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Miyazaki's Best Friend

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With my ear resting in her hair this way, her voice came to it not through the air but up through that connection, it sounded as though we were underwater, or in a thick snowy forest. A resonant gentle vibration.

"I can hear your heart."
I twisted a little around from the waist and put one arm across her shoulders, the other around her waist from the front. I raised my head and lowered it again on the other side of hers so we each had a shoulder now, a crook of a neck. We sat silently for a little in this slightly bent hug. I thought it would be awkward twisted round like this but found after a few moments that it wasn't at all.

"What’s it saying?" I asked her neck.

Post last edited by Saddletank on 04.30.2008, 05:25 AM.

04.30.2008, 02:03 AM Saddletank is offline   Profile for Saddletank Add Saddletank to your buddy list Send an Email to Saddletank
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I dumped my toothbrush and toothpaste back in the small bag, pushing aside the comb to make room. I took a small whiff of my shirt, decided that it was inoffensive enough to sleep in it, and left the toilet.

Judging from the darker lighting upstairs, I figured that both adults were probably asleep already. I headed out and saw the table still in a mess and decided to honour my offer. Picking up the kettle and a few other odds and ends, I dumped them into the kitchen sink, ran some water and decided that I had helped enough.

"Oh, hey Hirata-san," I said to the first person I met. "Toilet's free if you guys wanna wash up. Better now than waiting in a line."

"Oh? Okay, thanks for the heads up. By the way, nice prank," she said, laughing.

"You flatter me."

"Not really. As punishment, go put away those torches or you'll find a surprise when you wake up tomorrow morning."

I looked at the fire. She was right, the torches were still there.

"That's Sadoru's job, he as guilty as me," I said defensively, looking around. "Where is he anyway? Sadoru! Ey, Sadoru!"

04.30.2008, 11:06 AM Roarkiller is offline   Profile for Roarkiller Add Roarkiller to your buddy list Homepage of Roarkiller

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When he laughed in return too my instinctive, jokey reponse I felt a gush of warmth in my stomach. I couldn't remember hearing him laugh much before, and it was suprising the effect it had. Hearing someone laugh for perhaps the first time is something you don't forget easily.

I felt my cheeks flush as he tapped me on the shoulder, I didn't know why i'd been so bold as to kiss him on the cheek. I hadn't known him long but it just seemed like the natural thing to do.

When I turned to face him he ruffled my hair and said:

"I'll see what I can do."

I grinned, appreciating the courage it took him to even make a response. He was a shy guy as far as I could tell, and I hadn't expected much of a reply from him. It was nice that he felt comfortable enough.

"Do your best." I nodded, patting him on the arm before unzipping the tent and clambering inside. I zipped it back up after me, until there was only a little space left. I stuck my hand out, waving before pulling it back in and finishing zipping it.

I turned to look inside the tent, it was quite dark but the light from the fire outside lit it up well enough to see. Megumi lay sleeping, curled up in her sleeping bag, looking shockingly fragile, as if she could break at any moment.

I felt a deep pang of guilt, I wasn't sure but I had a feeling there was something going on between her and Hibiki and here was me flirting with him!

Sorry, Megumi. I'm not a very nice person, i'm used to getting what I want...I'll try harder in the future to behave. You seem like a lovely person, I dont want to hurt you.

I quietly crawled over to the other side of the tent where my stuff was. I unrolled my sleeping bag and pulled out my sleeping stuff, a white Hello Kitty shirt and pink shorts.

Damn, why is it that its always on the one day people will see you in your PJs that all your nice ones are in the wash?

I dashed outside the tent, not looking at who I ran past, murmuring a "Excuse me." to whoever I bumped into. I slipped into the bathroom, changing in record time.

I looked at myself in the mirror, my hair hung messily against my shoulders and I had another mysterious splash of mud on my cheek. I rubbed the mud off and pulled my hair back into a ponytail, I still looked fairly ridiculous in my child-like sleeping clothes but there was nothing I could do about that.

I took a deep breath before opening the door, and deciding the best way to go about this was to be as confident as I could muster strode down the hall, out onto the porch and into the garden. "Goodnight everyone!" I said, my voice rising above any ongoing chatter but not too loud to wake Okayu's parents. I flushed a little red, but managed to walk calmy back the to the tent.

I climbed inside and dove into my sleeping bag, unable to sleep I lay there for awhile, things going round inside my head.

