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  Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Post Search for Posts by saviour2012 Report Post to a Moderator        IP Address Go to the top of this page

Dragon Ball was one of the first animes that i saw. Later i saw full metal alchemist,darker than black,naruto,pokemon,digimon,doraemon etc. None of the later is as popular as DBZ. Nc The pic that you posted i do not know from where is that cause i have the entire collection DVD set episode by episode and never seen that one. Maybe my one is censored or you posted it from manga or it is a fanart. In most of the asian country that one show was almost commonly shown.

Yes . master roshi was seen as a pervert minded person but for purely fun.It absolutely does not have that kind of theme. I have not read the manga nor i have watched the uncensored version. because i did not need to. The main theme was goku's sacrifices to save humanity that was understood quite easily.

But still it is considered as one of the greatest anime of all time. Search the net. in some list it is the number one in other it is within 20. Yeah everyone got their own taste.

Now hentai and the animes that were made on almost that kind of theme(promoting passive sexual theme) is almost hentai to me.We have animax here too. If you say almost all the shows shown there are hentai then my opinion may change.

Now mush i do not say i know better than other but i have seen that what my religion teaches me is scientific and also preventive of future harm. So i think it is better to not drink it rather thinking i am mature enough to control. I do not live in your country so i do not know what you mean by no harm is done. If i get a chance to visit america or canada or some europe country then i will surely visit local bars to undetstand what you mean and take photos of drunk people to understand if they look normal. So i wont talk about this control thing anymore because i have seen this word to fail so many times.Western people even use it when absolutely nothing is in control. I understood it in 9/11 and also afganistan and iraq. Even if they could not control the flow of the incidents they were saying everything is in control. It was because of stupid cia that everything messed up but they wont realize it cause then it will be seen as a fail. fbi could have done better.This everything is in control is nothing but a faith in the system. It is a common behaviour of westerners.
(do not get me wrong here i do not mean by westerner that only they do that.we are starting to do that following them which makes us no better. but something wrong is wrong even if all the people of the world says it right.)

Now if you care about people you have to think about them. People who likes to drink a lot how do you keep him from alcohol.if you let him drink more he will die.you know from The surveys that enlist people's death for drinking ,car accident for drunk people , divorces for drunk people; i do not get the picture you are trying to give me. Something you believe does not change the truth.

Most importantly i do not see any health benifit from( just like smoking or anyother habits like this) it then why would i drink it. I do not believe in the context "life is short so live it up".

I do not understand this one phylosophy of western people although everything messes up in the end you still believe in personal control more than completely prohibiting it.That is why when child abuse happens you get furious but you do not try to understand this happens because of pornography. We are taught a thing in the school that hate the crime not the criminal or hate the sin not the sinner. I think you think quite opposite.

Watch everything but only take the good things from it

Ask, think and learn. Because the more we know the more we grow.

Watching the wrong to happen is the same as commiting the wrong.

If it looks like things are forcing you to be creative, Then be creative.

its a uniquely Miyazaki film, one only he could make and its uniqueness places it beyond being easily critiqued.[About Porco Rosso]
taken from a quote of Saddletank and Orphic Okapi

Post last edited by saviour2012 on 07.13.2012, 09:17 PM.

07.13.2012, 08:25 PM saviour2012 is offline   Profile for saviour2012 Add saviour2012 to your buddy list Send an Email to saviour2012 Homepage of saviour2012

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Originally posted by Kazegami
Because you're wrong. That's why.

Naughty is of course subjective, but a lot of those pics do show a bit of boob which a lot of people would call naughty, and as there aren't really many naughty threads on this forum, i don't see why it wouldn't be the most naughtiest thread.

Don't see how that can be wrong


Also sorry Saviour for ruining your thread, it must be annoying for all your threads to be turned into debates and this of course wasn't your fault.


07.13.2012, 10:56 PM Calforsale is offline   Profile for Calforsale Add Calforsale to your buddy list
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@Saviour: Everything is relative. Everything is subjective. There is no set "rule" that defines anything as good or bad. I'll provide an example later at the end.

