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Posted by Haku Fan Girl on 05.26.2006, 09:12 PM:

Studio Ghibli Dreams

Anyone had weird dreams lately? I dreamed that Sheeta was falling from the sky, and her stone made her float; but some guy said that it was an illusion.

I'm trying to have a Mononoke one. *tries to think of one*


Posted by shiawase on 05.27.2006, 01:30 PM:


Only wierd dream I've had lately was this one where everyone lived on the water (not like Water World) but it's like a big lake, HUGE lake, some might dare to call it a sea. There are villains, and there are heroes. Similar to heroes like the X Men, kinda colourful and very different from one another. Okay so in this world the sky is blue, water is blue, the tree's are green. Nothing unsual just the fact that everyone travels by boat. Most people live on the shore or on their boat. Maybe even an anchored hut of sorts. Okay so this one giant island is near the southern tip of this sea and it's got a big mountain on it. At the top of this mountain there's a fortress, home to all the villainous scum... Oh and a giant laser beam!! One day (in this dream) I was boating around the lake, on my way to some floating plaza when, out of nowhere, it vanishes into pixi dust! I couldn't believe my eyes! So then everything starts to explode (not pixilate again, explode!) under the awesome power of this somewhat invisible beam. I quickly turn my boat around and try dodging beams and exploding craft. Then my dreams reverts to the top of this mountain where our heroes are covertly hiking up to this fortress. Using extra stealth abilities and very super like powers.... they get cought in a snap. The villains and the heroes then duke it out on some dirt path near a wall of the fortress. Our heroes get annihilated! *cries* Then it goes back to me speeding across the waters in my boat with another huge explosion right in front of me, turns out the building I was going to seek refuge in had exploded into pixi dust this time.

Then I freaked out (still dreaming)... and my phone rang and I woke up. That was my dream.


~Akarui Tsubasa~

I will save myself from the world I created.

Posted by IluvHowl06 on 05.27.2006, 02:21 PM:


ooh! i had a dream that the movie the Incredibles emerged with Spirited Away, and i went to candyland! it was strange, yet FUN!


Posted by Phyrra on 05.28.2006, 11:53 AM:


I had a dream last night, heavily influenced by this forum's sponge bob thread... I appologise to anyone who hasn't seen Sponge Bob, and may not have a clue about what I'm talking about...

Squidward was about to have a heart attack and had been taken into hospital. A shifty doctor who looked like Mr.Krabs was about to perform an operation. It turned out that Sponge Bob was kind enough to donate his spare heart to Squidward. Unfortunately, after the operation, Squidward became a violent beast after reacting with Sponge Bob's heart. I suddenly jumped to life, and managed to overpower the monster-like Squidward with my magic (blue lightning to be exact).

So, our seemingly peaceful Ghibli Tavern can never be avoided. It comes ofter you in your sleep... be vigilent for monster squids using the circulatory system of a yellow sponge... they're everywhere...


Thanks to mpw3d who made ths amazing sig! The avatar was made by Sarah, from

Posted by IluvHowl06 on 05.30.2006, 07:19 PM:


teehee your dream was funny, phyrra


Posted by Phyrra on 05.31.2006, 02:25 AM:


hehe, I'm glad you found it funny IluvHowl but just wait until you get chased through Bikini Bottom by an enraged Squidward!


Thanks to mpw3d who made ths amazing sig! The avatar was made by Sarah, from

Posted by I-B4-E THUG on 06.02.2006, 09:36 AM:


yea i usually dream about the movie after watching it. but most my dreams revolve around movies i like, video games i like usaully ones by id Software, music & thoyghts and fealings i won't, can't or arn't game enough to admit to myself. i hate my dreams lol

Posted by Phyrra on 06.03.2006, 04:06 AM:


I heard that we dream about 500 different dreams every night, but only remember a small fraction of them. I just dreamt I was on a coach, and the inside of the coach was getting hotter and hotter. The coach driver, it seemed, was trying to cook us alive. Soon water began dripping of the coach walls, and all the windows locked shut.

I'm only describing this becasue its the first dream I remember when I felt temperature... Does anyone else feel hot or cold in a dream?


Thanks to mpw3d who made ths amazing sig! The avatar was made by Sarah, from

Posted by I-B4-E THUG on 06.03.2006, 04:13 AM:


yea i get that, i remember once as well that i was getting chased around the house by this psycko dude with a great big ugly shoe, & i woke up swearing i had a bruise where he hit with the shoe lol. its been scientifically proven that humans feal pain & other physicall things while dreaming, so pinching yourself to test if your awake or not aint gonna prove much

Posted by shiawase on 06.03.2006, 05:03 AM:


One time I couldn't wake up. I was sitting in the lounge after school doing some homework when I fell asleep. The lights are on motion sensors and I wasn't near one so the lights went out and I didn't bother turning them on via moving much. So I fell asleep and I remember seeing a bit of light through the slits in my eyes. It was like my brain was awake, my conciousness was saying "MOVE DAMNIT!!" and I couldn't move, I was so scared. My mind kept saying "lips move, arms move, something! Eyes open, move body move!" I was concious of these thoughts and I could see a very little bit. Then I finally jumped to life after an eternity and I was in a cold sweat. I was SO scared to ever sleep again after that. This was about mid March when I experienced that, and yes I have slept since.


