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Posted by husky51 on 07.16.2014, 11:38 AM:


Sorry to hear that, Orphic... I'm lucky (if that's the word) to only be afflicted with Type 2... Good Luck, my Friend.


Posted by husky51 on 07.16.2014, 12:21 PM:


Just re-watched ep. 6 to refresh my memory...

In the last few minutes, I see that it has been cleared up in my mind as to which is the eldest tanuki son. It is Yaichiro, he of the brown robe, and not the frog...

We've learned a little more of Benten's past and a mystery as to why she cries at the well...

Also wondering why Benton, Yasaburo and the Professor Odewara (? spelling) were running around on the rooftops like they were. To my thinking, possibly something set up by Benten to give the other two a chance to connect for some reason...

Usually I wait until Saturday before I watch the next episode, but I'm ready for ep. 7 now... lol


Posted by arren18 on 07.16.2014, 07:04 PM:


I'll probably watch 6 later today. I've been too busy with class in the last few days and haven't had the chance, but my last exam is today, so after that I can catch up.


Posted by Nausicaa_Cat on 07.16.2014, 07:43 PM:


Originally posted by husky51
Just re-watched ep. 6 to refresh my memory...

In the last few minutes, I see that it has been cleared up in my mind as to which is the eldest tanuki son. It is Yaichiro, he of the brown robe, and not the frog...

We've learned a little more of Benten's past and a mystery as to why she cries at the well...

Also wondering why Benton, Yasaburo and the Professor Odewara (? spelling) were running around on the rooftops like they were. To my thinking, possibly something set up by Benten to give the other two a chance to connect for some reason...

Usually I wait until Saturday before I watch the next episode, but I'm ready for ep. 7 now... lol

I've watched 6 too! I didn't post because I felt at a bit of a loss what to say. I found it a very intriguing and interesting episode though (which I guess seems a bit contradictory in comparison to my former sentence). A lot of mysteries in the air, it would seem.

Posted by husky51 on 07.17.2014, 02:29 AM:


Originally posted by Nausicaa_Cat

I've watched 6 too! I didn't post because I felt at a bit of a loss what to say.

I felt the same way about posting, that was why I re-watched it...


Posted by arren18 on 07.17.2014, 01:20 PM:


I've caught up.

That was an odd episode. Very slow and contemplative, with some fleshing out of back story but not much new stuff going on. The conversations between food and consumer were rather discomforting, but I was interested. Again, I must admit that I wish more would happen and things would be made clearer a little quicker, but that's just my taste. In any case I'm looking forward to seeing what's really going on.

Next up, weirdly enough - a bathhouse episode.


Posted by Roarkiller on 07.18.2014, 10:47 AM:


I think ep 5 and 6 were meant to be seen together.

Personally, I think daddy is dead. If anything, the prof's story seemed to confirm his being eaten.

I'm more interested in why Benten's first participation also happened to be the day she brought a tanuki. It seems to me that there were circumstances into her being forced/cajoled into either joining or capturing a tanuki. Also, considering her behaviour, particularly by the well (and the frequency, according to Yajirou), she doesn't seem to particularly enjoy it much either. More like she's forcing herself to play the bad guy as a form of retribution for her actions.

Still, am I the only one questioning that abduction? Seriously, that was a huge WTF moment right there.

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by Nausicaa_Cat on 07.18.2014, 04:10 PM:


Has anyone else seen 7 yet?

Posted by husky51 on 07.18.2014, 11:52 PM:


Much as I've wanted to, I wait until Sat morning (minimum) before watching the next episode... If I am otherwise tied up I may not see it until late Sunday or even Monday...

If I need to change this mind-set, let me know...


Posted by arren18 on 07.19.2014, 12:21 AM:


I think I'll watch it this weekend. Maybe today if I have time for it.


Posted by husky51 on 07.19.2014, 07:37 AM:


For some reason I couldn't sleep so I got up and logged on. Since it was Saturday morning, albeit a bit early, I went ahead and watched Ep. 7. It seems as though the whole tale is wrapped up in the death of their Father. Everything appears to come back to that time and time again...


Posted by Orphic Okapi on 07.20.2014, 09:09 AM:


Well, I watched 6 and 7.

I think you're reading into things a bit much, Saddletank. Yes, there has been some conversation bordering on the philosophical about what it means to eat and be eaten. Beyond that, I don't think there's been any indication we're supposed to take this story on a metaphorical or allegorical level. The amount we know about each of the three races is almost too disproportionate to allow for a symbolic reading: we've met several tanuki with various personalities but only one tengu, and the two human characters we've come to know are quite different. I'll allow you the possibility that humans are meant represent baser appetites of some sort, given that every human so far seems fairly remorseless about killing and eating things (as humans tend, on the most part, to be). But why should we assume that tanuki are meant to represent submissiveness when at least two of the tanuki characters introduced so far are fairly domineering (mother, eldest brother), and an aggressive rivalry between tanuki clans is a major subplot?

