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Registration Date: 02.17.08
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  Ghost StoriesPost Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Post Search for Posts by cassierS Report Post to a Moderator        IP Address Go to the top of this page

I love to hear ghost stories, so I thought putting a thread on here would be an awsome idea. I'm really bad at telling a ghost story, but I'll tell some anyway.

When I was living in a home in NY, with my mom and my twin sister, I used to see this man, always wearing the same thing. He had a green vest with a white shirt under it, he had brown hair and was sort of big. This man used to follow my mom every where so I thought he was a boy friend of hers or something. But then years later I told mom about the man and she said that she never new a man like that.

Another time I was in a house my brother like to call The House up on The Hill. The people who lived in it before us and died in the house, and I don't think they liked us there. One night my dad was over and we had made a fort. But I had gotten scared and had found my way to our bedroom, but there were no blankets, so I was scared and cold. I was finnaly getting a little better when I heard a males voice tell me to GET OUT.

He paused. "I have noted that in matters of religion, logic, facts, and reason bear little weight when measured against emotion.
It does not matter what is, when people are convinced that the very opposite is what should be."
Storm Rising by Mercedes Lackey

02.26.2008, 12:39 AM cassierS is offline   Profile for cassierS Add cassierS to your buddy list
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  Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Post Search for Posts by Saddletank Report Post to a Moderator        IP Address Go to the top of this page

Did you want ones from real experiences or made up? There will be some made up ones in the RPG thread at some point soon(ish).

02.26.2008, 06:55 AM Saddletank is offline   Profile for Saddletank Add Saddletank to your buddy list Send an Email to Saddletank
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  Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Post Search for Posts by Roarkiller Report Post to a Moderator        IP Address Go to the top of this page

Real. Preferably personal encounters. I often found that stories heard from "a friend of a friend" becomes too unbelievable to even pass as a real event.

Apart from the usual white-figure-at-corner-of-eye incidents at my previous home that seems to happen to everybody, I only ever had one strange and unexplained encounter.

It was when I was serving my army days in a Thai camp. I was the sergeant on duty that day, and first call on the phone was asking about how Major K was doing. I never heard of that name, nor any incident, so I said so. Turns out that Major K was Major J, only that everyone was used to calling him by his given name instead of his surname.

And he had apparently gotten into an accident with a motorcycle. Both mom and son died.

Fast forward to evening, when I turn on the lights around the camp (and be reminded, again, how much the camp needs to be upgraded).

The route I take consists of three parallel streets, with the vehicle carpark at the end of the front most. While along the second, I saw that the lighs of one shed along the first was already turned on. I asked my friend who was with me if he had turned it on, who denies it, and suggested that maybe someone else did.

A while later, when we drove to that shed to check, the lights immediately turned itself off.

So we tried the switch. no response. Guess our next action (hint: it involves screeching tires).

Strange? Here's the scary part: THE MAJOR'S CRASHED CAR WAS PARKED IN THAT SHED.

And the lights for that particular shed remained inoperable for as long as the car was there. I know, because I tried several times to turn it on.

On the day it was removed, I tried again, and the lights worked.

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.

Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

02.26.2008, 10:15 AM Roarkiller is offline   Profile for Roarkiller Add Roarkiller to your buddy list Homepage of Roarkiller

Registration Date: 02.17.08
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  Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Post Search for Posts by cassierS Report Post to a Moderator        IP Address Go to the top of this page

Well, I have another one.

I was still pretty young and I was getting ready to go to school. There was glass covering the side where the sinks were. I was just brushing my teeth when I heard someone say, "go down stairs." and then I saw, through the mirror, someone in jeans and this red button up shirt practically fly across the doorway. I had no idea who it was that told me to go down stairs, so I yelled to my sister who was down stairs making toast and she said that she hadn't said anything, then I went to my mom in her bedroom. It was the same for her.

He paused. "I have noted that in matters of religion, logic, facts, and reason bear little weight when measured against emotion.
It does not matter what is, when people are convinced that the very opposite is what should be."
Storm Rising by Mercedes Lackey

02.26.2008, 01:56 PM cassierS is offline   Profile for cassierS Add cassierS to your buddy list

Registration Date: 08.06.06
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  Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Post Search for Posts by Loscil Report Post to a Moderator        IP Address Go to the top of this page

I've posted this somewhere before, but here it is again.
Happened about a year ago.

So, something really freaky happened in the wee hours of this morning.
Now, many of us have read about UFO encounters. Although I didn´t see one, it bloody well sounded like there was one outside my door!
It was around 3.30 am, and I woke up because of a horrendous noise outside my bedroom door (which leads straight to a patio, ie: more or less to the open). The noise could be described like this:
Imagine the largest array of speakers you can think of. Now imagine some pretty deep synthesizer bass sound played through all of them.
It was approximately like that, although that sound was freakier. Also, it was kind of oscillating at a very slow pace, approx 4 or 5 seconds.
At first, when it woke me up, I was in a semi-dreamlike state, but when I realised that it was real, and one of the loudest things I had heard, I bolted up and sat upright in my bed, listening. It seemed to be on for ages. I was relieved that I couldnt see into the patio, as, if there would have been something present, I would have probably **** myself, and if there wouldn´t, I would still **** myself, totally baffled as to the whereabouts.
However, I was still kinda scared without seeing anything.
On top of that, a light starting shining into my room, through the covered window. As if someone had come up the driveway. Except there was no car and my house is isolated in that the only car that would come up that driveway would be that of our family and not just random cars riving by.

After about 10 minutes, I realised that it was slowly getting further away (as the sound got higher), and after another 5 it was gone. (maybe it was less, I didnt count).
It took me a while to get back to sleep. Thank god that I wasnt fully aware of what had happened, as I think I probably wouldnt have been able to fall asleep then.

I know it was real, as the first thing I did when waking up, was smakc my alarm clock to (by help of the backlight) see what time it was, ie: approx 3.30 am.

What also freaked me out, was that the next morning while playing ping pong (and no, I will not say table tennis) with my (younger) bro, he said that the door to the computer/living room was open, and I KNEW that I had closed it as the last person leaving it the night before.

02.26.2008, 02:34 PM Loscil is offline   Profile for Loscil Add Loscil to your buddy list Send an Email to Loscil
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