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Posted by Roarkiller on 11.21.2009, 09:42 AM:

  You Can(Not) Advance

First things first. Does it really take five minutes for a ticket? Because mine took that long, and this was after waiting another TEN minutes for TWO people in front of me to buy theirs. Anyway, I missed the first few minutes for the above reason.

But back on topic.

Like the first movie, the pacing was trash. Ignoring that (hard for me though), the movie itself was GREAT. Once again, they rehashed virtually every Angel and made them stronger and a LOT cooler. Highlight this time was the 7th (the one that drops down from space).

Angels aside, Eva fans will drool at the extra material. There are at least two extra side stories in this movie; a trip to Nerv's marine preservation unit (a.k.a. aquarium) which brought down the house with laughter, and another centering around Rei and Asuka, which I'll keep secret because it's just that good

The story of the 9th angel a.k.a. Eva 03 has been almost completely rewritten, and blends together with the abovementioned second side story; in fact, it's almost completely off at a tangent. For one, Touji was left completely out and given a happy ending instead (though not what you guys are thinking).

Watch through the credits and you'll be treated with an additional after-battle scene that promises the next movie to be even further off the original. Or they could be just toying with us.

And the preview contains a scene with Asuka that is, well, shocking.

Overall, it was money well spent, although marred by really poor service, so I might go and see it again. But I'll definitely by the DVD, I'll tell you that.

Just be warned, however, that the movie is, quite literally, filled with fanservice *hint*hint*. Across the entire movie. Proceed with caution.

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by Miyrru on 11.21.2009, 10:50 AM:


I have You Are (Not) Alone bootlegged on my computer, might have to download a better quality of it, havent seen it yet, but thanks for the review of the second one, it seems that they are moving a bit on the faster side. Arent they supposed to do 5 of these things? so if they are almost done the main angel fighting after 2 then we should hopefully be in for some extra content towards teh end.


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The truth had to be seen. Anything else was a story, entertaining but more embroidered fib then crude, shapeless fact. ~Dave Eggers

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