If the story is supposed to be symbolic (I'm willing to believe the original novel might have had some symbolism in it), the director isn't conveying that very well. There's been some philosophical dialogue but absolutely no visual indication that we're meant to be taking what's going on at more than face value. There are no visual motifs. We aren't shown anything that couldn't happen in the world of the story.

I still sort of like this show, but it's missing something, a certain spark. Even when I'm enjoying it I have this nagging feeling that it's not as enjoyable as it could be. I wish I could articulate better what I find lacking about it. Maybe it's that I'm still not sure what to expect from each episode (not inherently a bad thing). If it were a straight slice-of-life, a group of disconnected vignettes about this particular family, I could settle into that kind of rhythm and appreciate the show for being that. But it's not, because there is clearly an overarching plot going on here, a gradual build toward a climax. But I don't really care about where the plot is going that much, and the slice-of-lifey diversions are seriously slowing down its progression, so, like, meh. I guess it's still only just halfway done, plenty of time for my opinion to change.

I like tea!

Posted by Roarkiller on 07.21.2014, 12:00 AM:


If we ignore the lackeys, we met two tengus, not one. Camera salesman was a tengu too.

Like husky said, I also agree that the whole story revolves around the death of of the father. Or to be more accurate, it revolves around the consequences of the events surrounding his death. The bombshell about father being caught drunk is pretty big, but I doubt that's the whole story. I mean, think about it: would a man of his stature get that drunk? Considering how he's always painted as a man of resolute ability, getting so himself totally wasted seems improbable. Also, there's that last flashback episode where he was at least in a sound enough mind to carry a conversation. I'm drawing an assumption that the night he went drinking was also the night he was caught and eaten, judging by Yajirou's actions.

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by Orphic Okapi on 07.21.2014, 02:54 AM:


Originally posted by Roarkiller
I mean, think about it: would a man of his stature get that drunk? Considering how he's always painted as a man of resolute ability, getting so himself totally wasted seems improbable.

This is Japan, though. It would be weird if a man (tanuki) of his stature didn't routinely get wasted.

I like tea!

Posted by arren18 on 07.21.2014, 12:40 PM:


Yeah, I don't think it so implausible that he would've been out and getting very drunk. While it's true that he was shown as being very with it when the old man talked to him, bear in mind that this is after the process of wandering around alone, getting captured, and then finally being brought to the Friday Fellows. Since we saw him after being caught in a trap, it's pretty feasible that the trap got him, but that he wasn't taken away for some time afterwards, in which case he wouldn't be in a drunken state by that time.

Anyway, I think there will be further revelations complicating the story before we know exactly what happened and who was responsible for what. There's still a lot we don't know about the Friday Fellows, for example.


Posted by Nausicaa_Cat on 07.21.2014, 01:41 PM:


Originally posted by arren18
Yeah, I don't think it so implausible that he would've been out and getting very drunk. While it's true that he was shown as being very with it when the old man talked to him, bear in mind that this is after the process of wandering around alone, getting captured, and then finally being brought to the Friday Fellows. Since we saw him after being caught in a trap, it's pretty feasible that the trap got him, but that he wasn't taken away for some time afterwards, in which case he wouldn't be in a drunken state by that time.

Anyway, I think there will be further revelations complicating the story before we know exactly what happened and who was responsible for what. There's still a lot we don't know about the Friday Fellows, for example.

I'm pretty much with Arren and Orphic on this one. I don't think the big revelation we should be concentrating on here is the fact that the father was caught whilst very drunk, but the fact that his son left him alone in that state. Judging by the (what I thought was rather extreme) reaction of the brothers to this news, this seems to be the central issue. Which suggests maybe the complication lies in why the son abandoned his drunken father? Or perhaps, running on the idea that the father was 'willingly' caught or whatever, what agreement was involved to convince the son to leave him?

I feel a lot of our mystery solutions we're coming up with here are probably far more complex than what this is leading up to.

Posted by husky51 on 07.21.2014, 03:08 PM:


After reading the comments, I am now wondering if the son turning into a frog and staying that way, had something to do with his fathers capture, a guilty feeling, maybe???


Posted by Orphic Okapi on 07.21.2014, 05:26 PM:


Yeah, I mean, the whole hiding at the bottom of a well and never coming out thing definitely seems to be a manifestation of guilt. Doubles as a way of hiding from responsibility. He's still my favorite brother.

I like tea!

Posted by arren18 on 07.21.2014, 09:25 PM:


What happened strikes me as just a matter of being irresponsible. He's only the second-oldest brother, and shouldn't really have been expected to take care of his drunk dad. And of course, when he did have to and his irresponsibility had disastrous consequences, he felt extremely guilty and withdrew from the world.


Posted by husky51 on 07.26.2014, 02:56 PM:


YAY, time for the next ep...

Ok, watched ep. 8...

partly a repeat, partly some new stuff...I'm starting to get a glimmer of what may happen, but I'm not going to say anything right now. I'll wait and see if anyone else comes up with the idea...

We are now over halfway through... I think that things will start to come together for us now...

And, no, I have not looked ahead....


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