Funny how a couple of hours can change so much.

04.30.2008, 02:34 PM Nausicaa_Cat is offline   Profile for Nausicaa_Cat Add Nausicaa_Cat to your buddy list

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"Do your best."
I will, I thought as she entered the tent. No you won't.

[yeah, so Hibiki then goes and does his business and goes to bed. you don't need (and probably don't really want) to hear the details.]

04.30.2008, 02:50 PM arren18 is offline   Profile for arren18 Add arren18 to your buddy list Homepage of arren18

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He adjusted his posture, so that it was more of a snuggle. I could sleep right here...

His voice
"What’s it saying?"
What a funny thing to ask.

It says...

It says...

"It says it likes being listened to. It's a well-loved heart." My words were more or less a soft sleepy mumble.

I wonder what mine says.

Post last edited by Mush on 05.02.2008, 02:43 AM.

05.02.2008, 02:43 AM Mush is offline   Profile for Mush Add Mush to your buddy list
Miyazaki's Best Friend

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In the snowy forest, from far away...

"It says it likes being listened to. It's a well-loved heart."
I ran my hands a little across her back, they tightened imperceptibly, relaxed again though not as much as before.

"Hmmm... it does. I'm glad it is."

You love it so well. Someone nearby was shouting my name. The noise wasn't coming from here so it was irrelevant. I ignored it. At some point she had taken off her sweater. Are you warm enough?

There didn't seem to be any need to say or do anything else right now, so I didn't.

I closed my eyes...

Then, a few minutes later, "Tired?" It was a stupid question, the answer was obvious, but I had a reason for asking, "Do you want to go now? Or..." Stay. Stay all night...? "Stay longer?"

Post last edited by Saddletank on 05.02.2008, 06:15 PM.

05.02.2008, 04:36 AM Saddletank is offline   Profile for Saddletank Add Saddletank to your buddy list Send an Email to Saddletank
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I turned to face him and said what was on my mind. There was apprehension in his face and I could tell he wasn't used to this. It didn't faze me. In fact, if anything, his expression spurred me forward. I wanted to make sure I'd never see that sort of smile on his face. And I told him so much. His eyes closed and it looked like he was preparing himself for something but the voice that came out of his mouth seemed much smaller than it should have been, were that the case.

"Gomen nasai. I didn't mean to worry you, I just... I should have been honest."
Not just smaller, apologetic as well.

Honest…about what? I wanted to ask, “What are you keeping so guardedly?” But that was unimportant right now. Right now…

“Mmnm, just …” and asking him to smile when he really wants to, I held out my pinky. I smiled as he linked his own with mine and then he spoke, his finger still linked with mine.
"I suppose it's a habit I've got into; trying to look and act as I'm expected to. I've been doing it for a long time. It makes life simpler, if not more pleasant. But I'll try, I promise, I'll try for a little more openness. Around good people like yourself I don't really have an excuse to hide things. And there's no harm in trying, ne?"
The sadness I’d been feeling disappeared; or rather, it was replaced by a feeling of warmth that overpowered it. “Hai! No harm at all. You’re trying right now, which means so much. Thank you because I know it’s hard…for me too, it’s probably easier to smile and pretend but we can change that. We’ll both try and be honest.”

I beamed at him before giving our pinkies a final shake and letting go.

05.02.2008, 06:53 AM fenkashi is offline   Profile for fenkashi Add fenkashi to your buddy list
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I shrugged as no answer came along, as did Hirata, who moved along as well.

Heading for the tent, I saw the reason why there was no response, and shook my head.

After dumping my toiletries back into my backpack, I fished out my MP3 player from the now half-empty bag, zipped it back up, and tossed it back into the pile, then looked around.

Sigh, doesn't look that comfortable... or cooling, I thought. Thoughts of soldiers in foxholes flashed in my mind for a moment before I reached for my bag again and exited the tent. I looked around while a gust a night wind blew across my face.

Suddenly the ground looked inviting.

I tapped the ground in front of the trees between the tents to check their dryness, decided it was fine, and dropped my bag on the ground to act as a pillow, and made myself comfortable.

I could get used to this, I thought, as I plugged in my earphones, setting the volume to low.