On "soft" drugs and alcohol. Dude, you have to realize that humanity in general don't give a damn about what's good or bad. That's what it means to be human. You can keep telling people that this is bad, this is good, this is hazardous, etc etc.

You think people even listen? Years and years of studies and thousands of research papers have proven the dangers of alcohol and cocaine and weed and whatever.

You know what? They don't care. It's their life. And they can come up with all those obscure "other" medical reports that say, "Hey, look, this one says it's good for you!", without bothering to find out why it's good for you.

This is a good link about the so-called benefits of red wine... sort of. Incidentally, the reason why red wine is good for the heart is the same as the reason why chocolate is good for the heart: resveratrol (google it).

It's called looking at the benefits and ignoring the negatives. Kinda like policymaking in the government.

On the ban of these substances, reinforcing my point above, a ban does nothing to reduce supply. Where there's a buyer, there's a seller. Laws be damned.

They want it. They like it. So be it.


On anime. D00d, so many things I want to comment, so little time.

"Greatest anime" is oh so subjective. The MANGA is popular. Because of that, the anime is popular. Just like naruto and bleach and CCS and all those other adapted anime.

Popular does not equal good. No expert on filmography will say that DBZ is good; they'd rate it at 2/10 at most. I mean c'mon, three episodes per spirit bomb? You call that good?

Look at naruto, the current most popular running anime. Literally 2/3s of the anime is just plain boring filler. Even fans admit as much. Yet it's popular. Why? Die-hard fans make it popular. Not the anime itself.

And the girls? Welcome to Japan, the biggest export in the world for all things sex-related, where even cartoons are R18.


So here's my example to you. Let's see how you answer.

I am a muslim. I have eaten pork. What does that make me?

Maybe, saviour, it's time you realize that 3/4 of the world aren't muslims for a reason, and maybe 3/4 of the people who are muslims aren't good muslims for the same reasons.

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Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

07.13.2012, 11:08 PM Roarkiller is offline   Profile for Roarkiller Add Roarkiller to your buddy list Homepage of Roarkiller
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WHY can't I make a simple statement and have it taken at face value by you??? Without being re-worded by you to fit your agenda or belief? Yes, it is against the Muslim faith to consume Alcohol and pork, OK, I agree with that 100%...

NOW, in some areas of some of these Muslim nations there is a need for western technology and technicians, admittedly not as much now as in the past, but the need is there. Also, foriegn politicians also come to these countries as well as tourists. Now, bear with me, ok. The powers that be in these areas, NOT JUST Saudi Arabia, have allowed for the availability of alcohol and pork, to be consumed by westerners alone, not the general population. In some of the international hotels, there are small bars or places inside where alcohol can be purchased BY the westerners. These spaces are generally not open to the general public. Now this alcohol is NOT home-made, but normal bottled alcohol such as you'll find on the shelves on any western liquor store...

I am not going to restate this any longer because it is getting tiresome. I have consumed alcohol for most of my life and am none the worse for it. My health problems arise from wartime substances that I was exposed to while in combat, not by the alcohol...

Nuff said.

I am using the term 'westerners' to refer to all people other than Muslims...


Post last edited by husky51 on 07.14.2012, 01:51 AM.

07.14.2012, 01:49 AM husky51 is offline   Profile for husky51 Add husky51 to your buddy list Send an Email to husky51

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  Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Post Search for Posts by Mush Report Post to a Moderator        IP Address Go to the top of this page

Hey, Saviour, I really appreciate being able to debate things with you. I know that English is not your first language, and so I'm very impressed - you must be very brave! I would be terrified to debate anything in a second language.

But that said, I would appreciate it if you try harder to avoid ignoring or misinterpreting what I write. If I'm unclear or confusing, you can let me know and I will try my best to explain. I am very patient and I enjoy explaining things! But I don't enjoy being misinterpreted or having words put into my mouth. It's always worth making that extra effort to try to understand someone else, because when you do you'll probably find that we agree a lot about the deep points.

