fact comes from Haruhi - it's her who puts Mikuru through all the trauma. And she's like that for a reason too.

I think this is one of those series that is clever in that the director and artists used 'fanservice' as part of the plot thus actually its no longer fanservce, since it has a point.

But either way, its definitely a series aimed at males. Having said that my favourite character is Kyon, he's just so cool and deadpan, nothing fazes him, not even imminent death at the hands of knife-wielding schoolgirls turned aliens.

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by Roarkiller on 05.02.2008, 10:05 AM:


Technically, Mikuru being that way was only so that Haruhi would have a reson to "notice" her and so force her to join the club.

I did say technically.

Besides, in the novels, Mikuru's moe factor seldom gets a mention. But then the novel covers the stories with so much more depth and randomness. It's on a completely different level from the anime.

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by BubblegumGuru on 07.11.2008, 09:03 PM:


Aaagh I love Haruhi. I want a Haruhi Figma. You know, those super-posable figures with interchangable hands and whatnot that Max Factory made...Wow I sound nerdy right now.

I've been wanting to read the novels, and I found a site that has them translated...I read the first chapter of the first novel and by the end my eyes were hurting so bad. I don't do well with reading for long periods of time on a computer screen. I wish the novels would get translated and released in the U.S., but it doesn't seem likely.

Posted by Yay! Kiki on 07.12.2008, 07:46 AM:


I love that show! I watched it in a weekend, not counting the firs that I watched awhile before I really watched the series. Haha, yay!

Posted by Roarkiller on 07.13.2008, 03:22 AM:


Originally posted by BubblegumGuru I've been wanting to read the novels, and I found a site that has them translated...I read the first chapter of the first novel and by the end my eyes were hurting so bad. I don't do well with reading for long periods of time on a computer screen. I wish the novels would get translated and released in the U.S., but it doesn't seem likely.

And that's why, people, experts tells us to sit at least half a metre away from the computer screen, and rest our eyes after every 45 minutes.

It's possible that the novels will be translated by Viz since it's a popular series and all, but novels take a MUCH longer time to translate. Even Viz take about a year to tanslate a full novel, compared to two months for a manga.

Either way, the only English novel of Haruhi you can read now is from Baka-Tsuki anyhow, so meh. But seriously, I highly recommend the novels over the anime if you like a good storyline. The novels do not focus as much on the humour, but rather on the actual events that happen to the brigade.

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by Yay! Kiki on 07.13.2008, 04:44 PM:


Oh, I shall have to find some way to read that then! That sounds interesting, yay!

Posted by Miyrru on 07.13.2008, 06:33 PM:


Regardless of the plot, I think its ridiculousness wins it points. Its my favourite series to kill off a weekend with if nothing is happening, cause I dont have to get into it to enjoy it. Music ep is probably still my favourite ep of all anime ive ever seen. Great all around. I wish I wasnt working so much so I could watch more, cause I miss my hobby.


Click for Gallery^^
The truth had to be seen. Anything else was a story, entertaining but more embroidered fib then crude, shapeless fact. ~Dave Eggers

Posted by animekittynya on 09.20.2008, 12:11 PM:


Yaay. Just started it. After seeing the first episode i was convinced that Haruhi was absoultely insane... but after seeing a few more episodes, I guess that she just has a very......unique way of seeing the world. And she'll do anything to get what she wants even if it means using other people. Like Mikuru.

Posted by Yay! Kiki on 09.20.2008, 06:05 PM:


Watch more!! Watch more. Excitingness shall soon happen.

Posted by animekittynya on 09.21.2008, 12:07 AM:


Originally posted by Yay! Kiki
Watch more!! Watch more. Excitingness shall soon happen.

Ehh, really? So ka.... When I have the time I really should sit down and watch all of it.... or i could buy that nice big boxed set i saw at Best Buy the other day when I can save up enough money. Is it good enough to spend the money on the boxed set? The few episodes i saw were quite... interesting, and it caught my attention.(Haruhi is quite, um, different from the usual female leads you see in most anime.) I'll have to watch it when I can find the time, one way or another.
On another note, since I havent seen but a few episodes, does it deserve the 'PG-13' rating that's on the box? Just wondering.

Posted by Yay! Kiki on 09.21.2008, 02:11 AM:


Yes, it rather does deserve PG-13, but only because of Haruhi antics...

Yeah. The anime has rather a bit of an interesting plot to it, one that I'm not telling you yet, but rather comes as a surprise. Yay! And then it becomes all the more awesome.

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