05.03.2008, 09:45 AM Roarkiller is offline   Profile for Roarkiller Add Roarkiller to your buddy list Homepage of Roarkiller
Miyazaki's Best Friend

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“Hai! No harm at all. You’re trying right now, which means so much. Thank you because I know it’s hard…for me too, it’s probably easier to smile and pretend but we can change that. We’ll both try and be honest.”
"Hai, agreed." I nodded, dropping my hand to my side. You really are a wonderful person you know. I hope someone will tell you so. After a few moments of comfortable silence, I spoke up. "Well, I think I'm going to head to bed now, so... I guess I'll see you in the morning. Oyasumi, and... arigato, Tanaka-san. Sleep well." I bowed my head to her, and then quickly left for the tent to get my things.

I didn't see Tanaka on my way back to the tent from the house, she was probably going to bed too. About time. I was just about to enter the tent when I noticed... who was it? Icchan? He was lying on the ground just outside the tent without so much as a blanket. Weirdo. I decided not to question him on his admittedly strange choice of sleeping place, and slipped inside the tent. I stood for a few seconds, letting my eyes adjust to the darkness, before gingerly making my way across the tent to the corner where I'd left my bag.

Thankfully there didn't seem to be too many people in yet to avoid stepping on. I put my things back into my bag and zipped it up, before wriggling into my sleeping bag. I rolled onto my side, trying to get comfortable... then I remembered. Earlier, I'd purposefully left my things beside Takeo's. I'd thought that maybe we could talk later on. But now, that particular thing was pretty high on my list of Things I'd Rather Not Do. I could just make him out in the dark, but he seemed to be asleep. I was relieved. Just don't wake up and then maybe this will have a chance of not being the most uncomfortable night ever. I sighed heavily and rolled over the other way so I was facing the tent wall, still painfully aware of his presence. This is going to be a long night.

05.04.2008, 12:57 PM Kazegami is offline   Profile for Kazegami Add Kazegami to your buddy list

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I woke up.

I must be... When did I fall asleep?

"Did you just wake me up to ask if I was tired?" I grinned.
"Do you want to go now? Or... Stay longer?"

I lifted my head off his shoulder. "Mmm... I should go... soon. You have no idea how much the girls will snicker tomorrow morning."

I put my head back on his shoulder. The fire was crackling down to its last few embers.

"Just until the fire burns out?"

My eyes were already closing.

05.04.2008, 01:28 PM Mush is offline   Profile for Mush Add Mush to your buddy list
Miyazaki's Best Friend

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She stirred against me.

"Did you just wake me up to ask if I was tired?"
Gomen. For an apology I hugged again.

"Mmm... I should go... soon. You have no idea how much the girls will snicker tomorrow morning."
Let them snicker.

She put her head back down. I lifted a hand and cuddled the back of it, stroking through her hair slowly and gently, over and over, stroking her scalp.

"Just until the fire burns out?"
"Hmm, I could add more logs..."

Post last edited by Saddletank on 05.06.2008, 05:35 PM.

05.04.2008, 02:25 PM Saddletank is offline   Profile for Saddletank Add Saddletank to your buddy list Send an Email to Saddletank

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In ones and twos and threes people drifted off to use either one or other of the bathrooms and then went slowly to the tents. Shiokawa and Kawahara went first, then the group of four boys who'd hung out together all day: Otomo, Otsuki, Murakamo and Takasumi being noisy and boisterous to the bitter end.

Hirata and Masahiko said goodnight and went their separate ways and finally Honda and Tsugara hugged goodnight and turned in.

The tents filled up with muted talk and some laughter as people settled down.

Soon only Seisaku with Ameashi, Okayu with Takako and Maho with Hikari were left around the fire. The first two towards the trees, the second couple towards the buffet and the last pair towards the woodpile.

Tanaka went indoors to wash and change and came out to sit outside the girls tent.

Icchan lay under the trees and watched the sky.

The fire was dying low now and it was getting much colder.

Post last edited by NON-PLAYER CHARACTER on 05.04.2008, 08:28 PM.

05.04.2008, 08:23 PM NON-PLAYER CHARACTER is offline   Profile for NON-PLAYER CHARACTER Add NON-PLAYER CHARACTER to your buddy list

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"Hai, we can,"
Hai, we can.

He finally heard my silent request and hugged me, a different one from before. I rested against him for a while then put my arms round his waist and hugged back. I’d seen girls put their arms up round boy’s necks and the boys put theirs round the girl’s waists but I was so small we did it the other way. I squeezed tighter and giggled a little.