So i think it is better to not drink it rather thinking i am mature enough to control.
That's a valid reason not to drink, and I really respect you for having doubts on your own self-control. I agree with you that most people are probably overconfident in their ability to control themselves.
I do not live in your country so i do not know what you mean by no harm is done.
I will explain then, because as you can probably see from my posts, I am well aware of the harm that can come from substance abuse. What I mean was that when alcohol is consumed responsibly, no harm is done. I many times seen my friends drinking; I have never seen them drunk. Yes, people do get drunk, and it can be a menace sometimes -- there was a major riot in my city last year that was fuelled by alcohol, so of course I'm aware of it and I won't say no harm comes from drinking! But I will say that no harm comes from drinking responsibly, and most people can be responsible, most of the time.
So i wont talk about this control thing anymore because i have seen this word to fail so many times.Western people even use it when absolutely nothing is in control. I understood it in 9/11 and also afganistan and iraq. Even if they could not control the flow of the incidents they were saying everything is in control. It was because of stupid cia that everything messed up but they wont realize it cause then it will be seen as a fail. fbi could have done better.This everything is in control is nothing but a faith in the system. It is a common behaviour of westerners.
It's interesting that you write this. I only used the word "control" in one context: I don't want to control other people's behaviour. You seem to be saying that you do.
People who likes to drink a lot how do you keep him from alcohol.
Would you ban alcohol? How do you keep people from eating too much, from working too much, from spending too much?
I do not understand this one phylosophy of western people although everything messes up in the end you still believe in personal control more than completely prohibiting it.That is why when child abuse happens you get furious but you do not try to understand this happens because of pornography.
It's an aside, but as far as child abuse goes, are you making a prediction -- that rates of child abuse will be lower or absent in communities with restricted access to pornography? I think this kind of question is easily settled by data.
Most importantly i do not see any health benifit from( just like smoking or anyother habits like this) it then why would i drink it. I do not believe in the context "life is short so live it up".
Cool, that's very similar to myself as well. But I still won't enforce that reasoning on other people who think differently. I expect that there are many things I do, or choices I've made, or aspects of my lifestyle, that other people would disagree with. As much as I am certain that I'm following a good path and behaving morally, I'm sure that some people would find some things I do to be offensive or distasteful. I know some people, good people, who think that women shouldn't go to university or have a career after they've married. I would hate to subject my lifestyle to be ruled by their beliefs, just as I'm sure they'd hate to be subject to mine.

I feel like I'm repeating myself on this point, so rather than continuing to say the same thing, let me try to give a concrete example.

Imagine that there is a group of people who believe, for whatever reason (or no reason), that Islam is harmful and people should stop practicing it. These people probably have never read the Koran or made much effort to understand Islam, but nonetheless they've found it fairly easy to convince themselves completely that Islam is a bad thing and should be banned. Obviously, you and I would agree that this opinion is senseless and hateful, but they're actually convinced that they're doing good.

Imagine that this point of view became popular. Imagine that it became so popular in fact that these people obtained the authority to make laws and rules prohibiting anyone from being a Muslim or studying the Koran.

So far, this has probably not been very hard to imagine, because sadly, it is very close to reality in some communities. Throughout the world and throughout history, many religious groups have faced this kind of intolerance, or are facing it currently.

The next step that I'll ask you to imagine might be a little bit more difficult: Try to put yourself inside the head of one of these people. What do they feel? What does their reasoning look like? How would they respond to you, a Muslim who thinks that Islam is not harmful?

Would they turn to each other and say something like, "it seems to be very hard to convince this person that we're right. Wouldn't it be easier to ban Islam than to argue with him?"

Now, the hardest part of the exercise is to apply it to ourselves. Imagine whether we might ever be as wrong as those people, about any issue. Are we so certain of ourselves, that we're doing the right thing, when we try to dictate how other people should behave? Why do some people seem so hard to convince?


Post last edited by Mush on 07.14.2012, 02:26 AM.

