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Posted by Kazegami on 10.24.2007, 04:08 AM:


Well, I finished it last night. I don't remember when I've ever cried so much as I did in those last three episodes.


Now on to the manga I guess. And the fanfic.

Posted by Saddletank on 10.24.2007, 04:50 PM:


Uh... I was weeping at the end of ep.14 (Momiji's story).

I was also sat on the train tonight crying in front of people at the last ep of Honey & Clover. Gah! Emo city today what with one thing and another!

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by Farren on 10.24.2007, 06:20 PM:


it must have been sad then

jeeze saddles that would have been very embarrising

pigeons funk the impossible

Posted by Kazegami on 10.31.2007, 12:33 PM:


I got the first three manga books on Saturday. They rock. First time I've read manga, so it was a little hard getting used to the style. At first I was like "Wait so... that's the back of the book?" and "How is she saying the answer when he hasn't even asked the question yet?". But I'm used to it now. And I get more for Christmas! Yay!

Posted by T.C. on 10.31.2007, 07:23 PM:


Originally posted by Kazegami
I got the first three manga books on Saturday. They rock. First time I've read manga, so it was a little hard getting used to the style. At first I was like "Wait so... that's the back of the book?" and "How is she saying the answer when he hasn't even asked the question yet?". But I'm used to it now. And I get more for Christmas! Yay!

is the storyline the same as in the anime series? or similar?

Posted by Kazegami on 11.01.2007, 05:10 AM:


The storyline is simliar for a while. The anime is a little bit like the manga series, just compressed. But there are some major-ish characters that don't appear in the anime, and the plot is much more intricate and a bit darker too, the manga plot carries on from when the anime leaves off. I haven't even nearly finished it yet but I know this stuff, I've read about it elsewhere. The manga is really good, you should read it if you get the chance.

Posted by Seiji on 11.01.2007, 06:16 PM:


Momiji's story is easily the saddest part for me.

After I saw the end of Honey and Clover I was capable of tearing up at any given time just for thinking about it.

I'm going to buy the manga very soon, but I can't decide which I want more, the box set version or the hardcover version. Boxsets are cool, but hardcovers last forever. And the hardcover version is much larger, so it is closer to the original publication size. But then I'll have to wait forever for them to realease the hardcover volumes...

Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 11.04.2007, 07:46 AM:


HARD COVERS?! O_O ME WANT. Me want, me want, me want, me want... They have hardcovers? Cool, that would be exactly what I'd want. ^^

The DVD's are still not in the anime store. I found DVDs of Super Gals *60$ a dvd..I'm choking x_x*, a DVD of Rozen Maiden.. some others... I find a lot of Haruhi box sets of its anime... But can only find the ones with that girl whose name starts with an M. But still no Furuba.

My mom bought a Fruits Basket wall scroll for my cuz for Christmas.

Posted by T.C. on 11.05.2007, 04:04 AM:


Originally posted by Kazegami
The storyline is simliar for a while. The anime is a little bit like the manga series, just compressed. But there are some major-ish characters that don't appear in the anime, and the plot is much more intricate and a bit darker too, the manga plot carries on from when the anime leaves off. I haven't even nearly finished it yet but I know this stuff, I've read about it elsewhere. The manga is really good, you should read it if you get the chance.

i see, thanks for that. i actually read through some of them a bit in a good book store yesterday and they seemed okay. i hadnt read them before seeing the anime because i think i had subconciously labelled them as "girls manga". i am going back to buy the second Princess Ai volume for someone so i might pick up at least the first volume of FB also. However.. money is low at the moment.

Posted by Saddletank on 11.05.2007, 04:32 PM:


I'm going to try and sum up my views of this series but this post won't be very coherent. Sorry. I was watching this series at the same time that some serious personal stuff was taking over my entire attention span and so some days I could watch an episode (the one about Hatori and Hana particularly and Momiji's story) and it would really touch me, affect me a lot. Then other days I'd watch episodes and I'd either fall asleep I was so tired (lots of late nights recently which have now stopped but the catch-up effect is trashing me from about 11pm onwards every night) or other episodes would just go over my head.

I really should watch it again but I know I won't because it just happens to have 'occurred' at a funny point in my personal circumstances.

I wasn't too happy with the art style. I felt it wasn't of a high enough quality to hold my interest.

I wasn't happy with Kyo's curse at the end, it just seemed like a deux ex machina that had no place in the story which would have worked just as well without it.

There were too many weird characters thrown in for no real purpose; Ayame and Ritsu had no place in the story to my thinking and Ritsu especially was just damn annoying, as was her mom.

To me the whole thing felt too disjointed and seemed to pull in too many rather useless characters. It would have been a stronger story if it had concentrated on maybe the main 6 or 7 characters. There was also the school world and the Sohma world and I think the story would have been stronger if it had focused almost exclusively on one or the other and not tried to balance the two - e.g. the whole Yuki Fanclub thing was just dull and tedious and painfully embarrassing.