“Hee, even you and me hug differently!” I chuckled some more then was quiet. My head was at the height of his breastbone. I snuggled there. He smelled nice.

“i like being different. it’s nice”

{{ i like you being different too. are you happy kijiku? }}

“hai, ureshii-kijiku”

{{ that is good. i am … ureshii-ama mizu }}

“you … wow, you made a joke”

{{ i did? }}

“you have never done that before”

{{ perhaps i am becoming different too }}

“watch out for the formations of birds”

{{ . . . }}

{{ i do not understand }}

I giggled harder against Rakuin and held a bit tighter.

“never mind. nennesuru ama”

{{ my heart remains open in peace and friendship, i leave my spirit with yours, i bow in farewell }}

“later dude”

{{ ? }}

“go to bed!”

"Well, it’s been a long day and even longer night. Perhaps it is time to retire to the tents? What do you think?"
I tilted my head back and looked up at him, “I think, magic-haired dog man-san, that is a very wise idea. You might be different but you’re not stupid.” I gave a final squeeze and a quick, “Nennesuru!” and waving ran off to the girls tent, got my bag and ran to the house to find the upstairs bathroom, laughing all the way.

[ureshii = happy
nennesuru = a childish way of saying “goes to sleep” the English equivalent is something like “night-night”]

05.06.2008, 05:05 AM natsuba is offline   Profile for natsuba Add natsuba to your buddy list Send an Email to natsuba
Miyazaki's Best Friend

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We were quiet a moment then I thought I should do this thing I'd been thinking about all day. I had planned to do it later in the night, getting out of bed and rousing her too but the more I thought about it the more, hm, improper that seemed, the more chance there was the gesture might be misconstrued. And she might be deep asleep and not want to be awoken. Ah, girls... decisions, decisions... how might she react to an innocent suggestion but made in possibly the wrong circumstances...?

No, for the sake of not fraying my nerves any more, it had to be now.

I was aware Icchan had made himself comfortable just a few yards away under the fruit trees as though he was staying the night and his presence was beginning to bug me.

Go sleep in the tent like any normal person would!

There was no point worrying about it and I refused to be distracted. There was only one thing for it...

I eased away from her and sat up.

"Gomen, disturbing you. I have something I want to do. Stay there a moment."

I got up and went into the house. Downstairs all was quiet. Upstairs someone was running the water. The kitchen was blueblack and silent. I threw the light switch. Stark flourescent man-made daylight hurt my eyes. I went over to the windowsill. I’d kept the flowers in water all day so they were fresh and now I transferred them to the other container adding some greenery to make the arrangement more interesting.

I stood back and put my head on one side. Hm. Yeah.

I carried it back into the garden and sat back down beside her on the log. I held out to her what I had brought. It was a glazed earthenware vase. I’d found one of quite unusual design in a local store; only a few inches high it was squat with a broad base, the diameter greater than it’s height. It had a slender neck and looked something like a western lead-crystal whisky decanter. An inverted 'T'. It had a smoky blue glaze on it, the colour swirling and smearing like mist. The perfect colour for the bluebells. I’d picked a few chives and dill from mom’s herb box and these fluffed out the arrangement a little giving it more interest.

I kept my voice low so we would not be overheard.

“Here, for you. With that base it’ll be safe even on a futon by your pillow.” I looked at her for a few seconds very seriously. Again, I couldn’t stop my gaze from tracing from one eye to the other, back and forth. I wanted the intensity of my feelings to be clear, “Thank you very much for coming. It was the highlight of my day, opening the door and seeing you'd arrived. I knew the day would be fantastic when that happened. I’m very pleased you enjoyed yourself. Seeing you happy means a lot to me.”

I passed the vase over and sat back to wait for her reaction.

05.06.2008, 05:50 PM Saddletank is offline   Profile for Saddletank Add Saddletank to your buddy list Send an Email to Saddletank

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I yawned as he slid away, and rubbed my eyes a bit.

"Gomen, disturbing you. I have something I want to do. Stay there a moment."
"A-hmm?" I asked groggily. He's probably off to the bathroom... Actually, I could probably take this time to brush my teeth and go to sleep properly somewhere...

A blue-ish light flicked on from the house, casting window-shaped patches across the lawn. He was gone for a little while. And then his figure crept back from the house.