07.14.2012, 01:54 AM Mush is offline   Profile for Mush Add Mush to your buddy list
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Whoo debate!

I don't want to reply to everything, but a while back Saviour said something about how alcohol consumption is tolerated in Western countries because it's considered normal. I think that's true; it is tolerated for that reason. But drug use has been the norm in pretty much every culture in every part of the world throughout history. Probably the only cultures in which drug use has not been common are those heavily informed by an ascetic philosophy.

I like tea!

07.14.2012, 09:57 AM Orphic Okapi is offline   Profile for Orphic Okapi Add Orphic Okapi to your buddy list
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Originally posted by Mush
Imagine that there is a group of people who believe, for whatever reason (or no reason), that Islam is harmful and people should stop practicing it. These people probably have never read the Koran or made much effort to understand Islam, but nonetheless they've found it fairly easy to convince themselves completely that Islam is a bad thing and should be banned. Obviously, you and I would agree that this opinion is senseless and hateful, but they're actually convinced that they're doing good.

Imagine that this point of view became popular. Imagine that it became so popular in fact that these people obtained the authority to make laws and rules prohibiting anyone from being a Muslim or studying the Koran.

So far, this has probably not been very hard to imagine, because sadly, it is very close to reality in some communities. Throughout the world and throughout history, many religious groups have faced this kind of intolerance, or are facing it currently.

Close? It's already a reality. France anyone?

Originally posted by Mush
But I will say that no harm comes from drinking responsibly, and most people can be responsible, most of the time.
I think the question here is how one defines drinking "responsibly". Drinking and gambling are the two social issues with the most in common in this regard; namely, the fact that those unable to control themselves are pointing at others who can control themselves as proof (the usual "they can do it, why can't I?" mentality).

And both problems are further exaggerated by the supposed notion that, unlike drugs, it's harder to get addiction. Which is a false myth.

The problem is that one's limit cannot be measured, especially when you cannot argue that the more intoxicated you are, the worse your judgement gets. Taking from your quote, extra emphasis should be given to the word most. It's a very, very large grey area.

And before someone mentions it: hurting yourself is still hurting somebody. Otherwise we wouldn't have laws on suicide and euthanasia. Or self mutilation, for a softer outlook.

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Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

07.14.2012, 11:01 AM Roarkiller is offline   Profile for Roarkiller Add Roarkiller to your buddy list Homepage of Roarkiller
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Originally posted by Calforsale
Don't see how that can be wrong

Because you labelled it hentai when it is not. Ergo, you are wrong. Pictures that "show a bit of boob" as you put it, are not hentai.

No. No hentai here. Move along please.

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

07.14.2012, 01:58 PM Saddletank is offline   Profile for Saddletank Add Saddletank to your buddy list Send an Email to Saddletank

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Originally posted by Saddletank
Originally posted by Calforsale
Don't see how that can be wrong

Because you labelled it hentai when it is not. Ergo, you are wrong. Pictures that "show a bit of boob" as you put it, are not hentai.

No. No hentai here. Move along please.

With due respect SIR will please inform this uncultured less educated and infant minded kid(me) what does that pose suggest. That is not hentai but ofcourse has sensual theme which is actually the same.(have ever heard of softcore porn).

Just admit you like it. why are you going round.

Watch everything but only take the good things from it

Ask, think and learn. Because the more we know the more we grow.

Watching the wrong to happen is the same as commiting the wrong.

If it looks like things are forcing you to be creative, Then be creative.

its a uniquely Miyazaki film, one only he could make and its uniqueness places it beyond being easily critiqued.[About Porco Rosso]
taken from a quote of Saddletank and Orphic Okapi

Post last edited by saviour2012 on 07.14.2012, 02:30 PM.

07.14.2012, 02:29 PM saviour2012 is offline   Profile for saviour2012 Add saviour2012 to your buddy list Send an Email to saviour2012 Homepage of saviour2012
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Drugs and alcohol can be harmful if you use them irresponsibly. That is why I think there should be an age restriction that only gives adults access to such things.

