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Posted by frigidchill on 08.17.2007, 05:41 AM:


At this precise moment, my favorite anime has to be Haibane Renmei.

Aside from the actually show being brilliant, the series seems to be permanently etched into my mind for this summer. One of those shows I can come back to in a year and still feel great about watching it. I also seem to have associated it with Arcade Fire's new album.

Other than that it has to be EVA. Which i would of seen loads more times if it wasn't for the fact I brought the platinum edition and have to spread out the CD case from one end of the house to the other to watch it.

Posted by ^_^PRINCEOFTHEDARKFLAMES^_^ on 08.20.2007, 02:44 AM:


Full Metal Alchemist, Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumi(its not sad), my Otome, my Hime, Naruto, (here's my spelling 2 the test) Rironi Kenshin, Samuri X, Godannar, um.... and some others.... oh,oh and Pokemon(like with the first 150 pokemon, it was screwed after that)... and ya


Posted by harmony-of-mar on 09.25.2007, 12:35 AM:


i love MAR obviously,but you guys dont seem to know it.


Posted by kittycatjess on 09.28.2007, 04:18 PM:


i love bleach and hirogashi no naku koro ni/ni kai
(ni kai being the secong series), which resently got cansled but its baack on now yey


Posted by harmony-of-mar on 09.30.2007, 12:50 AM:


first of all,love the bleach pancakes thing.
second of all,since MAR IS UNBEKNOWN TO YOU MORTALS,go to you tube type in MAR black parade and choose the first amv.then youll WANT to know what it is!(evil Phantom laugh,god i hate him,great hair though..)


Posted by harmony-of-mar on 09.30.2007, 01:19 AM:


do i have to do everything myself?


Posted by harmony-of-mar on 10.03.2007, 12:42 AM:


has any of you accually clicked on it?btw,i didnt make it. sorry marheavenangel.


Posted by Farren on 10.03.2007, 12:48 AM:


my school has blocked youtube so i can't

pigeons funk the impossible

Posted by harmony-of-mar on 10.03.2007, 01:05 AM:


are you still in school?i knew you only posted in school school let out last blocks youtube but my mates crispy and jamie are computer geniuss so they disable it sometimes.


Posted by gunslingergirls on 01.09.2008, 04:25 PM:


Originally posted by foreignfilmfreak
Oh, come on, you guys, what animes do you like,
it's a simple question...

elfen lied Is a top nosh anime that will make you thinking about the next episode in the series it only runs for one series but is worth all 26 episodes?
Must watch anime
p.s Plez watch gunslinger girls the only 10/10 anime in my opinion

one life,
nine hearts,
and eighteen hands that will rip you all apart

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