He brought with him...
“Here, for you. With that base it’ll be safe even on a futon by your pillow.”
I was a little dumbstruck. Flowers? In a vase?

"... at midnight?" I said quietly, continuing my chain of thoughts. "Ano..."

He gave me an intense look. I woke up right away.
“Thank you very much for coming. It was the highlight of my day, opening the door and seeing you'd arrived. I knew the day would be fantastic when that happened. I’m very pleased you enjoyed yourself. Seeing you happy means a lot to me.”
He handed me the vase. I was still a little confused by the gesture - more by its timing - but that didn't stop the bubbles from welling up while the words sank in.

"Arigato..." I whispered. "Sugoku kiirei."

It also smelled more like garden herbs than flowers. That did it for me, easily.

"It has been fantastic! And," I glanced over to the boy's tent, adding "quite successful too." I smiled.

I placed the vase down behind the bench, where I wouldn't knock it over.

I then realized that I wasn't wearing my sweater, and it was colder than ever. But somehow, even though I could feel how cold it was, I didn't feel cold myself. Someone had flicked on the furnace, and the warmth coming from inside was enough to balance the coldness of the night.

It's because he's right here. And there's nobody watching...

"But there's one more thing that would make today perfect..." I added, still in a whisper. I couldn't keep the smile down - the bubbles had surfaced. "Can you guess?"

05.07.2008, 01:12 AM Mush is offline   Profile for Mush Add Mush to your buddy list
Miyazaki's Best Friend

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"Arigato... Sugoku kiirei."
No. Thank you.

"It has been fantastic! And quite successful too."
I caught her glance towards the tent, “Hm, he stayed. You must be quite the diplomat, moreso than I.” For a moment I wanted to thank her for that too, for talking to Hibiki so that the other boy hadn’t gone home but that was an odd thought, like why should I care so much? It made no sense, yet… a small niggling thing told me it was important. That small niggle faded when she spoke again.

"But there's one more thing that would make today perfect..."

"Can you guess?"
Her smile thoroughly disarmed me, of course I could guess but how do you respond coherently when that happens? When a person whose simple presence makes time stand still adds to that feeling with a smile? A smile like that? And words like that.

For a while nothing happened. Well nothing happened outwardly. Inside I was roaring, surging, it was a surprise to me that I remained sitting on the log.

I watched her carefully, her smile never faltered, her eyes remained honest, a slight question in them, a request perhaps. Her brows dipped down just the tiniest amount in query. I fell in love with those brows then. I looked at that slight question on her face and fell in love with it, the question, the skin that bent those brows, the muscles underneath, the mind that made that question. I was in love with all of it, she was love and I was… helpless. I noticed her head was tilted a little down and her hair hung forwards slightly. In the firelight it was different. For a minute I studied it.

Words began to come out. I had no idea what they would be. I spoke quietly, softly.

“Time. We never seem to have time.”

“We have time now. You stopped it.”
My smile softened and became a mirror of hers, a memory came. It made me smile too.

“I think one of the first things I said to you was about your hair. Do you remember? Perhaps I embarrassed you? You left the room. I didn’t mean to. I just – you know – noticed it. And you know… you shouldn’t be, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. It’s beautiful hair. I like its thickness, its weight. And the colours in it, they’re like…”

“It’s not completely black is it? Rather it’s so black it’s blue and there are tints of highlight in it, silver. It’s like… electricity.”

“No, no, don’t move. I’ve never looked this closely before but in this light with the warm tints from the fire it’s got a deep purplish sheen to it, each strand is like…”
I was losing myself now, I struggled to find the words and I wasn’t speaking them just to her but to myself as well, off in a dream, “Each is a tiny magic spell. Quite beautiful, quite amazing, like something deep in the ocean or high up in the evening sky after sunset has almost done colouring it.”

I carefully moved a hand up and ran a finger or two through it, pushing it back from her forehead and around one ear, watching the blue-black sheen course through it.

“Which is why… I want to do this…” I moved close and pressed my lips briefly to her hair at her temple.

Kissing the night, kissing the deep ocean.

* * * * * * *

I moved away a little, a few inches.