Banning, though? That is a slippery, slippery slope leading to your typical dystopia. The sun is harmful, certain foods are harmful, TOO much food is harmful, certain sports are harmful, WORDS are harmful, THOUGHTS are harmful... these are all things that people push the limits with. Are you going to control these aspects of people's lives as well? Once you start infringing on people's personal freedoms, it is hard to know where to stop. After all, you're only doing what's best for them (*sarcasm*).


Post last edited by fenkashi on 07.14.2012, 02:32 PM.

07.14.2012, 02:31 PM fenkashi is offline   Profile for fenkashi Add fenkashi to your buddy list

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I feel like I've said my thoughts on the alcohol topic - and Mush put it fantastically, I don't think I could top that, Saviour I'd really like to see you reply to the scenario she gave.

As far as that picture is concerned it is ridiculous to suggest that that is akin to soft porn or hentai. It is evident from the degree of effort that went into the detailing and the beautiful colours used, and the fact that it's posted on an art site such as deviantART, that the image isn't intended to be vulgar or sexual - it just has sensuality about itl. In other words this is an example of art.

What I'm trying to say is this, the picture isn't hentai/ecchi/porn because you have to consider it's context. A pre-raphaelite painting depicting in great detail a naked woman isn't pornography because it is intended as art, a celebration of the human form or whatever. A sketchy drawing of a naked lady on the back of say playing cards is soft porn or whatever because it has the intention of purely appealing to people's sexual gratification.

I may not be explaining myself very well, so I hope that's not confusing!

07.14.2012, 02:53 PM Nausicaa_Cat is offline   Profile for Nausicaa_Cat Add Nausicaa_Cat to your buddy list

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Thanks, NC

@Roar - As far as I know, in France it is still legal to be a Muslim and read the Koran, although I know that Muslims face discrimination there. So I think "close" to reality still applies in that case, but I agree that I might have been soft with my wording. There are communities where it is the reality. In fact, while writing that I was thinking more precisely of the Falun Gong in China, which is almost an exact match to that scenario. But I think most anybody who reads that will be able to think of an example they can relate to.

Also @Roar - I can cheat a little by defining drinking responsibly to be drinking to an extent that no harm predictably comes from it. It's true that even drinking in moderation will affect your thinking or reflexes -- but if they were going to do something where those things mattered, like operating heavy machinery or driving a motor vehicle after, then it wouldn't be drinking responsibly anymore.


Post last edited by Mush on 07.14.2012, 03:07 PM.

07.14.2012, 03:05 PM Mush is offline   Profile for Mush Add Mush to your buddy list
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Originally posted by saviour2012
Originally posted by Saddletank
Originally posted by Calforsale
Don't see how that can be wrong

Because you labelled it hentai when it is not. Ergo, you are wrong. Pictures that "show a bit of boob" as you put it, are not hentai.

No. No hentai here. Move along please.

With due respect SIR will please inform this uncultured less educated and infant minded kid(me) what does that pose suggest. That is not hentai but ofcourse has sensual theme which is actually the same.(have ever heard of softcore porn)

Just admit you like it. why are you going round.

You put it nicely, NC...

Yes I will admit that I like the picture, but not for its sensual content. I like the picture for the style, the grace of the woman and the colors. I did not immediately have thoughts of ravaging a woman because of the picture. I enjoyed it for what it was and is, a work of art.

I have seen more skin on a bikini-clad female torso than is exposed here... (and not even a skimpy bikini)

To YOUR mind and upbringing, yes it may be considered "soft-porn", but for most of us, no! it is not!...


Post last edited by husky51 on 07.14.2012, 04:12 PM.

07.14.2012, 04:03 PM husky51 is offline   Profile for husky51 Add husky51 to your buddy list Send an Email to husky51
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Originally posted by saviour2012 With due respect SIR will please inform this uncultured less educated and infant minded kid(me) what does that pose suggest. That is not hentai but ofcourse has sensual theme which is actually the same.(have ever heard of softcore porn).