~Akarui Tsubasa~

I will save myself from the world I created.

Posted by Phyrra on 06.03.2006, 05:45 AM:


Shiawase, there's a name for what you experienced... argghhh.... I read about it in a health magazine. It's called sleep something...

That's really annoying. I used to know what it was called. Anyway, your body was asleep, but your brain wasn't. It happens about five times a year to most average people, but we rarely remember it.

Sometimes it can be really really scarey. I rememeber it happening once, but I knew what it was called back then, and so I wasn't scared; I knew it wouldn't last that long.

Can anyone remember what the condition is called. I'll be thinking about it all day now... what was it called???


Thanks to mpw3d who made ths amazing sig! The avatar was made by Sarah, from

Posted by shiawase on 06.03.2006, 12:52 PM:


That's weird, well thanks t whoever finds out for me.


~Akarui Tsubasa~

I will save myself from the world I created.

Posted by SpiritedSen on 06.03.2006, 08:53 PM:


Wow, you peeps sure have some interesting, and slightly disturbing, dreams!! I hardly ever remember any dreams that I have, and when I do, they are completely normal!! I dream about people I know, in situations that are totally realistic, and that's it! I've only ever had like 10 nightmares in my whole life!! I'm not sure if I'd like to have such exciting's probably quite tiring!!


Posted by micg huz on 06.04.2006, 09:21 AM:


shiawase thats what i dub 'the lock in dream' absolutly F'in sh*t scarey i know - i have them allot and can still remember my first one so clearly. too long to describe though. but you are literaly paralized and asleep, yet aware of your self and surrounding at the same time and tend to be half in the dream simalaniously - say crawling along the floor, crippled towards the person who is actually sleeping beside you and trying to get them to help you whilst trying (to no avail) to knock them with your arm in reality or something so they will wake you up.
so scarey.

laputa is a
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Posted by Phyrra on 06.04.2006, 09:29 AM:


Originally posted by micg huz
thats what i dub 'the lock in dream'

hehe, that's not the scientific name... it's really annoying me... what was the name for it

Whatever it's called, the first time it happened to me, I tried to shout... but nothing came out. That terrified me more than not being able to move. If I'd lost my voice... life would not have been worth living... *cries pitifully*

I must have fallen asleep after that, becasue next thing I knew a giant dog was chasing me downstairs while attemting to wrap me in toilet paper... I think it was influenced by those 'Andrex' adverts, where the sweet little dog runs around with loo paper. The dog in my dream was a gargoyle; red eyes, drooling jaw and almighty claws...


Thanks to mpw3d who made ths amazing sig! The avatar was made by Sarah, from

Posted by SpiritedSen on 06.04.2006, 11:50 AM:


Originally posted by Phyrra
Can anyone remember what the condition is called. I'll be thinking about it all day now... what was it called???

It's called Sleep Paralysis, here is a description of it, copied from Dream Research, Sleep Disorders & Science of Dreams by Eugene Aserinsky at The University of Chicago;
Sleep Paralysis is relatively common though rarely as a severe disorder. It occurs during sleep when a person partially awakens but is completely unable to move for some period after waking. It can be somewhat frightening, though there is no particular danger involved.

Hope this eases your mind Pyhrra!


Posted by Phyrra on 06.04.2006, 01:20 PM:


Sleep paralysis! That's it!

*his brain slowly begins to cool down after strenuous attacks on his memory*... phew, that's put my mind at rest, SpiritedSen; I owe you one!


Thanks to mpw3d who made ths amazing sig! The avatar was made by Sarah, from

Posted by shiawase on 06.05.2006, 01:16 AM:


It was really scary. I tried to speak, yell, move. It was useless. I woke up in a cold sweat. All alone.


~Akarui Tsubasa~

I will save myself from the world I created.

Posted by OYM Angel on 06.05.2006, 04:36 PM:


Sometimes when I'd sleep on my back, I'd feel like something just hit me in the face. It was pretty scary.

I am a flight risk (literally).

Posted by Sunchaser on 06.05.2006, 07:02 PM:

woah...that sleep paralysis sounds really scary...well i haven't had it happen to me..yet..whew!


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