“Mm… and your face. I don’t know, maybe some people would say it’s an ordinary face, plain even and you don’t smile much.” I looked at her carefully, “But they don’t know you, they don’t know the lovely person who lives behind that face. I’ve only known that person a short time but already, she’s taken me prisoner. This person sends out an amazing light that makes that face shine. When that happens, when you smile, when you just gaze at me, it’s a pretty face, quite amazing. And when you don’t laugh and smile? When you frown? Even when you scowl at me… Then… well, then it’s merely beautiful… that’s all,” I shrugged and grinned, “You are very pretty Takako.”

My grin faded to just a smile, a gentle one.

Now the surging roaring creature inside me knew what it wanted to do and where it wanted this to go. Even though I could glimpse a destination, I was nervous.

“So…” I kissed her cheek, “Pretty face.”

“And don’t even get me started on those eyes. I won’t be able to stop. I won’t talk about your eyes, I don’t need to. And I don’t have the words.” I took her head in my hands and turning it a little first one way, then the other I lightly kissed each eyelid.

* * * * * * *

“And here,” I pressed the pad of a finger to the tip of her nose, tapping it a couple of times “Great nose. Awesome. Really. The most awesome nose ever. This is pretty too. Kawaii. I love your nose.”

“This much…”
I demonstrated my fondness for her nose in the same way, by briefly worshipping it with my lips. I pulled away again. Quietly now, very softly,

“Great chin, there’s character in this chin. When you stick it out at me if I dare to open a door for you…” I shook my head, smiling, “beautiful chin.”

Loving that, I kissed it too.

* * * * * * *

I lifted a hand and gently put the pad of a single finger to her forehead.

“In here, something I want to get to know much better, a beautiful person… uh… quite a confusing mind, a bit odd, clever too but… different. Different to people I’ve known before. Different priorities, a girl who wants to carry their own bag. Not like others.” I chuckled a little. Then I rose up, stretching and touched my mouth gently there between and above her eyebrows, “Please let me know her more.”

The words were easy to say now, they came out in an easy flow.

Why has it never been like this before?

So… easy… So… right.

* * * * * * *

“Ears. Uhn… Did I ever mention ears? I don’t think I did. I was sat in class one day, um, and it struck me how cute they are as well.”

I could only get at one of them but with my lips and my barely contained fears I showed her just how cute it was.

“And here, where you speak and breathe, where air is drawn in and gives you life, where your lungs push it out and you smell so sweet, I love you here too.”

Carefully and slowly I closed that gap. I left my hands limp in my lap. I didn't touch her except with my lips and my heart.

I showed her how much. For a long time. How much I loved her and how happy and strong she made me. And this time in a way both more tender and more special. This time I wanted to communicate something more; a new feeling, a new need. I gently poured everything into this act, this emotion; my mouth did not remain closed.

05.07.2008, 05:30 AM Saddletank is offline   Profile for Saddletank Add Saddletank to your buddy list Send an Email to Saddletank
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“Hee, even you and me hug differently!”

"Yeah I guess we do, but that is cause we are different, but in a good way. We are that much better and that much more in tune then the rest." I smiled a smile that she couldn't have seen but probably knew of and held her against my chest. She was such a tiny thing we had our positions switched as I had my arms around her neck and she held me like I was a giant teddy bear.
“I think, magic-haired dog man-san, that is a very wise idea. You might be different but you’re not stupid.”

I gave her a wink and she said good night and ran off. I knew she'd be okay for the rest of tonight and thus let her go and I made my way to the boys tent for some much needed sleep.

05.07.2008, 05:12 PM Miyrru is offline   Profile for Miyrru Add Miyrru to your buddy list Send an Email to Miyrru

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I found the upstairs bathroom and listened at the door a moment wondering if I should go in. It seemed empty so I pushed it open and peered round. It was empty. I closed the door behind me noticing that in the traditional manner it had no lock.

I undressed and washed around all the important places and dried myself.

“If front and rear / be kept clean and clear / you never need fear.” I grinned at mummy’s silly ditty she used to sing to me when I was tiny. It felt odd being undressed in a strange house, I realised this was the first ever night I’d spent away. The first ever. Not from home, mummy and I had gone to hotels on holiday a few times to other parts of the country but she was always around, in the room or the next room, making those times seem normal. This was my first time alone, away from her. I felt strange, a little exposed somehow. I put my robe on over my skin and brushed my teeth and hair then stuffed all my things back in my bag and went back down.

I passed some other girls on the way and smiled at them awkwardly, a little embarrassed.