Just admit you like it. why are you going round.

Excuse me, I was having this conversation with someone else.

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

07.14.2012, 06:39 PM Saddletank is offline   Profile for Saddletank Add Saddletank to your buddy list Send an Email to Saddletank
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i like the way France runs itself. If it were more equal in the way it ran it, then great, but ultimately there should be no involvement from religion in the way a country is run.

Out of curiosity Saviour, is it wrong in your opinion to to try to be attractive to other people? Or to act/dress suggestively?
And if yes.... Why?

07.14.2012, 09:55 PM captain george is offline   Profile for captain george Add captain george to your buddy list Send an Email to captain george

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No i never said anything on this forum was hentai. I said bordering on hentai. There is a difference. Big difference. There is a difference between stating something is something and saying something is not to far from being something, which I was obviously exaggerating in a joking manner.

Lol and i thought i was too serious.


07.14.2012, 10:29 PM Calforsale is offline   Profile for Calforsale Add Calforsale to your buddy list

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I think maybe some of the people here like the girls pictures because of the aesthetics, but not necessarily the sexiness.

Like how you can enjoy a piece of art with naked people in it not because of the sensualness but because of the beauty of the art.


07.14.2012, 10:38 PM Calforsale is offline   Profile for Calforsale Add Calforsale to your buddy list

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Originally posted by Calforsale

Like how you can enjoy a piece of art with naked people in it not because of the sensualness but because of the beauty of the art.

You are right.

They cant . it is a lie that they say.(it is a general idea i do not mean anyone particular) When you say something is art you cross the barrier of morality. if they say we see art then its all right cause it is art!!! but if they say we see naked people thats makes a difference.

As a example there is monalisa and there is venus both from same museum. Just answer truthfully what you will first see in both the arts(which,one is not).

i would make a big post later.

Watch everything but only take the good things from it

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If it looks like things are forcing you to be creative, Then be creative.

its a uniquely Miyazaki film, one only he could make and its uniqueness places it beyond being easily critiqued.[About Porco Rosso]
taken from a quote of Saddletank and Orphic Okapi

Post last edited by saviour2012 on 07.15.2012, 02:53 AM.

07.15.2012, 01:51 AM saviour2012 is offline   Profile for saviour2012 Add saviour2012 to your buddy list Send an Email to saviour2012 Homepage of saviour2012
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saviour, you totally twisted the meaning of calforsale's statement. He said that you CAN enjoy the beauty of the art without feeling any sensousness about the subject...

I can tell you about the Mona Lisa, but I don't know which Venus depiction you are referring to...


Post last edited by husky51 on 07.15.2012, 03:43 AM.

07.15.2012, 03:39 AM husky51 is offline   Profile for husky51 Add husky51 to your buddy list Send an Email to husky51

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i will delete it. waiting for calforsale's confirmation.

And Venus de milo of course.( by monalisa i wanted to say that art is not within the outer beauty(so if there is outer beauty shown i will thinko the artist is unable to make art.because he artifacially made the viewers to look at his work because of the over curiosity for sensuality in human.the words sex sells did not come just like that.Art was the first medium for implementing that thing) so even if monalisa is not beautiful you can look at her for millennias.) Now the intension of the artist or the viewers is surely in question where nakedness is used. Cause art ofcourse can be made without nakedness(our loved ghibli movies are examples against the jap stupid animes)

Watch everything but only take the good things from it

Ask, think and learn. Because the more we know the more we grow.

Watching the wrong to happen is the same as commiting the wrong.

If it looks like things are forcing you to be creative, Then be creative.

its a uniquely Miyazaki film, one only he could make and its uniqueness places it beyond being easily critiqued.[About Porco Rosso]
taken from a quote of Saddletank and Orphic Okapi

07.15.2012, 04:45 AM saviour2012 is offline   Profile for saviour2012 Add saviour2012 to your buddy list Send an Email to saviour2012 Homepage of saviour2012
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