I think the most interesting characters in the series were Shigure (who I could relate to) and Saki was was just compelling in her intensity, esp when we found out she was in love with Tohru as well. The end of that episode where that was revealed (the Yuki Fanclub visit to her house) was the last high point of the series for me.

Given all this "shrapnel" of ideas that was flying about the story could have been more powerful if it had stripped away 50% of that junk and focused on what was important.

Ah, so well there you are. As I said not very coherent.

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by Kazegami on 11.05.2007, 04:46 PM:


Originally posted by Saddletank
Ritsu especially was just damn annoying, as was her mom.

"her"?? "her"??? Ritsu is a guy!! And yeah I agree he was annoying. I don't agree that Ayame was unnecessary as he gave us lots of insight into Yuki's life, I usually cry in episode 20, y'know, when he's talking about how he rejected Yuki that day when Yuki asked him for help. The last three episodes were kinda like one big one really, and I thought Kyo's whole story was really touching, especially that bit where he's having this sort of mental confrontation with his dead mother, that part is especially poignant. I'm reading the manga right now, and Shigure is creeping me out. Not in a good way, I mean he's up to something. Something not good. And he's just... creepy.

Posted by Saddletank on 11.05.2007, 04:55 PM:


Sorry yeah Ritsu him/her, its debatable really. There was too much gender confusion and cross dressing for my taste too.

Wow, that's scary I don't even REMEMBER Kyo's confrontation with his dead mother. I must have fallen asleep at that point.

I should leave the discussion at that, I probably just watched it all at the wrong phase of the moon or something.

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by Kazegami on 11.05.2007, 05:50 PM:


*sigh* Really, I don't mean to sound.. you know, like... actually I don't know what the word is, but anyway, I just don't think you should watch it and give a negative view of it unless you've taken it in and understood it properly. It's like saying: "Episode 19 was rubbish! Of course, I only saw the first five minutes."

Perhaps if you have the time you could watch it again and try to appreciate it a little better. It just doesn't sound as though you've been fair to it.

Heh, when I heard there was cross-dressing n' stuff like that, I was a little bit put off. I have slightly old-fashioned views I think, I'm a little homophobic, that kind of thing. But I don't mind it. Momiji actually does suit girls clothes, and Ritsu looks so much like a girl that it doesn't matter. Although I was slightly worried about some of Ayame's customers...

Posted by Saddletank on 11.05.2007, 07:01 PM:


No, I don't think I will watch it again, other than to screen grab my way through the Hatsuharu episodes for the RPG.

I was alert for 80% of it and there was enough in that 80% I didn't like to know that being alert for 100% of it wouldn't change my view. I was with it all the way through the last 3 eps and didn't like hardly any of that, the cat curse thing was just bad story writing in my view. It was a huge new story element thrown in at the very last minute and I hate that sort of plot device. I was sat there with my arms folded just thinking "No. No, no, nope, this isn't working for me." I felt exactly like I did while watching Saikano - there was all this emo stuff pouring out on screen with people weeping and collapsing everywhere and I felt none of that. It was a real disappointment, especially since I knew in advance that the ending had had a strong emotional effect on you. I was waiting for it to have the same effect on me and when it didn't I wondered if I was missing something. I get very emotional watching a good anime and this ending left me just frustrated and a little bored I'm sorry to say.

Also I think it hung too much off the manga or it seemed like it since too many story lines were left hanging without proper explanation. Akito's story for example wasn't explained properly enough for me. I only actually discovered what he was and what his fate is from reading a fanfic.

Clearly its a favourite of yours, so I'll stop now otherwise I'll just annoy you more.

I was watching it simultaneously with Haruhi Suzumiya - about 2 eps a day and HS just had me totally gripped and enthralled right through, and emotionally wrung out as well. As soon as I finished it I began rewatching it. There wasn't a comparison.

But then Fruits Basket is aimed at a girl audience isn't it? While HS is aimed at boys, so maybe thats all I need to say.

Sorry for trashing one of your favourite animes, but I need to be honest and no end of a harem of sexy guys can make up for poor storytelling.

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by Seiji on 11.05.2007, 09:15 PM:


I'm surprised to read that reaction of yours Saddles. The way you were talking about it earlier, it sounded like you really enjoyed it. But, eh, you are of course entitled to your opinion. And if there's one thing I know about you, it's that you never fail to make use of that entitlement.

Minor points of commentary to follow:

I don't like Ritsu or his family either.

The minor characters and plotlines don't hurt the story in any way for me, likely because I find them all quite funny, in particular, anything to do with Shigure's publisher.

The ending didn't come out of nowhere, and true, it does leave quite a lot open, but that's because it was based off of roughly the first 6 volumes of a 23 volume series that was at the time, far from finished.

Ayame does indeed add a lot to the main plot, and again, he's really funny, and though I haven't watched it, I've been told that in the English version he is voiced by God.

Kyou's cat curse isn't exactly thrown in at the last minute either. It is first discussed, though briefly, when Kagura appears.

Some of the ending is a bit overdone in the dramatic sense, I agree. Yet to see Saikano.