Back at the tent I dropped my bag inside then went out again barefoot. I wanted to say good night to Aoi but she was with Sadoru and they were… hm, busy… so I just stood a little way away not looking their way and wished her a silent goodnight. Privacy, hm, I'm learning Aigyo-Aoi, I'm learning.

I went to the boys tent and listened at the flap, there were murmurings inside, they were talking. “Hibiki! Kazuo! Rakuin! Nennesuru!” I called out in a loud whisper, “See you in the morning!”

I went back to the other tent past the trees and saw someone lying on the ground under them, his head propped up on a bag. It was Icchan. I stood a moment wondering if he was alright. The last few people still up were ignoring him so I assumed he wasn’t hurt. Then I saw he had earphones in. I puzzled over him a bit longer but couldn’t work it out.

What are you doing? I wondered, Are you going to sleep there? A part of me wanted to suddenly just lie down with him and stare up at the trees and stars, like in my imagination of the Aomori forest. Then I thought it might not be the right thing to do and if somehow mummy found out I’d be in big trouble. Regretfully I went to the tent. But I had an idea. I found two spare blankets and brought them out, shaking them out and laying them over him, tucking them round his feet to keep him warm. He didn't move. I stood and looked at him a moment, my head on one side then kneeling down I kissed my fingertips and touched them to his forehead.

Night night, Icchan. Sweet dreams.

Back at the tent Mai was there. I lifted the flap and went in, as I went by I spoke to her in a whisper.

“Hi! Are you going to bed?”

05.07.2008, 05:51 PM natsuba is offline   Profile for natsuba Add natsuba to your buddy list Send an Email to natsuba
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I'd sat there for a rather long time, playing with my phone. Sleep wasn't coming and I didn't want to bother the people already sleeping inside so I stayed outside. The stars were beautiful yet elusive, under the scattered passing clouds.

I was in my own little world, very far away when I heard a voice next to me.

“Hi! Are you going to bed?”
"Ah, Na-chan," I looked at her, trying to focus, "Mm, I suppose I should...it's pretty late." I stepped into the tent behind her and moved towards our bags, we'd left them somewhere close together when we were here earlier tonight.

"Oh, here..." I whispered, finding them and gesturing to Na-chan. After putting my phone back in my bag, I took out a brush and starting pulling it through my hair. What a mess.

05.09.2008, 04:26 PM fenkashi is offline   Profile for fenkashi Add fenkashi to your buddy list

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"I suppose I should...it's pretty late."
Mai got up and came into the tent with me. We found our bags and then she sat down and began brushing her hair. I found a pillow and a couple of blankets and bundled them over to the tent flap, spreading them out and making a bed. I still had this craving for seeing the stars and trees. Perhaps I could put my head right by the door and tuck the flap back a few inches and stare up?

It was quiet in the tent, no-one was talking. A few curled up bundles lay about, people asleep or nearly so. I'd rather hoped we could talk in the tent but it had been a long day and people were tired I guess.

Putting my bag beside me I reached in for the candle in it's glass, one of those that comes ready poured into a tumbler with a wide base so it shouldn't get knocked over. In a side pocket I had a book of matches and I struck one and lit the candle.

The things you're doing today Kijuku, mummy would kill you if she knew... I put the candle behind my bag in the corner so the light was partly shielded. It's flickering glow made the tent light enough to see by but not too light to disturb those asleep - I hoped.

I undid my robe and dropped it over my bag then scrambled under a blanket. I lay on my back and tucked the tent flap aside so I could see up at the sky. I could hear the soft swish of Mai's brush running through her hair over and over.

"It's been a very odd day hasn't it?" I whispered to her as quietly as I could so as not to wake the others, "Lots of funny things happened. Nice though. I enjoyed it. Did you?"

Swish-swish-swssssshhhhh... As I lay there I think she answered me, I heard a voice, it might have been hers, or it might have been the leaves of the trees swishing slightly...

If it was Mai I must have seemed very rude because I didn't answer...

I felt it coming all of a sudden. I hadn't felt at all tired five minutes ago but it came on me in a rush and quite suddenly I closed my eyes and thoughts that were half formed wandered away in weird directions and became strange and confused and within a minute of lying down I faded away.

Post last edited by natsuba on 05.10.2008, 10:02 AM.

05.09.2008, 07:19 PM natsuba is offline   Profile for natsuba Add natsuba to your buddy list Send an Email to natsuba
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