I don't feel that the series is harem. It isn't about a bunch of characters of various fetishes all trying to sleep with/ be with Tohru, and there isn't any fanservice (thank God). It's about a bunch of characters of various fetishes trying to sort out their problems. The genius of the main aspect of the curse is that, at least in many cases, it keeps physical relationships to a minumum, causing the development instead of some very deeply romantic friendships.

I'm not afflicted by homophobia to even the slightest degree, so anything of that nature in the series, such as cross-dressing or Ayame and Shigure don't bother me.

@Kazegami, don't worry about Saddles. We know Fruits Basket rocks.

As far as the S.O.S Brigade goes, I'll get around to watching it soon enough. Though I must admit, I am very very much put off by the fanservice, which is the reason I initially stopped watching it. I just don't like to see my characters objectified.

There's a bit of a negative atmosphere in the Fruits basket thread at the moment...hmm...

Posted by Saddletank on 11.05.2007, 09:35 PM:


Originally posted by Seiji Though I must admit, I am very very much put off by the fanservice,
That's interesting because I didn't see ANY fanservice in Haruhi, not a scrap. Fanservice is titilation without any other purpose. Shuffle!, for example, is full of it. In Haruhi all the suggestive stuff is in there for a very good plot-driven reason, hence it's not fanservice. In another sense the series is poking fun at itself, and at some types of anime in general by doing this. Its a very neat joke and nicely done.

All the stuff for example where Haruhi messes about with Mikuru and they wear revealing outfits - that's not fanservice, its actually (you may not think so) character development.

And of course FB is a great series, at times it did touch me strongly, I just seem to have been in the wrong mood when I watched it, particularly the second half.

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by Seiji on 11.05.2007, 09:51 PM:


Originally posted by Saddletank
Originally posted by Seiji Though I must admit, I am very very much put off by the fanservice,
That's interesting because I didn't see ANY fanservice in Haruhi, not a scrap. Fanservice is titilation without any other purpose. Shuffle!, for example, is full of it. In Haruhi all the suggestive stuff is in there for a very good plot-driven reason, hence it's not fanservice. In another sense the series is poking fun at itself, and at some types of anime in general by doing this. Its a very neat joke and nicely done.

All the stuff for example where Haruhi messes about with Mikuru and they wear revealing outfits - that's not fanservice, its actually (you may not think so) character development.

And of course FB is a great series, at times it did touch me strongly, I just seem to have been in the wrong mood when I watched it, particularly the second half.

I'll take your word for it...for now... Since it is such an unusual approach to begin with, your explanation does seem psuedo-believable.

Fanservice or fanservice parady character development(whichever it may be) aside, I was really impressed with the presentation of the plot and the humor in general. Coolest baseball play ever. And Haruhi is very charismatic.

I also find Mikuru to be a very weak stereotypical moe character thus far. Hopefully that will change too.

And sure, there are certainly things that have far more fanservice, hundreds if not thousands of series actually. I don't think I'll ever get around to watching most of them.

I'll take the time too to recommend Mushishi if you haven't already heard of it. It is beautifully animated, fanservice free, and quite poignant. It's a bit tiresome though, since it's slow paced, episodic, and to the point I am at, maybe eight episodes in, there is only one main character. If you feel like it, try out an episode or two.

The Fruits Basket thread seems to have cleared of all of the negative atmosphere...hmm...

Posted by Saddletank on 11.06.2007, 02:32 AM:


Thanks for recommending Mushishi, I'll keep an eye open for it. Idon't know how far you got with Haruhi but nothing is what it seems in that series. Miruku especially.

Yeah, its official FB is cool, and I'm not...

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by T.C. on 11.06.2007, 11:05 PM:


Originally posted by Saddletank
I wasn't happy with Kyo's curse at the end, it just seemed like a deux ex machina that had no place in the story which would have worked just as well without it.

yes but considering the genres played with a deus ex machina is not really out of place is it?.. however i dont view Kyo's curse as one anyway because in no way is the plot concluded. as a matter of fact, the animation has a very open (and perhaps unsatsifying) conclusion, becuase Tohru stays and accepts the sohmas curse, so as to stay truer to the manga.. if the anime had been 'properly ended' then fans of the manga would have been crying out about how much better the manga is.

True this is not a spectaular series and yes Ritsu is very annoying, but i love shigure's treatment of him, but i would recomend a second watch. if not that then go through some of your favourite episodes at least.

Mushishi is great. it is very intelligent and while i dont think its your style of anime its worth a try.
It is slow-paced but character development is achieved subtely with a distant but admiring relationship nurtured between the veiwer and main character. You find out very little about the character but you cling to him none-the-less. also the series gives the impression that you are not following him so much as being introduced to new situations in which he happens to be introduced to at some point (At times he doesnt appear till ten minutes into the episode).
apoligies for turning this into a mushishi thread

Posted by Kazegami on 11.07.2007, 05:25 PM:


Originally posted by Saddletank
Yeah, its official FB is cool, and I'm not...

Aw I don't know about that. We all got our likes and dislikes. And I really, really, really, really like Fruits Basket. But it's fine if you don't. I won't hold it against you.


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